The 4 year plan


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Mar 6, 2007
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As many of you know, I was one of a few that was a big fan of Russell Wilson's NFL prospects before the draft. I viewed him as the Tom Brady type steal that could be seen coming. Upon scouting and researching him in college, I did not find evidence of his height effecting his results. Wilson became a Seahawk, and soon posted one of the best QB performances in the preseason among not just rookies, but veterans too. A month ago, I really believed that Russell Wilson could be our version of a rookie Cam Newton or Big Ben. I thought Seattle had an excellent chance to be playing in this year's Superbowl.

Instead, Russell Wilson has shown struggles in multiple areas that I've never seen from him before. His pocket presence went from a strength to a problem. His ability to read the field has gone from a strength to a problem. He seems much more uncomfortable handling pressure than before. His accuracy/control/location was mostly outstanding at Wisconsin, but has looked highly suspect at times over the first four games of this season. While it's probably true that Wilson is being held back by a conservative offense, I feel that his problems stem well beyond that right now.

I'm not panicking, because many of Wilson's issues could just be part of "promotion sickness" as I call it. If you follow baseball at all, then you know not to expect your ace hitting prospect who's batting .330 in Triple-A to bat .330 immediately in the Major Leagues. Doubly so if you are a Mariners fan. Michael Saunders- who put the team through three years of crap before finally becoming solidly good this year- is the best position player prospect success story the team can point to in recent history. With very few exceptions, there is an adjustment period to be expected. I was hoping that Wilson could be that exception, but so far it looks like we'll have to wait on him like almost everyone else. I don't think it will take nearly as long as Saunders did, but we now know that Wilson will require more time to excel than none at all.

While I haven't given up hope completely, the early returns suggest a very different 2012 season, one in which the team is continuing to build instead of competing immediately for a championship.

When John Schneider first came here, he talked about a 4 year plan. Year one was about adding as much talent as possible while turning over the roster like crazy. Year two was about fixing the O-line and D-line. Year three was about fixing the pass rush. Next year is year four, and we've been told by a certain net Nostradamus that it was meant to be the year of the QB in this plan, at least until Flynn and Wilson changed things. Or did they? I guess we'll find out.

When I finished college and got my degree, I wasn't very motivated about getting a job. I have a degree in recording arts communication, and jobs in that field are really hard to break into. After a time, my dad started to pressure me about my career search. He'd ask me questions, asking me what I had done that week or what I was planning on doing the next day. He wanted to see signs of progress. Every time I'd come up with something clever to say, but ultimately the lack of results led to a building sense of well deserved cynicism.

And I totally understand why he would react that way. Let's say you need a 50 page report that requires much research and effort, and it's due in a month. A week in, you ask this person how things are going. He provides no real evidence of progress, but tells you that things are going fine. Two weeks in, you ask again. Again, he shows no evidence of work but assures you that everything is on schedule. Weeks three and four come and go with no changes. It's the day before the due date, and this person has still not produced any signs of progress. How optimistic would you feel about having that 50 page report ready by D-day?

Something I've learned is that showing signs of progress is important. It's like a down payment of trust- something that builds good faith and confidence.

I mean no disrespect and am not trying to call anyone out, but I've heard many say that they need to see wins now and have (by my interpretation) inferred that they may revoke their full support if the immediate winning doesn't happen. I think that kind of talk is completely understandable, but also a year early. John Schneider is presumably on a 5 year contract (as Pete Carroll is). He could have said that he would build this team on a 5 year plan, but he didn't. He also did not say that he would build it on a 3 year plan. He specifically said 4 years. And we are in year 3.

This team still has problems, but I think it's important to remember the good faith this regime has built up. After year one, regime team set out to add as much talent as possible, leaving no stone unturned. They did exactly that, improving the team by two wins and drafting two pro-bowlers (Thomas, Chancellor) and three others who are quality starters (Okung, McCoy, Tate), in addition to several low profile free agents that helped the team win an unexpected division title. In year two, they set out to fix the lines. They did exactly that: by the end of the 2011 season our O-line was playing on a high level and our Bryant-Branch-Mebane-Clemons D-line was an above average group. As an added bonus, they created an elite young secondary on the cheap. In year three they set out to improve the pass rush and increase the speed of the defense. The early returns are promising. Not among those stated year 3 goals was getting a franchise QB. Instead it was merely to find competition for Tarvaris Jackson. They brought in two quarterbacks with this purpose in mind, and it was so successful that Jackson isn't even here anymore after he was outplayed by both of them.

