Podcast/Interview with possible Seahawk Miles Killebrew


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
Last year the player that kept jumping off the screen to me was David Johnson. Hated seeing him go to the Cardinals. He's doing even better than I would have anticipated, but still not surprising. He's such a fluid athlete.

Myles Killebrew has my attention already in a similar way this year. I just logged on to post about him, but decided to search to not just add another new post. Best to keep info and comments on a player in the same thread. Good job, English. Thanks for getting this one going.

Sure looks like he should be a high draft pick. But, so did David Johnson. One site currently has Killebrew projected as a 5th round pick. I'd say he will be gone by the 3rd round. But, I think he will be a draft riser.

Would love to see another player with tenacity drafted by the Hawks. I don't know who coined the phrase "Seahawky" (if it was here on .net or elsewhere), but I'd say this guy fits the bill. When I watch the highlights I see a bit of Earl Thomas, a bit of Kam, and love how he still plays the ball after the catch and knocks it out.

Here's more on him:
http://www.suutbirds.com/ViewArticle.db ... =205237396


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My favorite thing about Killebrew is that he could have chosen any super easy general studies type of education with the NFL prospects he has, but he opted to be an engineering major anyway. For those who haven't majored in Engineering, it's really hard.

So if nothing else, you know he's a smart guy and a hard worker... maybe even a little bit of a nerd too.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
Impressive, well-spoken young man. I'm going to have my high schooler watch his highlights and listen to the interview.


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North Pole, Alaska
kearly":3df0jb7p said:
My favorite thing about Killebrew is that he could have chosen any super easy general studies type of education with the NFL prospects he has, but he opted to be an engineering major anyway. For those who haven't majored in Engineering, it's really hard.

So if nothing else, you know he's a smart guy and a hard worker... maybe even a little bit of a nerd too.

Engineering is tough, lots of math. Most athletes seem to major in communications.

One of the hockey players where I went to college (UAF Nanooks) was an Electrical Engineer with a 3.9GPA. I was stunned. Guy was smart and hardworking.


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Elma, WA
Watched the one game I could find and was not impressed. Part of it may be sxheme, but he seemed really tentative. Just kind if sits in space and waits for stuff to happen. He even waits to initiate the tackle. Doesn't get after guys.

He reminds me a bit of Taylor Mays. A guy who looks the part, but plays soft.


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Orlando, FL
McGruff":j8h4xl7e said:
Watched the one game I could find and was not impressed. Part of it may be sxheme, but he seemed really tentative. Just kind if sits in space and waits for stuff to happen. He even waits to initiate the tackle. Doesn't get after guys.

He reminds me a bit of Taylor Mays. A guy who looks the part, but plays soft.

It's probably the scheme. I ask my kid (and his teammates) in high school why players are in certain positions and why they don't just get after it as we see it from the stands. It's a team game and they depend on the other guys to be in position and do their job. That's usually where I have questions about apparent hesitancy.

That said... I don't know how one game could trump what we see in these highlights. At what point in his career did that game take place? This year? Regardless, I would more look at his body of work vs. one game.

I don't see A THING about this guy that rings "Taylor Mays" or "Soft." Are you watching the same guy when you found a game? You certainly can't be saying "soft" about the highlight reel. That kid is a missile.


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I'd much rather base an evaluation on full game tape vs. Highlights. Can't see why anyone wouldnt?

But I do look forward to watching more as they are posted.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
McGruff":2cz4ld1a said:
I'd much rather base an evaluation on full game tape vs. Highlights. Can't see why anyone wouldnt?

But I do look forward to watching more as they are posted.
Both full game tape and highlights can be useful. But, think a scout wouldn't be working long if he watched just ONE random game and graded a prospect based on that. But, I don't recall saying one shouldn't watch full game tape. Just that highlights of his full body of work probably better represents what this kid is about than just ONE full game. You put words in my mouth there a bit. Come on, man. But, I'll take a look at what you posted and give some initial thoughts. I'm dealing with something tough personally, so I don't have time to watch it all right now.


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Orlando, FL
McGruff":2m520c9k said:

Watching the College FB semi-final games, but I'll do a 10 play gander and make basic observations. Again, I've got some other personal things going on.

