How to get out of the funk?

Mike 4G

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May 9, 2009
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I am still crushed, been watching my whole life. Last year was amazing, but that feeling has been stomped by this loss. All those bad years in the AFC hating the Donkeys, Raiders and Chiefs to almost moving and the brief Mora era. I know how hard it is to get there and it is hard to be optimistic.

How is everyone else coping with this?


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Nov 18, 2013
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I don't think anything can stomp out the joy of last year, and actually winning a championship. That can't be taken away. Pete Carroll could kick a baby across the room and I'd still be happy lol. That's a joke, but yeah.

Hopefully our organization takes it as an opportunity to improve. We have been to the Superbowl in two of the last three years, and our defense isn't going anywhere. A lost opportunity, but life goes on.


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The Seahawks have a young, talented, confident and hungry team. This loss hurts and makes you want to not watch any sports news for about 6 months (I know from 3 separate occasions... 96, 07, 11). However your team will be back at this level again soon and will have redemption on the brain.

It hurts now because that is the life of a fan. Ups and downs for a fan is what makes you passionate. You've suffered through the bad and experienced the great. The great thing about the NFL is that there is a brand new season waiting to be won next year.

So while grieving is completely normal, make sure you think about the future and that you have a season still to look forward to (Draft is in 2-3 months :) ). The future is still bright as hell in the pacific northwest in terms of football.

Great game by the way!



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Jan 20, 2014
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Gronkzilla":274bbh3h said:
The Seahawks have a young, talented, confident and hungry team. This loss hurts and makes you want to not watch any sports news for about 6 months (I know from 3 separate occasions... 96, 07, 11). However your team will be back at this level again soon and will have redemption on the brain.

It hurts now because that is the life of a fan. Ups and downs for a fan is what makes you passionate. You've suffered through the bad and experienced the great. The great thing about the NFL is that there is a brand new season waiting to be won next year.

So while grieving is completely normal, make sure you think about the future and that you have a season still to look forward to (Draft is in 2-3 months :) ). The future is still bright as hell in the pacific northwest in terms of football.

Great game by the way!


Cheers to you as well!! Im pretty sure you wouldnt be posting here if the Hawks caught that ball but thanks for all the blah blah blah...


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Jan 30, 2015
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Time heals all wounds.........but the scar will always remain.


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Florida and loving GOP country!
Mike 4G":317kvoze said:
I am still crushed, been watching my whole life. Last year was amazing, but that feeling has been stomped by this loss. All those bad years in the AFC hating the Donkeys, Raiders and Chiefs to almost moving and the brief Mora era. I know how hard it is to get there and it is hard to be optimistic.

How is everyone else coping with this?

We won last year, so that has taken the sting out of this loss for me. I am still not happy about it, but we will still be a dynasty when we win it next year.


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Arlington, Washington
Gronkzilla":1tpyhoh5 said:
The Seahawks have a young, talented, confident and hungry team. This loss hurts and makes you want to not watch any sports news for about 6 months (I know from 3 separate occasions... 96, 07, 11). However your team will be back at this level again soon and will have redemption on the brain.

It hurts now because that is the life of a fan. Ups and downs for a fan is what makes you passionate. You've suffered through the bad and experienced the great. The great thing about the NFL is that there is a brand new season waiting to be won next year.

So while grieving is completely normal, make sure you think about the future and that you have a season still to look forward to (Draft is in 2-3 months :) ). The future is still bright as hell in the pacific northwest in terms of football.

Great game by the way!


Normally a post from our enemy would piss me off at a time like this, but not this time. It reminds me of something I would post on their site had the situations been reversed. Thanks man. You actually did make me feel a slight bit better.


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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
BlueThunder":24bhfapr said:
Gronkzilla":24bhfapr said:
The Seahawks have a young, talented, confident and hungry team. This loss hurts and makes you want to not watch any sports news for about 6 months (I know from 3 separate occasions... 96, 07, 11). However your team will be back at this level again soon and will have redemption on the brain.

It hurts now because that is the life of a fan. Ups and downs for a fan is what makes you passionate. You've suffered through the bad and experienced the great. The great thing about the NFL is that there is a brand new season waiting to be won next year.

So while grieving is completely normal, make sure you think about the future and that you have a season still to look forward to (Draft is in 2-3 months :) ). The future is still bright as hell in the pacific northwest in terms of football.

