Recent content by Sharkahawkolic

  1. S

    Aros' Fearless Prediction Thread (Seahawks @ Colts)

    I'm not worried about this game. In fact, I think it will be a blow out. Luck feels the pressure to beat the baby faced killer and hurls three int's. Lynch breaks out and has a monster day. With the ground game established Tate breaks tackles, scoring 2 TD's. Hawks 35 Colts 13
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    Nike Seahawks Drenched Jersey

    Merry Christmas to it!
  3. S

    Aros' Fearless Prediction Thread (Seahawks @ Texans)

    The winner of this game will be the one with a defensive or special teams touchdown. If Russel pulls this game out of his ass and takes over, he is a god and is worthy of our praise. 17-10 Hawks.
  4. S

    Why is our offense not clicking?

    I'm going to throw out an alternative theory, our defense. Our offense goes up against the most stifling defense this league has witnessed in years.....every freaking practice. Offense's are all about timing and it's difficult to get into any kind of rhythm when you are struggling every...
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    Hawks ruining the NFL! Help needed.

    Yes, I have the same issues. I am currently living for that three hour high I get every Sunday. Honestly, if I could fast-forward through the entire week I would. I live in San Francisco and am literally a ten minute walk to the Bay, and yet I sit here all day and cruise the web waiting for news...
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    Its Week 6. Trade Deadline.

    I think the most likely trade would be a running back for a run stuffer. We are so deep at RB and really need some beef on the line.
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    Hawks vs Niners discussion

    I think we are all guilty of speculating on our teams future performance based on our prior performance. And it's not just the fans, but NFL "analyst" are guilty as well. But Kaep's performance has zero to do with this game. There are just too many variables to say because he did x,y and z to...
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    Lots of Monkeys off our backs

    I agree, this game had loss written all over it. Think about the players we had on the sideline: Cliff Avril, Percy Harvin, Brandon Browner, Chris Clemons, and Bruce Irvin, (I also think Rice was ailing out there today) Talented players at crucial positions. Now, add in a !0 a.m. start, road...
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    Panther fan with a question for seahawk fans

    Lack of class? You just posted a nearly unreadable post on your enemies forum listing a group of scrubs and demanding an answer. That is not "classy." Irregardless, here is the answer to your question. Your team is facing the most dominant secondary in the league. Outside of Steve Smith, your...
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    We've been called out for a wager at CarolinaHuddle Board...

    Radish, I almost spit my food all over my couch, I laughed so hard.
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    Calling all Bay Hawks!

    Hey, thanks everyone. I live in lower pacific heights, so it's hike and a pain to get out of the city. The good news is, as you guys noted, we get THE GAME on tv! I will check out the facebook link, that will be a big help. Go Hawks!
  12. S

    Calling all Bay Hawks!

    Fellow Bay Hawk fans, I know how you feel, I too live in the smug filth of 49'r nation and at times that rank smell is unbearable. With that in mind, I was wondering if there is a bar in the area where the 12th man gathers to watch the game in a show of solidarity,(I've only lived here a year...
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    Random Thoughts™ on the Raiders preseason game

    I wouldn't be too concerned about the run game tonight; the Raiders were crashing their backers and safties into the run lanes, that's why the roll out to the TE was working so well. In other news, I live in San Francisco and had to watch the Raider broadcast on TV. What a bunch of morons these...
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    Roster bubble player(s) you are rooting for the most vs. OAK

    I think Pete has deliberately kept Harper's reps down in pre-season. We have good depth at wide receiver and he is a long term project with huge upside. He is more than likely destined for the practice squad, so keeping him under raps for now makes sense.
  15. S

    Christine Michael Preseason Highlights

    He looks like a bowling ball on skates...which means...perfect.