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    Marshawn Lynch in talks on return with Seahawks, RB says ... ks-rb-says
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    I'm DYING for some post game coverage!! When does it start?

    I can't find any videos and the place I was watching cut out to the Patriots game! I'm guessing they are celebrating and cleaning up right now, but does anyone have any info about what's going on? I'm on live stream but nothing is happening at the moment. I'm soooooo happy right...
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    How long will superbowl jerseys be avaliable to purchase?

    I'd like to buy quite a few but money is a bit tight. I'd really regret not getting one if they're no longer avaliable soon. How long have jerseys for other superbowl teams generally last?
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    Anyone in Portland getting together to watch the game?

    Normally my wife and I watch the game at Buffalo Wild Wings or with the inlaws. We've never really watched a game with a lot of Hawk fans and we think it would be great to do so. Is there anyone from this forum meeting up and watching the game together? Any recommendations other than Buffalo...