I haven't given up on this season. I think Seattle is a playoff caliber team, and in almost any other division, we'd probably be 1st place right now. I haven't given up on Russell Wilson as a rookie winner. But even if Seattle fails to overachieve, that's okay, because they were overachieving by even being in this position. This regime has been very successful reaching their stated goals thus far. Who would bet against them if their stated goal this offseason is improving the pass offense?

They say it takes one to know one, and I know better than most what an excuse making slacker looks like. These guys, they ain't it. They are hard workers who know what they are doing, and they do exactly what they say they will do. They do not make excuses; they make a way.

In August of 2011, this team was a favorite in the race to win the Luck sweepstakes. The Seahawks opened a majority of national "power polls" at #32. That is no insult to this regime- still new at the time- it simply shows how big of a hole they were digging out of. Just one year later Bill Simmons- an ESPN writer and Patriots fan- predicted the Seahawks would make the Superbowl.

Whether Wilson ends up being our franchise savior in 2012 or 2013, or whether that franchise savior ends up being a new face in 2013, I'm just going to shut up and strap in for the ride. This team is talent overkill. It's a stick of dynamite soaked in kerosene. A quality quarterback is the match. We are frustrated right now because we are all like giddy 13 year old pyromaniacs off their Ritalin standing in front of this bonanza, but we can't seem to find the damn matchbox. When that match will light is anyone's guess, but when it does I would advise getting some distance and avoiding direct eye contact without wearing a welding mask.

Like 2011, I expect 2012 to be an evolving season. Our 3rd and long defense can't play this poorly all season while playing so well at everything else. Our passing offense isn't going to be elite, but it will figure things out. It will improve as experience is gained, adjustments are made, and chemistry is developed. Pete Carroll has already said that he will scale up the offense as the season rolls along. You can logically expect for things to get better before the season is over.

Whatever happens this season, let's not lose sight of the shimmering treasure trove we are sitting on right now. This team is young and this team has almost everything you'd want outside of a great QB, and it's being led by people who have a knack for accomplishing their goals. They told us to wait four years. They have exceeded our expectations wildly through three. If there was ever a time to look at a 2-2 record with a glass half full mentality, this is it. When Pete and John came to town, they had a very tough task in front of them, but everything I have seen so far has created more than enough good faith that they will come through for us by the appointed time, if not sooner.


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May 1, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
Well said, Kearly. It's almost as if people have forgotten just how far we have come, and it's all thanks to Pete and John.


Mar 4, 2007
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Everything you wrote is true, and is an echo of what goes through my head most days, BUT, I do have an issue with an item you did not mention.

PLAYCALLING. It is all well and good to look at the big picture progress, which has been tremarkably steady, if not always remarkable. The STRATEGY seems to be sound and successful.

However, the TACTICS leave much to be desired . . if your strength is power running, why do tricky pitch outs and passes on 3rd and short . why go away from yopur strength in exactly the situations where your strength is what you need?

I am not on thefire Bevell wagon, but I sure wish Pete would light a fire under his arse and get him playing to our strength.
The Seahawks have established themselves as a smashmout, brutal team, yet when smashmouth is called for, DB tries to use finesse.

ENOUGH I say, let the team kick some tail out there, and therest can fall into place.


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Apr 27, 2012
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Glad to see a rational post around here after our devastating blowout loss to the Rams. The way I see it, we won 2 games I believed we'd lose, and lost 2 real close games I thought we had a good chance of winning. Our run-game is phenomenal, our defense is top-ten for sure, and we're playing with a later-round rookie QB. 2-2 is not a season ending start by any means. I'm just along for the ride this season, and overall LOVING it! Still excited about this team. Yet, I'm still entitled to the day-after naysaying. lol. Things are gonna turn the corner, I can feel it.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Puyallup, WA USA
The recent hysteria regarding Mr. Wilson is directly correlated to the 21st century mentality of the "I want it now mindset". Much of what now happens in our lives is "instant gratification" often do to the "computer age" in which we live. There are some things that do not happen as fast as we like....this is especially true of things once one passes the age of 60. There are always disppointments when expectations do not meet reality. Take marriage for example..... Choosing an NFL QB to lead your team is sort of like getting have to take the good with the bad. It appears that there are posters on here who wish to change QB's as often as they change the sheets on their bed!


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Apr 30, 2009
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It just kills me when we start a rookie when we absolutely don't HAVE to and it will always be completely befuddling to me how people didn't expect Wilson to struggle like this.

