What will Roger do in wake of Hernandez?


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Feb 23, 2007
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I'm not duplicating the already existing thread on Hernandez, I see this as a separate issue.

Being the fan of a team full of "characters" I'm a little worried over Il Duce Roger's actions in the wake of the Hernandez news. No doubt about it, he will try and correct this PR skid by over steering, somehow.

I'd think dudes like Irvin will have a MUCH harder time getting drafted from now on. Hernandez had legit draft issues, which may've clued the Pats into his potentially nasty side, so Rog may put out the word "you’re responsible", draft at own peril.

Something’s going to occur, IMO.


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My guess is he'll applaud what the Patriots did in releasing Hernandez. The NFL may have already done that.

The sense that I'm getting from all the Hernandez articles is Hernandez is a gangbanger of sorts.

If anything, I could see Goodell issuing a letter to each club about the image of the NFL being tarnished by the public's perception that gang activities are leeching into the NFL's world and for the clubs to advise their players to be careful about who they associate with.

He may even start a committee to understand if this issue is pervasive in the NFL and to determine what could be done to preclude another Hernandez-type black eye to the NFL's image.


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RolandDeschain":2ginymwu said:
I don't know what he'll do, but plenty of people around here will complain about it.

I wanna be all "Come on man don't be that way" but since I know it's true all I can do is laugh.

The Radish

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I don't know what he will do but I'm sure glad someone started a third Hernandez thread.



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The Radish":18m1tomo said:
I don't know what he will do but I'm sure glad someone started a third Hernandez thread.


It's not a Hernandez thread, its a Goodell thread. I'm interested in hearing what knowledgeable posters think Goodell will do now. I find that type of discussion fascinating and informative. I have no interest in the Hernandez issue, personally.

Or, you know, what you said, I just want another Hernandez thread.


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Sep 23, 2011
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Well, as more shit emerges, its hard not to include Henandez in the equation. It now appears that the murder of Odin Loyd was to silence him for information of a double Murder hernandez was involved in. If true, this thing will be front page news for quite a while and the NFL wont be able to wash the stank off that easily.


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Chukarhawk":10lfbro5 said:
Well, as more shit emerges, its hard not to include Henandez in the equation. It now appears that the murder of Odin Loyd was to silence him for information of a double Murder hernandez was involved in. If true, this thing will be front page news for quite a while and the NFL wont be able to wash the stank off that easily.
Got a link?


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onanygivensunday":2v605f1w said:
Chukarhawk":2v605f1w said:
Well, as more shit emerges, its hard not to include Henandez in the equation. It now appears that the murder of Odin Loyd was to silence him for information of a double Murder hernandez was involved in. If true, this thing will be front page news for quite a while and the NFL wont be able to wash the stank off that easily.
Got a link?
There is a link to a story in the Hernandez thread.


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Chukarhawk":254uufbh said:
Well, as more shit emerges, its hard not to include Henandez in the equation. It now appears that the murder of Odin Loyd was to silence him for information of a double Murder hernandez was involved in. If true, this thing will be front page news for quite a while and the NFL wont be able to wash the stank off that easily.

Hernandez' problems are a human issue for a great athlete who made his way to the NFL. I don't consider this to be an NFL problem. In fact, I suspect if he had never made it to the NFL he would have taken a dark path anyway. Now, if Aqib Talib whacks someone, that will be an NFL issue, seeing as everyone knows what his gun toting issues already are.


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Goodell is all about the league's image and ways to make the league more popular. As a result, he sometimes goes overboard, or doesn't consider the ramifications of the ideas he's pushing (for example, who in the hell thinks a London team is a good or even feasible idea?).

When it comes to stuff like the Hernandez case, it's hard to know how he'll react. I don't recall the league's policies on "detrimental behavior" or substance abuse changing after Donte Stallworth plead guilty to manslaughter, for instance. I know he nailed Stallworth himself with a full year suspension as a result. But that situation is totally different from this Hernandez thing. From what the Boston police have said, the only real comparison is with Rae Carruth (don't get started on the Ray Lewis comparisons... there was nowhere near this much supposed evidence in Lewis' case). I don't know whether Goodell will maintain the "focus on the player" type of punishment, then again, if Hernandez is convicted, it'll be a non-issue.


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volsunghawk":2t94p2tv said:
Goodell is all about the league's image and ways to make the league more popular. As a result, he sometimes goes overboard, or doesn't consider the ramifications of the ideas he's pushing (for example, who in the hell thinks a London team is a good or even feasible idea?).

