Opposing teams fans posting on .Net


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2009
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Not sure what everyone else thinks and I know it's a free country but it rubs me the wrong way when other teams fans (especially teams the Hawks just lost to) come to .Net to "congratulate" us on a great game or season.

Look I get they're excited about their team winning but IMO it's just bad sportsmanship to say great job when the Hawks lose. Hey I'm sure they wouldn't be happy if they got a second place trophy either.

I say go to your own second rate Commodore 64 board and gloat but not here.

Now I feel better.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
Meh, we have some classy and knowledgeable posters from other teams. I can handle it. :229031_shrug:


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2015
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seabowl":1qmsks1d said:
Not sure what everyone else thinks and I know it's a free country but it rubs me the wrong way when other teams fans (especially teams the Hawks just lost to) come to .Net to "congratulate" us on a great game or season.
Ha ha. Has the torched been passed yet again? These threads offer endless laughs when said opponent has their ass handed to them in subsequent games and someone will bump the thread...and we'll laugh. Boy will we laugh with every bump.

My preference though is the posts from the losing 49ers fan. At least those have a ring of honesty.


Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
seabowl":2s7z3mu9 said:
Not sure what everyone else thinks and I know it's a free country but it rubs me the wrong way when other teams fans (especially teams the Hawks just lost to) come to .Net to "congratulate" us on a great game or season.

Look I get they're excited about their team winning but IMO it's just bad sportsmanship to say great job when the Hawks lose. Hey I'm sure they wouldn't be happy if they got a second place trophy either.

I say go to your own second rate Commodore 64 board and gloat but not here.

Now I feel better.

Especially after they talked alot of crap . those people most certainly wouldnt say "good job" had their team lost.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
Yeah it ruffles my feathers too, you know good and well those fans wouldn't be coming here after a loss. But it is what it is. They feel better about themselves doing it for some reason. I find it bush league


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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It's called taunting.

Fortunately, practitioners self identify.


Active member
Dec 7, 2014
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There are some good posters but also a lot of trolls simply here to antagonize and get a reaction. I don't like ignoring users, but it has also gotten tiresome to read their drivel all the time. Football season is almost over though and many of them will move out from under the bridge.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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I love it.

One of the greatest things with discourse is getting other points of view.

Trolls aside, which are usually obvious, there is some great insight and interesting observations.

Ultimately, we are all football fans. Or most of us are.

I like seeing the other side of things. Some really amazing posters have come here over the years from other forums. But the law of averages almost assures that the quality of posters would vary anyway. To get the insight of the really great posters, you have to be willing to deal with the average, below average, and even borderline trolls.

But some amazing contributions to a topic have been made by opposing posters - on the state of the NFL, the Hawks from an outside perspective, other teams, trends, etc. You wouldn't miss that?


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2009
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TwistedHusky":15cypizm said:
I love it.

One of the greatest things with discourse is getting other points of view.

Trolls aside, which are usually obvious, there is some great insight and interesting observations.

Ultimately, we are all football fans. Or most of us are.

I like seeing the other side of things. Some really amazing posters have come here over the years from other forums. But the law of averages almost assures that the quality of posters would vary anyway. To get the insight of the really great posters, you have to be willing to deal with the average, below average, and even borderline trolls.

But some amazing contributions to a topic have been made by opposing posters - on the state of the NFL, the Hawks from an outside perspective, other teams, trends, etc. You wouldn't miss that?

I wouldn't mind them coming by when it's not in the heat of the moment but to drop in after a tough season ending loss to say congrats is just wrong. Congrats on what? Your team beating ours? As others have pointed out most if not all would never show themselves here after the Hawks beat their team unless it's to say they got screwed. Just saying.

Uncle Si

Active member
Mar 3, 2007
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Opposing fans are part of the spirit of the board. But any off topic posting or trolling will be binned and posters redirected to the Shack.

We are pretty lucky with opposing fans, to be honest. Most are here to chat football. When they don't, they get a quick rebuke.


Jan 3, 2017
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Des Moines, WA
Uncle Si":ggre5ls4 said:
We are pretty lucky with opposing fans, to be honest. Most are here to chat football.

That would be me. I'm a unique opposing fan though because I actually root for the Seahawks when they aren't playing the Falcons. After many years in south Georgia I've been here since 2011 and have followed the Seahawks since that season. My first game was at the Clink that year Falcons Seahawks with T Jack at QB and Hauschka missed IIRC a 61 yard game winner.

My initial thoughts on Wilson was he was too short to play QB and I was wrong. I actually thought Matt Flynn was the QB of the future based on that one 500 yard passing game in GB. Hah!

What's good about living out here is I don't see many Atlanta games... so after 28-3 I just kept watching the Seahawks.

Good news is we'll have a game to talk about next season... Seahawks make a trip to Atlanta for the 2nd year in a row. I'm just hoping the Falcons won't be 1-6 on gameday.

Pretty good crowd here on these forums and I'll be in and out keeping myself up to date on the Seahawks offseason. BTW I have the same screen name over on FalconsLife.



Well-known member
Sep 15, 2015
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Where do these other posters come from?

I personally don’t know and don’t go searching for other teams boards.