Good post though Kearly. My worry is for a lot of teams, due to free agency, injuries, and just bad luck, that the window of success is a lot smaller than we think. There have been plenty of teams who were young and talented who never made the leap due to bad luck or mismanagement of the quarterback situations. This team, right now, is a playoff caliber, maybe even championship caliber, team at 21 of 22 positions. We don't know what its going to look like next year, but we know what we have this year, which is a damn good team with a shaky rookie qb. This is the absolute perfect team for a quarterback like Matt Flynn and I've always felt that way. I'm not disregarding the progress or the process, but there is a real opportunity to win big, right now, not next year, but this year. Why not take it?


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Sep 17, 2012
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Great post. I agree we need to figure out the QB and add a quality WR. I still don't like Pete and his gameplans, and some of his in game decisions though.


Sep 6, 2012
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Vienna, VA
This is a great post once again by Kearly. I don't think people should be freaking out about being 2-2. A lot of teams around the league are going to have their ups and downs. I'd rather be the Seahawks than the Patriots or the Jets right now. If they told RW to go out and try to be a gunslinging qb like Brady or Brees right off the bat, we would have had games where he was getting sacked and hit more and with more pics. That would not be the way to break him in. I agree with the conservative approach, though I do take issue with the 3rd down playcalling. There I would have stuck to the conservative.
I am confident that Baldwin will develop chemistry with RW like he did with TJ and become a third down stud a la Engram. Right off the bat Wilson has had rushers in his face like Jackson did last year and Hasselbeck in his last stages here. He has avoided losses very well and turned it up field a few times. It would've been worse with Flynn. I think the mobile qb is the way of the future in the NFL. This combined with a power running game will give us an edge. I really like what I saw out of Turbin on Sunday. He can lighten the load for Lynch to preserve him a bit. I'd start benching guys for 15 yard penalties. I predict a strong victory over the Panthers Sunday.


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Apr 30, 2009
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kearly-you are a great writer.

Sorry, though. Unlike you, I did not want to lose for draft position in 2010. And I felt rewarded and vindicated in that approach by the BeastQuake playoff victory.

In 2011, I was not on board with you and 50% or more of this fanbase who wanted the Seattle Seahawks to 'Suck For Luck'. I was not comfortable with losing in the moment. I was not content with concrete failures today in exchange for the fantasy of successes tomorrow.

In the same fashion. I am NOT comfortable with these unnecessary losses in 2012. In the preseason while others were picking sides i decided that whichever quarterback steps behind center would become saddled with my expectation that he do enough to lead this team to victories. I echo the words of Seahawk2K, above. This team is built to win and right now RW is holding it back.

Already, after week 4, Seahawks fans are starting to talk about next year in glowing terms like some default coping mechanism against broken dreams.


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May 1, 2009
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Our line is playing top-caliber in run-blocking, but not at all in pass protection. That's part of Wilson's problem.


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Apr 30, 2009
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MontanaHawk05":hde0a1jd said:
Our line is playing top-caliber in run-blocking, but not at all in pass protection. That's part of Wilson's problem.

DeMarcus Ware and Clay Matthews found them to be adequate. Wilson gets the benefit of the doubt from every angle? It's the OC. It's the OLine. It's Pete handcuffing him. It's the receivers. It's anything BUT Wilson. He is like the anti-TJack.


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May 1, 2009
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bestfightstory":2orr0a2s said:
MontanaHawk05":2orr0a2s said:
Our line is playing top-caliber in run-blocking, but not at all in pass protection. That's part of Wilson's problem.

DeMarcus Ware and Clay Matthews found them to be adequate.

Ware and Matthews are edge rushers. Perhaps what I should have said is interior O-line, and not just for pass-blocking but to open up sight lanes for Wilson. This realization came a little late in the season for us, but Wilson was always going to need a dominant interior line. Right now, they aren't getting the job done consistently. I thought they showed improvement early on Sunday, though.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Right outside Richard Sherman's house
bestfightstory":163al03d said:
MontanaHawk05":163al03d said:
Our line is playing top-caliber in run-blocking, but not at all in pass protection. That's part of Wilson's problem.

DeMarcus Ware and Clay Matthews found them to be adequate. Wilson gets the benefit of the doubt from every angle? It's the OC. It's the OLine. It's Pete handcuffing him. It's the receivers. It's anything BUT Wilson. He is like the anti-TJack.

Actually, it's all of those things AND it's Wilson. I don't agree with people who are absolving him of all blame for the passing game struggles, but I damn sure don't agree with people who are pegging him as the only thing holding the offense back.