Great game by the way!


Normally a post from our enemy would piss me off at a time like this, but not this time. It reminds me of something I would post on their site had the situations been reversed. Thanks man. You actually did make me feel a slight bit better.

Even though it was a hard thing to get over it is still a sport and with out ups and downs what is the point of watching. We can look forward to seeing how they fix the o-line issues and WR issues. We have the best RB in the league coming back and our franchise(best QB in the league in my opinion) about to be locked up for the rest of his career. How can we sit a sulk. Just look at the Bronco fans what the hell do they have to feel good about but a over the hill QB and nothing much else.


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May 1, 2009
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When I am faced with being in a funk about the Seahawks I choose to play a game that instantly makes me feel better.
You can even fill in your own!
Charlie Whitehurst, Kelly Jennings, Julius Jones, Brian Russell.
Russell Wilson, Richard Sherman, Marshawn Lynch, Earl Thomas.

These are glorious times to be a Seahawks fan my friend. We came a play short, but it is still 1000 times better than the alternative.

And if all that fails - at least you aren't a Raiders fan!


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Yorba Linda, CA
Some people saying we will never be the same. Look at NE. They lost two heartbreakers to the Giants and they bounced back. Enough, we will be better next year.


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Nov 5, 2011
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Right near the end of the game was a shot of Apple Crown Royal....and it tasted good. Toasted to Radish. He was at the game in spirit...I know. Go Hawks.


Jan 6, 2013
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It hurts more for me today than it did yesterday and it'll probably keep getting worse for the next couple of weeks as I allow myself to more thoroughly digest what happened.

I'm looking for answers but there aren't any. It'll get better but not overnight. I'm avoiding sports media entirely and trying to think of anything other than football. I can't help but get on here though because I know I'm not alone in feeling this way and there's comfort in numbers.

This isn't '05. Our window is still open and we're in the midst of something very special.

The finality of Sunday applies to this season alone. We'll be back.

Go Hawks.


Mar 4, 2007
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North Vancouver
A few ways:

1) Looking ahead to next year. I was at this point after the Harvin debacle and the 3-3 start then we started winning. The fact that we made it this far without a #1 and maybe even true #2 WR, 2 of our DL starters out, Our #1 TE and many of the LOB hurting is amazing. We can only get better next year even with the salary cap pinch.

2) Keep away from sports media until FA and the draft news takes over.

3) Remember how fleeting the SB glow is. Last year, it seemed like the glow was gone around the draft. By the time training camp started, all teams were reset, reloaded and undefeated. Not that I didn't enjoy the offseason or even the regular season but the glow seemed to fade away quickly. Hopefully, gloom will blow off just as quickly. B/c everyone, except Pats fans, will be doing the same thing, starting over again and looking forward to the promise of next season.

4) Know in your heart that next year the Lombardi is ours!


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Jan 8, 2014
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I deal with the funk by going to Spring Training next month. I have no expectations for the M's, so I can just enjoy baseball as the zen experience it is meant to be.


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Apr 29, 2014
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Gig Harbor,WA
After drinking the rest of my 12th man Pale Ales I went to sleep...... Have not watched must ESPN but I will say this.

RW goal is to win 6 titles..... A loss like this will bring that fire out to a point that I don't think I want to be any other team facing the Hawks next year.

We are still the 4th youngest team in the league and many of our cornerstones are locked up for a few more years. after we win another two I might forget this one.


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Jan 14, 2015
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for me it was not about as much that we lost.. but how we lost that I am really having issues with. I honestly think that was the most idiotic play call in the history of the world... literally any other pass play would have made 10000x more sense in that situation. The Pats are a great team and I am trying to be positive and tell myself even as injured as we were we still should have beat the class of the AFC.... a even 85-90% healthy hawks team is hands down the best in the NFL and I think we could dominate next year... IF we can stay healthy and IF IF IF this does not cause issues within the team.


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Apr 29, 2014
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Gig Harbor,WA
After drinking the rest of my 12th man Pale Ales I went to sleep...... Have not watched must ESPN but I will say this.

RW goal is to win 6 titles..... A loss like this will bring that fire out to a point that I don't think I want to be any other team facing the Hawks next year.

We are still the 4th youngest team in the league and many of our cornerstones are locked up for a few more years. after we win another two I might forget this one.