All good things must come to an end


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Mar 6, 2007
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I've given it a lot of thought over the past couple years and increasingly in the past few weeks, and I've decided with conviction that my Random Thoughts™ threads have run their course here at .net.

Explaining why is not easy and will require a lot of backtracking. Apologies if this turns into a meandering post, but if nothing else it will feel good to get a lot of this off my chest.

I've been blogging now for many years. I'm not talking about message boards, but writing for sites. For four years I had the privilege of contributing at Seahawks Draft Blog. I helped out Montana's 17power blog for a year. I've had a couple other blogging escapades in the past at non-sports websites.

For some reason, it always felt more natural posting my random threads thoughts at .net, which is why I opted out on the idea of posting them at 17power after the 2011 season.

The goal of my random thoughts threads is to capture the feel of the game with a little bit of Fareed Zakaria type analysis tossed in on the side. This in turn, has led to some of the very brightest and most interesting minds on .net coming out of their shells to share their football observations. In this sense, the threads have been a huge success, especially lately.

Unfortunately, I've slowly come to realize that blog type content does not belong on a message board with very passionate fans posted hours after a tough loss or frustrating win. My intent is only to start intelligent discussion, not to be the center of attention. Unfortunately, far too many posters have used these threads as a cathartic device. Rather than walk things off, they use these threads to spew anger, directed at me personally, as if it's my fault the Seahawks upset them. Far too often this leaves me feeling like the Alan Colmes of .net, the thoughtful nice guy that anti-intellectual dickheads just love to shit on.

It donned on me just this past week. In all my years of blogging at numerous blogs, I've enjoyed traffic on par or even in excess of .net at times, but never at any of those places did I have to endure the abuse I get here in almost every RT thread. The worst experience I've had at a blog is probably better than the best experience I've had posting RT here.

The reason is so obvious that I feel stupid for not realizing it years ago. When you have your own website, it's your home. People visit because they know what they want and the author provides that for them. They stay for the amusement and they remember to be polite (or at least 99.9% of them do anyway). A few even chime in with fantastic insights. It is the kind of place where people are actually looking to read an opinion rather than to express emotion. By design, it is not the kind of place people go to vent, at least in the vast majority of cases.

Message boards, on the other hand, are designed with more of a 'vent' aspect. It is the place people go to express emotions.

While I truly love the discussion that many of the recent RT threads have created from posters like Scottemojo and Tical, the problem is that it's still my name and big ass OP that's on the front cover of the thread. Which has made me a target for angry people, the kind of target I don't want to be. The kind of target nobody wants to be.

It certainly wouldn't bother me if someone else picked up the mantle to get an intelligent discussion thread rolling after games. I'd probably participate in it. But I just don't think I can headline any more of them.

Before anyone asks, I have no interest in continuing these posts on a blog. I don't have that kind of time or energy anymore, and besides, I think it's been a good run.

I know some of you will be seriously bummed by this, and I don't blame you. It's been a fun time, it's always a bummer when changes come. I wish I could keep going, but the abuse has just added up to being too much over the years and though I'm quitting today, the truth is that I've been hanging on for a very long time.


One last parting shot. Lately I've seen a lot of crap being dished out for Hsu and Hawkblogger. Specifically regarding them personally. Their character.

I'm of the opinion that if 95% of .net had the following, attention, and Seahawks access those guys had, they'd be no better.

The most challenging aspect of blogging and giving one's own opinion is to avoid narcissism. Giving an opinion naturally lends itself to the use of words like "I" or "me." It just does. Believe me, I've been trying to cut those words out for years and it's damn near impossible. As the sentence just written proves.

Has it gotten to their heads some? Sure, but they are saints when compared to the John Morgan's of the world and his acolytes. You give opinions, you make informed predictions, you get access. It's going to go to your head. Trust me on this.

In general, I think we come down WAY too hard on those who sacrifice their time and energy to inform and entertain us.

And if someone else does end up doing a weekly Random Thoughts thread that really catches on, can we please all agree to not shit on the guy? And to make sure that those that do are made to know that they aren't helping. By everyone. That would certainly help the author's shelf life, if nothing else.

Thanks for reading all that. It's my hope that somehow a thread without my name attached to it can still get the most interesting minds to show up. If that could work out somehow, that would be awesome.


Active member
Mar 3, 2007
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Bay Area, CA
Bummer, I'm going to miss those. Thanks for doing them so long, kearly. If you ever do start doing them for a blog, please let us know so we can bookmark it.


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Mar 1, 2007
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The Tex-ASS
Sorry to see that thread go Kip because I always look forward to it.

That being said after being around here for more than a decade I understand. I was considering retiring as well. Just tired of all the jackasses mucking up threads and even personally attacking.