He needs to improve. The receivers need to improve. The pass blocking needs to improve. And the best way for all of those groups - Wilson included - to improve is to gain more experience, build chemistry, and start executing better, which is best done in game situations.

Seahawk Sailor

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Mar 3, 2007
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California via Negros Occidental, Philippines
bestfightstory":2s0nfxbm said:
kearly-you are a great writer.

Sorry, though. Unlike you, I did not want to lose for draft position in 2010. And I felt rewarded and vindicated in that approach by the BeastQuake playoff victory.

In 2011, I was not on board with you and 50% or more of this fanbase who wanted the Seattle Seahawks to 'Suck For Luck'. I was not comfortable with losing in the moment. I was not content with concrete failures today in exchange for the fantasy of successes tomorrow.

In the same fashion. I am NOT comfortable with these unnecessary losses in 2012. In the preseason while others were picking sides i decided that whichever quarterback steps behind center would become saddled with my expectation that he do enough to lead this team to victories. I echo the words of Seahawk2K, above. This team is built to win and right now RW is holding it back.

Already, after week 4, Seahawks fans are starting to talk about next year in glowing terms like some default coping mechanism against broken dreams.

I didn't take from the post that he was rooting for draft position in 2010 or 2011, just that we were in position for it, and pegged for it by many pundits. No matter if you were rooting for "Suck for Luck" or not that year, at the beginning of the year there was a ton of talk that we were in the mix, whether we wanted to be or not. Appears to me he was just stating how things were then.

This team is 3/4ths built to win right now, and quarterback is only partially holding us back. We're suddenly expecting the world of Wilson, like he's supposed to be some veteran presence, carrying the team on his back, singlehandedly willing the team to victory after victory. He's still growing, learning, but he's absolutely the right piece in the puzzle. He doesn't quite fit yet because we don't have all the surrounding pieces in place. Next year, year four of the four-year plan, we hopefully will, and then this team will be one of the elite, dominating teams in the league. Right now we are far head of last year. We've been in a position to win every single game against some very tough defenses. We've lost to two teams: an unbeaten team, and a team that has as many wins as nine other teams in the league.

On that final drive against the Rams, I felt - for the first time in a long, long time - confident we'd finish that drive with a touchdown to win the game. I sincerely believe we would have if the receiver wouldn't have slipped on the route, or even if the defensive back weren't in the exact right place to make the catch. Wilson brings something to the table that many of our previous quarterbacks did not. He brings the hope and confidence that we can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, instead of the other way around.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Seahawk Sailor":3gjxwjyg said:
bestfightstory":3gjxwjyg said:
kearly-you are a great writer.

Sorry, though. Unlike you, I did not want to lose for draft position in 2010. And I felt rewarded and vindicated in that approach by the BeastQuake playoff victory.

In 2011, I was not on board with you and 50% or more of this fanbase who wanted the Seattle Seahawks to 'Suck For Luck'. I was not comfortable with losing in the moment. I was not content with concrete failures today in exchange for the fantasy of successes tomorrow.

In the same fashion. I am NOT comfortable with these unnecessary losses in 2012. In the preseason while others were picking sides i decided that whichever quarterback steps behind center would become saddled with my expectation that he do enough to lead this team to victories. I echo the words of Seahawk2K, above. This team is built to win and right now RW is holding it back.

Already, after week 4, Seahawks fans are starting to talk about next year in glowing terms like some default coping mechanism against broken dreams.

I didn't take from the post that he was rooting for draft position in 2010 or 2011, just that we were in position for it, and pegged for it by many pundits. No matter if you were rooting for "Suck for Luck" or not that year, at the beginning of the year there was a ton of talk that we were in the mix, whether we wanted to be or not. Appears to me he was just stating how things were then.

Nope. Kearly and I went back and forth about it at the time. It was then that I declared him and some of what he stands for as my mortal enemy. I have archived everything he has ever said and am formulating a spreadsheet detailing his contradictions and shortcomings.


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Mar 3, 2007
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kearly":1nyuk8cq said:
Whether Wilson ends up being our franchise savior in 2012 or 2013, or whether that franchise savior ends up being a new face in 2013, I'm just going to shut up and strap in for the ride. This team is talent overkill. It's a stick of dynamite soaked in kerosene. A quality quarterback is the match. We are frustrated right now because we are all like giddy 13 year old pyromaniacs off their Ritalin standing in front of this bonanza, but we can't seem to find the damn matchbox. When that match will light is anyone's guess, but when it does I would advise getting some distance and avoiding direct eye contact without wearing a welding mask.
