Shaun Alexander takes pride in what he helped build in Seatt


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May 5, 2009
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Northern CA
I respect the man his line however was unrivaled. I cannot see much of his style in the brash aggressive hard hitting team that is the defending world champions.


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Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
I appreciate and understand his view but no homefield advantage when he played? Iirc it was better then the Carroll era so far.


Apr 30, 2009
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Not sure how much foundation was still left after a 4-12 then a 5-11 season. Plus a complete roster and staff turnover so it seems like a new house has been built!


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Apr 30, 2009
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I don't want to trash Alexander, I loved cheering for that guy.

But he is way offbase. The Twelves were rabid before him. And rabid after. Curt Warner was more instrumental in building what there is now than Alexander.


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Mar 6, 2007
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Even Tim Ruskell and Jim Mora, who sucked hard enough to be let go just in time for Pete to escape USC, had more to do with building the foundation than Shaun did.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, Washington
The Knox Era, then the Holmgren Era helped setup the perfect storm for the current regime.

The Nordstroms were first class and Jack Patera took an expansion team and had them winning early with some zany football that was fun to watch. They were over-matched talent wise but fighters. Knox along with Mike McCormick built on that with some no nonsense football as the franchise matured. They just couldn't get that once in a life-time QB to take the franchise to the upper echelon. Eventually they were replaced by Bubba and life was not good for the Franchise.

But it was the club's meager successes that helped entice folks to get Paul Allen to buy the club when it was looking like football was done around here. Paul Allen revived the class the Nordstroms gave the early clubs, plus he had the firepower to bring a well-regarded coach into the organization.

If Holmgren had been fired as both coach and GM, I am not sure we sit here today as Superbowl champions. He showed Paul what it would take to create a Superbowl team and atmosphere in the building. The mess that was the FO/Holmgren relationship aside, Paul knew what he needed to get into the organization once Mike and the organization moved on. He made the move to Pete and John based on his experiences with MH and the early 2000's Seahawks.

No, it wasn't dismal all the time before Shaun came on-board, but with him not knowing the history prior, and the only thing him really understanding is the decade before he got here, it probably seems to him that he and the early 2000's Seahawks were the foundation.

The franchise probably would have been much healthier if the whole Bubba Behring era never happened, but it did and there was a stain put on the team due to that chucklehead.

Athletes are prideful people and Alexander did have a nice size ego (stabbed in the back, no less). I don't entirely disagree with him. He just has a slightly slanted view on the history of the organization is what I say.


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Feb 17, 2010
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"Helped building" doesn't exactly mean he brought in players but you're wrong if you think Alexander didn't help Seattle become what it is. Every player from those few years did. Seahawks were the king of the NFC west for while because of those guys and Alexander had a lot to do with that success. Alexander winning the MVP and getting on Madden that year had a lot to do with our popularity and maybe even help bring Pete Carroll and John Schneider to the PNW! Maybe Curt Warner or Largent had MORE of an effect don't discredit what Alexander did for us just because of a couple bad years to end his career.


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Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
kamikazehawk":3tmcmrwl said:
"Helped building" doesn't exactly mean he brought in players but you're wrong if you think Alexander didn't help Seattle become what it is. Every player from those few years did. Seahawks were the king of the NFC west for while because of those guys and Alexander had a lot to do with that success. Alexander winning the MVP and getting on Madden that year had a lot to do with our popularity and maybe even help bring Pete Carroll and John Schneider to the PNW! Maybe Curt Warner or Largent had MORE of an effect don't discredit what Alexander did for us just because of a couple bad years to end his career.
Good point.


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Jan 4, 2013
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Phoenix az
kamikazehawk":1kisx877 said:
"Helped building" doesn't exactly mean he brought in players but you're wrong if you think Alexander didn't help Seattle become what it is. Every player from those few years did. Seahawks were the king of the NFC west for while because of those guys and Alexander had a lot to do with that success. Alexander winning the MVP and getting on Madden that year had a lot to do with our popularity and maybe even help bring Pete Carroll and John Schneider to the PNW! Maybe Curt Warner or Largent had MORE of an effect don't discredit what Alexander did for us just because of a couple bad years to end his career.

