Anyone ever have an EVIL Commissioner?


Oct 22, 2009
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So I play ESPN Fantasy Football every year and usually join a random league for fun and to help prepare for my main league. This year I got dumped in the league from HELL run by the Lord of Flies, Beelzebub, himself.

In Summary:

1) In August we conduct our 3 hour live Auction draft. It's grueling, as Auction drafts tend to be when not all league members are present. But once the draft finally concluded I was thrilled with my team.

2) The next day Satan sends me an email saying that his friend, Adolph Hitler, couldn't make the Live draft so we were going to do it again. No, seriously, he wanted to 'redraft'. I politely explained that I was happy with my team and would prefer to leave things as they were but he informs me that he's already deleted those results. At this point I am filled with intrigue. Who does that? I agree to redraft.

3) So we 'redraft' and 3 hours later I am not as thrilled with my team. Oh, and his friend shows, makes two picks, then leaves - so it was totally worth it.

4) I consistently receive the most inane trade requests ever which I summarily decline only to be publicly vilified on the league message boards. "Your an idiot! I was giving you Reno Mahe, Gary Hogeboom and the festering jockstrap of Mosi Tatupu and all I wanted was Marshawn and Megatron", etc. Actually that's a better deal than most I was offered. Again I wonder, am I in the Official Short-Bus League?

5) The playoffs are closing in with Commissioner Satan a game out and headed toward the loser's bracket. Of course, the Prince of Darkness cannot allow such a slight to stand and thus employs the time-honored tactics he taught to Machiavelli. It started somewhat innocuously, an off-color insult aimed at the league's top team and posted to the league message board. It resulted in a flame war of epic proportions ending with the best team in the league getting booted out.

6) With the #1 team now gone, Lucifer elevates his squad to the playoffs. It strikes me that there is something vaguely familiar about what happened, redolent of the Gulf of Tonkin incident, something about creating a pretext to justify war...etc. But I have a life to attend to and pay it little heed.

7) My team now has the top seed and I win the first game of the playoffs by a healthy margin. Mephistopheles takes note. His team eeks out a playoff win in the other division but foresees that my squad is a threat to his world domination. That's when the comment came. Again, relatively mild, but enough to get me to respond. I'm on to him now so I refrain from ad-hominems, profanity, et al and merely point out that his leadership has been "questionable". That was all it took.

8) I am now booted from the league and the Devil wins again.

We weren't playing for anything so no big deal, but I am always a little taken aback when I discover that people like this actually exist.

Anyone else ever run into something similar?


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Aug 20, 2012
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Haha, in one of my leagues, I always get silly trade requests. I just decline them and call them idiots...may as well, if they think I'll give up top tier players for nothing. I don't mind though, they know it bums me out and send me stuff like Wilson for some backup DB.

Every year I call everyone out for collusion, I don't really care at all (not playing for anything), but it is fun to stir the pot.


Active member
May 3, 2009
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Danggg man, that's the worst fantasy football story I've ever heard! I legitimately feel bad for you. But at the same time, the first sign was when he chose to re-draft, after you had a team you were happy with. I would have left the league and joined another random one at that point. But lesson learned I guess.


Apr 30, 2009
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My story isn't remotely as bad, but it should entertain a few people...
Work league with one of the supervisors as the commissioner. He's new to being a fantasy football commissioner, so I offer to give him some pointers, seeing as I have been a league commissioner for 10 years in my main league.
He declines, saying he has it figured out.
The league has 14 teams. Here are the roster slots...
So on every week of the season, the league needs 28 starting QBs and RBs and 42 starting WRs plus a flex.
I point this out pre-draft and I am told it won't be an issue.
I draft three legitimate QBs so I can cover bye weeks and injuries and get BLASTED for it by everyone in the league.
Anyway...won't be joining the work league next year...


Oct 22, 2009
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Yeah, I reported him to ESPN, more for the other guy than myself, but they just laughed at me. ESPN doesn't "adjudicate" league squabbles.

LargentFan, did you call out your supervisor for his mistake or was your paycheck more important? That's the type of situation where I'd mouth off and spend the next two weeks on Monster looking for a job...


Apr 30, 2009
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Oh he and I get along quite well. He knows he messed up and didn't even try to defend himself. Unfortunately, it was just too late to fix it at that point.


Active member
May 3, 2009
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A two-QB league is always something I've wanted to take part it. Would make things much more interesting.


Apr 30, 2009
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2 QBs only works with 10 teams or less. 10 might be stretching it unless there are a few friendly people willing to do temporary trades. Since you need a minimum of 3 QBs to have a proper roster with a backup for bye weeks, that means you need 30 viable fantasy QBs, 20 of which need to be active week to week. That is a tall order.


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Jul 21, 2013
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I really enjoyed my 2 QB league (12 teams), partially because I was regular season champ even after drafting Eli and Big Ben. It was the first time I've done a 2 QB league and I'll be doing one next year.
As far as commish horror stories go: I was in a Yahoo league last year where I missed the draft. I was ready for it but one day the commissioner changed the draft to that same day, a week earlier than what was scheduled, didn't bother to tell anyone. Only 2/10 teams showed up, the commissioners team (ran by owner: Jim) and another (ran by owner: James...hmmmm). Those same 2 teams colluded all year, making ridiculous trades and since the trade review time was only 24 hours, many owners didn't have a chance to veto and expressed their disgust with the way the league was run. By week 4, only 3 teams remained active, Jim's team, James' team (which was terrible because the best players were traded to Jim's team) , and mine...out of spite. When playoffs started he was the 1 seed and I was the 2nd. He lost to the 4th seed ran by an inactive owner and I went on to win the league. All the bottled up hatred exploded out of me after I won and I spewed it all over the league's message board, berating him verbally to a pulp. He never replied but I know he saw it.