Can our logins work on other sites??

You know what they say, “If you build it, they will come.”

Let them.

Grow some thicker skin.

A little rivalry never hurt anybody.


Sep 21, 2013
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TheLegendOfBoom":11byrqni said:
Where do these other posters come from?

I personally don’t know and don’t go searching for other teams boards.

Can our logins work on other sites??

You know what they say, “If you build it, they will come.”

Let them.

Grow some thicker skin.

A little rivalry never hurt anybody.

I agree with a lot of those.

* Grow a thick skin. You need it in life anyway.

* Rivalry is great for sports and even posting boards too.

Lost of fans log on to the 49ersWebzone and debate with us from all around the league. I welcome it and we get some interesting points of view on there. Some different points of view. One of the things I like best about coming on here is the Seahawks are big rivals and I get opposition points of view. Which I actually like and appreciate. I think your board is lively and the debates are fun.

Now I understand that trolls are annoying. We get that too. They usually get banned eventually. But separate out people who just want to talk football and those who are here to shove something in your face. Because it's not the same thing at all. There are different types of people. Some who come here to talk, debate, get other points of view, have a rivalry and those who just want to annoy you. Those are not the same thing at all and much different types.

We have opposing fans on the 49ersWebzone and I always liked and appreciated it. It makes our board better having different points of view. Of course we get it more in big match ups or playoffs as you most likely do here too. But sometimes just a pure echo chamber with everybody seeing things the same way is not great. Some other views here or there or any board make it more lively and interesting IMO.



Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
I can't think of a worse scenario then a bunch of fans on one site of a team either bitching about the results and the rest agreeing with them or lauding something and the rest agreeing with them.

Then both sides fighting over the same topics for weeks on end not able to see a perspective, our visitors give us that, they give us talking points. I welcome the contributors, doesn't mean I agree, or don't flip them shit many times, but enjoy their views.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
seabowl":3eurolzv said:
I wouldn't mind them coming by when it's not in the heat of the moment but to drop in after a tough season ending loss to say congrats is just wrong. Congrats on what? Your team beating ours? As others have pointed out most if not all would never show themselves here after the Hawks beat their team unless it's to say they got screwed. Just saying.
Hell, if the players on the field can hug it out after trying to kick each other's butts for 3 hours, I guess I can stand an opposing fan coming by and saying "nice game" afterwards.

Sure, the trolls are annoying, but those showing good sportsmanship? Well, the world could use a lot more of that.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2016
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Opposing fans are entertaining. I wouldn't bother "ignoring" them. I'd save that for the annoying Hawk fan posters on here. They're way more agitating than opposing fans and usually more irrational.


Active member
May 15, 2012
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seabowl":2hct2xk5 said:
Not sure what everyone else thinks and I know it's a free country but it rubs me the wrong way when other teams fans (especially teams the Hawks just lost to) come to .Net to "congratulate" us on a great game or season.

Look I get they're excited about their team winning but IMO it's just bad sportsmanship to say great job when the Hawks lose. Hey I'm sure they wouldn't be happy if they got a second place trophy either.

I say go to your own second rate Commodore 64 board and gloat but not here.

Now I feel better.

As a Niners fan in try my absolute best to be professional. Before during and after games I always say things like great job, congrats or even great game. To me its respect for you and your team.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
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FalconsFanNW":2et7l9g6 said:
Uncle Si":2et7l9g6 said:
We are pretty lucky with opposing fans, to be honest. Most are here to chat football.

That would be me. I'm a unique opposing fan though because I actually root for the Seahawks when they aren't playing the Falcons. After many years in south Georgia I've been here since 2011 and have followed the Seahawks since that season. My first game was at the Clink that year Falcons Seahawks with T Jack at QB and Hauschka missed IIRC a 61 yard game winner.

My initial thoughts on Wilson was he was too short to play QB and I was wrong. I actually thought Matt Flynn was the QB of the future based on that one 500 yard passing game in GB. Hah!

What's good about living out here is I don't see many Atlanta games... so after 28-3 I just kept watching the Seahawks.

Good news is we'll have a game to talk about next season... Seahawks make a trip to Atlanta for the 2nd year in a row. I'm just hoping the Falcons won't be 1-6 on gameday.

Pretty good crowd here on these forums and I'll be in and out keeping myself up to date on the Seahawks offseason. BTW I have the same screen name over on FalconsLife.


I like visiting other boards too. I am on 5...here, another hawks board, Packerforum, Saintsreport, and https://boards.atlantafalcons.com/forum ... e-falcons/. It is interesting to discuss with them what they think about our team and ask questions about their team.

I was asked what I thought Beast coming back would be like. I pointed out that he was rusty and it would take a week or 2 to get him back to normal. THey did not know he was in shape.

When they come here to offer condolences, it is not a dig to the fanbase, it is respect to an opponent. I do the same in their boards.

What I should do is tell them good luck you useless POS, Go back to the hobbit hole you belong in and live with Smaug. But that is disrespect and not MY way. So in effect I am granting them the respect they have shown me by reciprocating it to them.

No Disrespect to Smaug....I really meant Gollum. :p