

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2011
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I don't think anyone would disagree that we are in some type of rebuilding mode. Rebuilding, reloading, however you want to name it, this team is in need of an infusion of talent. When PC/JS came on board in 2010 they undertook a complete restoration of the franchise, top to bottom. I don't know that there were any real cornerstone pieces when they took over. Perhaps just a handful of place holders until they found suitable pieces to fit their plan.

I don't remember the exact number, but they made a record of transactions their first couple of years in trying to find, discover and develop talent. With the current changes to the coaching staff, I believe that they are looking at building the next phase of team development. Luckily, they are farther along or at least in a better place as far as having some cornerstones in place in which to build the team around.

Here are the pieces that I believe to be cornerstones on this team. I am not including players not currently under contract for 2018.

Russell Wilson....a franchise QB in his prime.
Doug Baldwin......A difference making WR, maybe not a true #1 but a solid WR who has good chemistry with his QB

Here is where I am starting to hear crickets chirping...The rest of the offense is made up of role players and fringe players. There are still some good contributors under contract but no one that I would consider cornerstones. The closest might be Duane Brown but he probably only has a couple of years left. Tyler Lockette has potential to move into a cornerstone but is currently just a luxury to have as a returner.

Frank Clark....He looks to be the present and future.
Bobby Wagner....he is what RW is on offense...a franchise MLB
KJ Wright...a perfect compliment to Wagner, versatile in that he can slide over to MLB if needed
Richards Sherman...under contract, shut down corner. If he comes back from Achilles and is on the team he is a cornerstone.
Earl at his position league wide, starting to exhibit baggage that team might not want. His play overshadows baggage.

Michael Bennett is probably no longer a cornerstone but more of a role player. Jarran Reed is not a cornerstone but a very nice piece to have along the d-line. The defense has more cornerstones than the offense and a few more functional pieces with which to build around.

By my count, there are 7 cornerstone pieces upon which to build this team, or rebuild. Much much farther along than 2010-2011. One could argue that those cornerstones are somewhat in flux and could be as low as 5, but could also be much higher depending on what happens in free agency.

Ifs, ands, or, buts:
If certain free agents are retained, they could be considered cornerstones....Richardson (pick one), Jimmy Graham (if the new OC uses him correctly)


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2009
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The players that will lead the team into the 2020’s will be players that can hold up for that long.


If we go with the Patriots way or Steelers way or Panthers way or Chiefs way. It is all based on a small core of players and trying to find the parts that you can combine with that core.

The Patriots find WR’s that only work in their system
The Steelers find players that only work in their D
The Panthers have an investment in the D line
The Chiefes have linebackers.

I think the one killer edge that PC/JS can take into the next dacade is the defensive system that will work with young (cheap) players. Speed speed speed is what a Pete defense can bring to the field and younger players thrive in Petes system because it is simple and encourages fast play. I say get old on offense and stay young on defense. How many times do you hear about a offensive player no longer good because they “lost a step”? You don’t because old WR’s are “crafty” and old defensive players are “toast”.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Just Wilson, Wagner and Doug for me.

Before the Dallas game I would have included Earl, but he showed that he's not quite ready to take over Kam's defensive or DB leadership role.

IMO "cornerstones" are more than just great players, they're 100% committed to the team AS well as being leaders. That display in Dallas told us that Earl's already got one foot out the door because he might not be getting the massive extension he wants. That's not a cornerstone.


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2009
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Issaquah, WA
Sgt. Largent":25gfbvs4 said:
Just Wilson, Wagner and Doug for me.

Before the Dallas game I would have included Earl, but he showed that he's not quite ready to take over Kam's defensive or DB leadership role.

IMO "cornerstones" are more than just great players, they're 100% committed to the team AS well as being leaders. That display in Dallas told us that Earl's already got one foot out the door because he might not be getting the massive extension he wants. That's not a cornerstone.

I want to throw Shaq Griffin into this mix. His play at CB this year was exceptional and I think he is going to play at a very high level for a long time.


If Britt returns to last years form then I'd add him to this group as well. Pocic also has a chance to be a building block, he looks like a 10 yr NFL OL, only going to get better.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Orting WA, Great Northwet
Wenhawk":muxlkua7 said:
Sgt. Largent":muxlkua7 said:
I want to throw Shaq Griffin into this mix. His play at CB this year was exceptional and I think he is going to play at a very high level for a long time.

I believe this is jumping the gun on Shaq. He didn't suck, and even played well after a few starts, but IMO he isn't at the level of 'exceptional' or 'very high level' yet. Yet. After another year of practicing against good WRs, we can revisit this assessment.

original poster

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Nov 24, 2014
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I agree that Shaq isn’t there yet.

But I’m 75% sure he turns into a cornerstone by the end of his rookie contract. He just a player I can absolutely see as a Seahawk for a very long time. Same with Lockett. Although I think he will always be a very good #2 WR.