You dont think Pete comes here and builds what he has if not for Alexander and Co.???


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May 1, 2009
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Just as our nation today rests on the shoulders of generations before us, the Seahawks do as well.

Some generations of history elevate a nation or organization more than others. Any that move the entity forward and upward is a contributor to future success.

That said, Shaun will never have a career in politics.


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Mar 16, 2012
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I don't think this is nearly as rabid without that era of football. That era was win all this "Seahawks Nation" and all this loud stuff really became popular. Before his era, there were old Seahawks fans, and that was really about it. How many tens of thousands of people became Seahawks fans during their run? Those guys you run into in your line of work that wear Seahawks hats to work? Those guys probably became fans around 2004. Ask them.


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Jan 4, 2013
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Phoenix az
Tical21":3kdrng8r said:
I don't think this is nearly as rabid without that era of football. That era was win all this "Seahawks Nation" and all this loud stuff really became popular. Before his era, there were old Seahawks fans, and that was really about it. How many tens of thousands of people became Seahawks fans during their run? Those guys you run into in your line of work that wear Seahawks hats to work? Those guys probably became fans around 2004. Ask them.

If true, who was filling the stadium as 2004 was ramping up??


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Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
:pukeface: :pukeface: :pukeface: :pukeface: :pukeface: His team was then, this team is now. There are no correlations.

The current team was not built on the past team. In fact the opposite is true. This team was completely torn down by PC/JS and rebuilt because what was left from the team that "Alexander built" was old, soft, and incompetent.


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Feb 9, 2010
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I disagree with many of you. SA did a good part in the reclaiming the 12th man. Many die hard fans of today became that because of the teams success with SA. Of course I give way more credit to Paul Allen for creating a buzz around this team than sa. At 32 years young I was breed to be a hawks fan, and I remember VERY limited amounts of team success. I remember thinking after the changes "wow we have a team that can compete". I was literally in shock. We made our fist superbowl and many people could not fathom that we actually got there. SA did not make me a fan, but I see a foundation he helped build here.
As far a team success today, or players today, even personal decisions have nothing to do with him.get lost on that.


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May 2, 2010
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To me, the 2005 team (of which SA was an integral part) made me hungry, hungry, HUNGRY for a SB win. It helped me "keep the faith" through the lean years of Mora and Ruskell.

Plus, the '05 Hawks were just fun to watch. They were definitely a different team from what we have now in terms of style, but damn, it was fun to watch the handoffs to Shaun inside the 10. Argue about the impact of Walter and the line if you like; I don't care: it was fun to watch.

So in that sense, yeah, I think Shaun deserves credit.


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Apr 30, 2009
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drdiags":2snou25o said:
The Knox Era, then the Holmgren Era helped setup the perfect storm for the current regime.

The Nordstroms were first class and Jack Patera took an expansion team and had them winning early with some zany football that was fun to watch. They were over-matched talent wise but fighters. Knox along with Mike McCormick built on that with some no nonsense football as the franchise matured. They just couldn't get that once in a life-time QB to take the franchise to the upper echelon. Eventually they were replaced by Bubba and life was not good for the Franchise.

But it was the club's meager successes that helped entice folks to get Paul Allen to buy the club when it was looking like football was done around here. Paul Allen revived the class the Nordstroms gave the early clubs, plus he had the firepower to bring a well-regarded coach into the organization.

If Holmgren had been fired as both coach and GM, I am not sure we sit here today as Superbowl champions. He showed Paul what it would take to create a Superbowl team and atmosphere in the building. The mess that was the FO/Holmgren relationship aside, Paul knew what he needed to get into the organization once Mike and the organization moved on. He made the move to Pete and John based on his experiences with MH and the early 2000's Seahawks.

No, it wasn't dismal all the time before Shaun came on-board, but with him not knowing the history prior, and the only thing him really understanding is the decade before he got here, it probably seems to him that he and the early 2000's Seahawks were the foundation.

The franchise probably would have been much healthier if the whole Bubba Behring era never happened, but it did and there was a stain put on the team due to that chucklehead.

Athletes are prideful people and Alexander did have a nice size ego (stabbed in the back, no less). I don't entirely disagree with him. He just has a slightly slanted view on the history of the organization is what I say.