Do you seriously think The Beast won't play for the amount

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Marlin Man

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Aug 30, 2013
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Being talked about? Retire my butt, there is no way he doesn't sign the extension and go two for $20mn

Then he can take what's left of his money and retire, and start doing MORE good things for those young ones back home that have too much BS IN THEIR LIVES, and try and help them get where they need to be, the BEAST can AND will do it and be a happy man while so doing. Thus $20mn bucks will be one great nest egg for those young ones out on the street.

Come on Beast, get it done!
Get in there and sign that paper then give us the two best years that ANY RB anywhere ever had. Indeed you is the man to do it

Go out in two years, the champ we all know who you are, and we love what you have done for us. Thank you, but time to quit the playin' for awhile and sign the thing. You getting it done now helps give Pete and Schneider the chance to do what THEY do best for the good of all of us. Hell man I bet you could even get an exemption from having to work and play the weekly preseason games UNTIL THE WEEK BEFORE THE OPENER!

Come on beast lets get it done and let them work on solving some issues that would limit our overall success.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Eastern Washington
Or he could do like Barry Sanders and retire on his own terms while he can still walk. Money, even a lot of it, doesn't guarantee anything, especially for a guy whose drummer is on another planet.

By the way, can you wrote a whole title for your thread, and then start it with a complete sentence? It would make you look more literate than your current arrangement indicates.


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Feb 3, 2015
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BlueTalon":pvxepi53 said:
By the way, can you wrote a whole title for your thread, and then start it with a complete sentence? It would make you look more literate than your current arrangement indicates.

you mean, can you "write" a whole title for your thread.

Russ Willstrong

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Aug 28, 2012
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Marshawn's back and health/future may be more of a concern to himself than we all think.
Everyone wants to see him as the almost superhuman character Beastmode but Marshawn struggles with pain and injury like all players. Playing such a physical position in such a violent manner with compressed cartilage in his spine doesn't bode well for his quality of life after football. His back issues won't go away and I think he realizes that to continue playing would risk further deterioration/injury not to mention chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Sidney Rice ' s retirement was difficult for Marshawn to accept probably because Marshawn was in a similar stage of his career last year.

There is probably no position more violent than to play power running back and with Marshawn's mentality he doesn't talk about his past injuries or concussion symptoms.
My concern is that he plays with the toughness and desire of Junior Sea another player who never complained about concussion symptoms and injury until after he retired.
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