Maybe just keep posting your thoughts in certain threads.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Can't totally blame you. Your post game threads used to usually be left alone. Now, there are many fans "venting" for pages on end now. That's gotta be rough.

I appreciate all you've contributed to your random thoughts write-ups. I could never do that and I wondered how you got them put together so quickly after a game. You're a football brain man and I applaud you for it! :th2thumbs:

j hawk

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Apr 10, 2010
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I always enjoyed your writings. I will miss you and your great food for thought. Take care buddy.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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This is why we cannot have nice things....

I appreciate the insight. And when I don't agree with the assertions, you do a good job of making clear your thought processes and why you arrived at the conclusions. So even when you disagree it stays valuable. Not that I disagree with most of what is said.

The problem is that when you destroy people's delusions they become defensive, even violently so. So people can have a challenge separating the emotion from the fact and analytics. It becomes easier just to attack the source (see every problem in politics on any issue on any side...).

I post to vent. Positive emotion. Negative emotion. Frustration. In a situation where you are wedded as a fan to a team, but cannot control the outcome - at least contributing solutions/warnings seems to give the illusion of control. So I can understand the whole venting thing.

I don't understand people attacking people because they don't like the conclusions they make in their assessments. It makes more sense just to try to understand them or maybe even point out the alternate viewpoints. It doesn't make sense to assault their character or worse.

So I am just going to chalk this up to some people don't play well with others. And that is a shame since I think we all show we share a love of football, an appreciation for the team - even when we don't agree on the conclusions we each draw as the season plays out.


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Oct 14, 2012
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Thanks for your efforts on the RT threads, I really enjoyed them and they gave most games a sense of closure for me. Haven't always agreed 100% with your assessments, but getting fresh perspective was good for me. Sorry for the personal shots you had to endure.


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Aug 10, 2009
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Don't post often, but always looked forward to your RT posts after a game. Provided some insight on aspects of the game that I might have missed while watching. Sorry to hear you had to endure such abuse and will really miss reading them.


New member
May 1, 2009
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Well that sucks - but totally understood. Hopefully you continue to provide your insight because I feel it has made me a "smarter" fan. Thanks for all your hard work with the Random Thoughts threads.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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Bummer. Always enjoyed reading them and getting your take on the game.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2007
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Well, that sucks.

Your posts assured that at least once a week there'd be an ACTUAL football discussion a week. Like, new content. Not the same 6 posters bickering over the same topic as they had all year (Bevell, Percy, Oline, etc). And another same 5 popping in trying to sound like "voice of reason" guy. I personally looked forward to it every get new "data" and "ideas".

Just discuss with the rational ones via PM, that's what I do (and obviously the people I PM with). PM is away from the eyes of the trolly, mouth-breathers.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Phoenix, AZ
Damn. I'm one of the bummed ones. I regularly waited for your RT threads and enjoyed reading your take on things. Sorry you've had to endure the abuse, it's completely unnecessary and I understand you not wanting it. I'm sorta in the same boat as Largent, been around a while and although I'm not contemplating retirement I find myself staying away more often because of the incessant arguments that turn into personal attacks and butthurt all around. Especially after a loss. It's always been rough after losses but lately... it's downright bad.

Like Pe said, PMs man! I'd "subscribe"


Active member
Apr 30, 2009
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Kip, totally understand.

I could never do it, I don't even formulate some of my thoughts for days. I always figured you watched games with a notepad or something.

As for the Douchebags who ruin good things?

Off to the shack.


May 1, 2009
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Kearly, I hope you reconsider. Your weekly piece has become an interesting mainstay on the board. Although I rarely find myself in full agreement with you which is part of the deal around here, I always read.


Active member
Mar 13, 2013
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You decided to end it after a loss. I'm gonna be in a dark place for a while. Mqy have to get on suicide watch, maybe russell will visit me...


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
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I too appreciate it when the insight that you give is something I never considered. One thing that may be a future consideration is a Random Thoughts with a LOCK on the thread like the gameday when it is done. The attacks would probably stop and maybe they could take some parts that show promise and embellish those. I know that is kinda what they do in the main forum sometimes anyway, by nitpicking one part and all. Just some thoughts and I dont know how it would work too. Good luck in the future.


New member
Aug 30, 2014
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I'm a new poster here at .net but I have been coming for a long time in large part to read your posts Kearly. I'm sad to hear this news yet excited to hear you are going to do what is best for you. That is all good! Thanks for all you have done. Good luck in every future endeavor. All the Best - Sealake


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Oct 13, 2009
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New Joisey

This reads like you have made up your mind. Will miss this for sure, the first thing I would look for after,win or loss. Always made me appreciate things I did not notice, missed, or could not see, even if I wanted to. You truly have a gift, hope it can be appreciated, fully, one day. Thanks for all the posts, they will be missed.
