Beast Bus.....


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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This bus is the present focus of the tailgating group I am a small part of. I am an occasional cook and a carver when we deep fry turkeys. The core of the group are most of the crew from Hawk 1, the old tailgate machine, now retired.

The operation maintains a close connection to the team through several of the principals, and is blessed with several exceptional sponsors and patrons who help make it happen, their names can be seen in the earlier links. Normally the bus is set up in Hawk Alley down in the parking lot behind the old REI building which they rent to us for the game day. Sunday's and other covered games are a total blast with the music, The Sea Pope, and an occasional visit from former player dignitaries from the Hawks, it's first class tailgating. We have been blessed with seeing Jacob Green, Steve Largent, Jim Zorn, Dave Kreig, Marshawn's Mom, and a few others. Last year the operation made a very significant charitable donation to Ben's Fund for autistic children and each year the operation has funded several families having a much happier Christmas. The focus of the operation is charitable. The money gathered from the donations finds it's way completely to charitable purposes. Everyone who attends is expected to behave responsibly but has a great time.

Generally there are close to 200+ people who join us. Check it out once the season starts.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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Sea Pope?The rest sounds great,I will have to check this out when I come back.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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You need to google Sea Pope. Some of the UTubes posted were done back in the Hawk 1 days but His Holiness was there then and even took his act to a few games back then. It's all in good fun, but in hardcore fanaticism. The pope usually makes his appearance at or around 11:00 on game day mornings.

The beast bus is now going into it's 3rd season. Interestingly it is the 2nd of 2 double decker buses purchased for this conversion to ultimate tailgate service the first one got demolished enroute to Seattle by a logging truck that went out of control in bad weather on I-5 in southern Oregon, not much of the first old bus was left after being hit by the logging truck and full load of logs.