Pete's boring post-game presser, the tell-the-truth version


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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This game was so bad, that even Pete's post-game press conference was the worst I've seen from him since he's been here. He couldn't get off the podium fast enough, it was comical actually, have never seen him quite like that. Pete gave short pat answers, and didn't answer diddly poo up there. In short, Pete's most forgettable post-game presser ever.

Even though it wouldn't really be Pete, maybe he needs some film study to up his game. The all-time master, in my book.... The game stats from the game of the first film study example are almost a match for todays game. The first one is the press conference a more direct and honest version of Pete might have given.

With appropriate inspiration and modeling like those, maybe Pete can do better next time. Of course, I'm sure that Pete's boring, predictable strategy will be to work harder to figure out how to get the team to play well, and win insteaad of getting blown out. So I'm not optimistic about Pete's improvement. I just hope he doesn't have any more opportunities this year to do better after being on the wrong end of a blowout.

Any other classic film study Pete should look at to up his game in this area, just in case?


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Sep 18, 2011
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I hope he and the rest of the team are feeling salty and fired up and ready to tear into the Rams.

Diezel Dawg

New member
Oct 24, 2013
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I'm glad his presser was like that. There are no excuses for the defense and offense to play like they did. The coaches should take the a big part of the blame, as Russ did himself. They flat out need to play better, there is ko sugar coating it like Pete has done in the past. Time to get refocused and prepare for the Rams. There are no excuses for not blowing this team out on Thursday night. Go out and get the job done.

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