Monday Presser with link


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
619 ... onference#

Petes conference.
Mebane…had a process to get back after hammy. The process made him better.
Front line looked great last week. Same planned for this week. Trying to gain cohesion.
In the last game they found some of the guys going the wrong way and oops. But they are young and will learn.
The line has ha chance to stay together now.
Keep comPeteing with regards to Mathis and others that they are bringing in for interviews.
Information was passed about Mathis back and forth so they could make some determinations. They did not comment further.
NO new news with Kam.
Schwenke got dinged up. We have 5 guys back in action this week.
Jordan Hill will be back this week.
Earl is moving ok may play next week. (I think that was who he was talking about. I missed the name but assume it to be him as he is a major component.)
Irvin iseems ok…and is going thru the concussion protocol.
Mathews is improving.
They are gonna run the entire offence.
KG Wright…did different things…last year..back to old school this year. Some things changed and it did not work correctly…so they are going to go back to the old way that worked.

Read option hits after the hand offs. Some are noticed as penalties……decisions as to whether they are penalties or not. Concerned with the late hitting. Not sure about the end result yet..but concerned.
RW needs to learn how to get hit on those Read options hits.
Refs emphasize things on the weekly emails.
Looking at defenseive players outback east.
Farmer….they knew him from back when. Like the track runner thought.
Baily Dion good football player. A playmaker. And he showed it on the field.
Martin great player doing all that he is asked to do.
The safety was a safety in the endzone.
Murphy strong safety or free safety. They were thinking more Free Safety at the moment.
Kam….Noting changed as to whether he plays or not. First game Kam should have reported. But no change yet…..Seemed a bit distracted with this question both times.
BJ receiver. Want him on the team so put him in the area where he could be on the team. They gave him options to keep him on our team and tried the receiver option….it is working but is a slow process.

I missed a couple usual. Go Hawks.

Sorry it is late..had a med appt that took a little longer than I planned. Go Hawks.