Recent content by Liderside

  1. L


    Nice write up! What about the psychological difference of being up 17-0 vs 12-0 (Safety vs TD)? Had that call gone our way the game becomes a blow out, though I admit that when we are up 12-0 and the Colts weren't moving the ball I thought it was going to be a blow out anyway...
  2. L

    Matt Flynn demoted to third string QB in Oakland

    Yep, I am new and just trying to participate. Sorry for the x-post. I figured hawks fans would actually care about Flynn's troubles. Sorry to ruffle feathers
  3. L

    Matt Flynn demoted to third string QB in Oakland

    According to the Seattle Times: ... 03xml.html Not that Oakland has much protection to offer, but not good news for Flynn supporters. Great news for JC and the Seahawks FO. Where will Matt Flynn be in 3 years? Yikes...
  4. L

    Seahawks @Houston RoadHawkin'

    Yep, voice is wasted this morning. Permanent damage yet to be determined.
  5. L

    My First Away Game! It was special, thanks!!

    Thanks! Luck doesn't describe it, I am still reeling from how the hell I walked in. It must have been the power juice from the tailgate.
  6. L

    My First Away Game! It was special, thanks!!

    @Hawkaboi, yes having the .net group having my back was a huge confidence boost.
  7. L

    My First Away Game! It was special, thanks!!

    Hi guys and gals! I wanted to just share my experience this weekend in Houston as it was my first away game and my first experience with the .net crew, and it was AMAZING!!! I was the guy in the Rick Mirer jersey. The flight on Saturday was filled with 12th man pride, we even got a couple 'go...
  8. L

    Seahawks @Houston RoadHawkin'

    Hey everyone. My buddy told me about this thread, so I am super excited to join you this weekend in Houston! I'm flying from Seattle on Saturday, getting in on the 4:40 in Houston. Heading to Twin Peaks, staying at the Mariott near the stadium. Looking forward to meeting the crew and tailgating...