1st play - excellent. did his job by taking a proper angle for a Safety.
2nd play - by himself vs. the option. contained waiting for help? indifferent to this play
3rd - contained, made initial impact and held the point of attack waiting for help. good play
4th - play ran away from him. N/A
5th - Incomplete pass
6th - Contained and stayed in position to prevent possible bigger play
7th - made the read and tackle. The RB even tried to make a cut and he still stopped him.
8th - Read the QB's eyes and stayed in position - QB scrambled to opposite side of field
9th - Read and reacted perfectly. Great coverage and pursuit. Made the tackle.
10th - I/C pass (opposite side of field) - NOTE commentators talking about 3 So. Utah defenders.

Seems like a consistent pattern here. I would expect the rest of the game would be much of the same? (Maybe you've got some timeline references to poor play that concerns you? Shoot those my way.) Small sample size, but seems like the opponent game-planned to run plays away from him more often than not.


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Elma, WA
Nor was I saying one game is enough. But it's the one full game film that exists for us nonprofessionals right now, and based on that one game I saw a guy who looked tentative and lacked aggression.

Perhaps more tape will reveal something different, and if so I will revise my opinion accordingly.


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Elma, WA
And in some schemes his "discipke/tentativens" wod be an asset, but we tend to. Alue players with more aggression and flow.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
Looks like just you and me having a discussion, McGruff! Hope you and yours had a great Christmas, etc.

I certainly understood what you were trying to say about full game and obviously realize we have just one game at this point. My point is "in comparison" - that the highlights represent a fuller look at his body of work vs. the ONE game you were able to post... not at all suggesting that ONE game is enough either. Certainly a scout wouldn't do that and I'm sure you wouldn't either. I'm not at all intending to insult you. Again, just making a point that the highlight reel has value, man. Certainly for our purposes. Anything we armchair scouts can get a look at is something. He's got quite a bit of footage.

It doesn't make a lot of sense to not take a look at some of the better plays that represent his game. If a player is making several impact plays, that suggests that he could possibly be a player that helps his team tilt the field. Yeah, there's some projection, assumption, etc. That's scouting and assessment. Everyone has got to make their call. But, whether it's highlights or full game... "The eye in the sky don't lie" - a player is either making plays or he's not and it doesn't always matter whether it's being viewed in a highlight reel or full game tape.

But, how about this... go ahead and send me Three (or more if you want) examples from the game you posted. Please don't feel as though I'm giving you an assignment (and not trying to be directive.) But, instead of mere opinions without referencing a play... I think it might help back up what you're saying. Just tell me the timeline reference (beginning to end) and write what you are seeing. How's that sound?

You say tentative, etc. but I'd need to see what specific plays because I have YET to see that from him. It's certainly not inconceivable that he has logged a few (at least apparent) "tentative" plays. But, sounds like what you see overall is that you don't think he's aggressive/assertive enough? Again, that's why looking at highlights can be beneficial for guys like us. It might reveal consistencies. We're not scouts. So, the highlights are like cliff notes. Of course if I'm a hired scout, I'm pouring through full game tape. But, they have the luxury these days of getting those edited even better than what we're seeing in the example game you posted.

I'm trying to understand what you're seeing and why you're labeling it as such. Not just trying to argue with you just to argue. But, forgive me... your opinion just doesn't make much sense with what my eyes are seeing. (I do need to get my eyes checked, though. ;) Lol.) I can't understand and even agree to disagree if I can't see some specific examples with explanation of what you're seeing and assessment. Sound like a plan? If so, show me some specifics of of you're seeing. I am curious. Maybe I'll learn something I'm not seeing otherwise.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
(Former scout) Daniel Jeremiah rates Killebrew as the #33 best player available in the draft.

Jan 18, 2016...
http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap300000 ... -nfl-draft

"Killebrew was a four-year starter for the Thunderbirds. He lines up as a box safety and functions basically as a linebacker in this scheme. He is a dominant run defender. He is quick to diagnose and he explodes downhill toward the football. He is a very dynamic, explosive tackler. He produces big shots in the alley as well as between the tackles. He doesn't have much coverage responsibility but he has the speed and athleticism to cover backs and tight ends. I don't envision him as a traditional high safety but he should excel at strong safety or weakside linebacker."