When it comes to stuff like the Hernandez case, it's hard to know how he'll react. I don't recall the league's policies on "detrimental behavior" or substance abuse changing after Donte Stallworth plead guilty to manslaughter, for instance. I know he nailed Stallworth himself with a full year suspension as a result. But that situation is totally different from this Hernandez thing. From what the Boston police have said, the only real comparison is with Rae Carruth (don't get started on the Ray Lewis comparisons... there was nowhere near this much supposed evidence in Lewis' case). I don't know whether Goodell will maintain the "focus on the player" type of punishment, then again, if Hernandez is convicted, it'll be a non-issue.

If dude ends up bing a triple murderer? Wishful thinking. this thing will be akin to the Lacey Peterson case. Especially if this summer is a slow news summer it will 24/7.


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Right outside Richard Sherman's house
Chukarhawk":3kifjcvq said:
volsunghawk":3kifjcvq said:
Goodell is all about the league's image and ways to make the league more popular. As a result, he sometimes goes overboard, or doesn't consider the ramifications of the ideas he's pushing (for example, who in the hell thinks a London team is a good or even feasible idea?).

When it comes to stuff like the Hernandez case, it's hard to know how he'll react. I don't recall the league's policies on "detrimental behavior" or substance abuse changing after Donte Stallworth plead guilty to manslaughter, for instance. I know he nailed Stallworth himself with a full year suspension as a result. But that situation is totally different from this Hernandez thing. From what the Boston police have said, the only real comparison is with Rae Carruth (don't get started on the Ray Lewis comparisons... there was nowhere near this much supposed evidence in Lewis' case). I don't know whether Goodell will maintain the "focus on the player" type of punishment, then again, if Hernandez is convicted, it'll be a non-issue.

If dude ends up bing a triple murderer? Wishful thinking. this thing will be akin to the Lacey Peterson case. Especially if this summer is a slow news summer it will 24/7.

My point was that any punishment the NFL hands down will be a non-issue if Hernandez is convicted. What is Goodell going to do, suspend him for 3 years? Won't matter since the guy will be sitting in prison anyway.


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Scottemojo":vny5m0hs said:
Chukarhawk":vny5m0hs said:
Well, as more shit emerges, its hard not to include Henandez in the equation. It now appears that the murder of Odin Loyd was to silence him for information of a double Murder hernandez was involved in. If true, this thing will be front page news for quite a while and the NFL wont be able to wash the stank off that easily.

Hernandez' problems are a human issue for a great athlete who made his way to the NFL. I don't consider this to be an NFL problem. In fact, I suspect if he had never made it to the NFL he would have taken a dark path anyway. Now, if Aqib Talib whacks someone, that will be an NFL issue, seeing as everyone knows what his gun toting issues already are.

I find this to be wishful thinking, really. This occured on one of the NFL's beloved franchises. The Patriots are a team the NFL has interest in pushing as a model franchise. Look what happened when a favored franchise lost a game due to replacement referees? He's all about image and PR. He WILL do something.

There we're some huge flags, apparently, with Hernandez coming out of Florida (makes sense considering the talent he has and round taken). I totally expect some "incentive" for teams to stay away from any draftee with red flags, from now on. We may never know of it, but, IMO its going to happen.

I'd go so far to say Bruce Irvin would be a 3rd day pick from now on, due to Roger's convincing behind closed doors. That's hyperbole on my part, but note, when everyone was still smelling Roger's junk, I was alone in questioning the douche. Maybe I just know douchebags (as Digital Underground says...game recognize game).


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Apr 30, 2009
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There have never been real repurcussions from ol Roger for NFL teams for the mistakes players make off the field, and I would be shocked if this was the first. Yeah, guys with gang ties might slide for a couple of years in the draft, but soon enough a position of need will be filled by a guy similar to Hernandez. Irvin was the first guy I thought of too, because of the gun ties, not gang ties. People keep talking gang culture with Hernandez, but the NFL has a way bigger problem with gun culture. A guy growing up around gangs would concern me way less than a guy who was known to carry for clearly testosterone based reasons.

Entitled athlete behavior will always go with sports. Greek sports fans probably complained about entitled olympic athletes. Romans probably got pissed about gladiators being too violent away from the arena. And Roger will most likely make a mess of this in his perceived need to placate the media criticism of the league's supposed violence issue. But it is a human issue. 2880 players in the NFL on 90 man rosters right now, 28 arrested since the SB. Hardly a league scourge.


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No one complained in Greece, they were nude.


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pehawk":5dkc9ugr said:
No one complained in Greece, they were nude.
And all oiled up.

I bet it was no fun watching a deadlift, though.

Roger is going to give Stern a run as worst commish before all is said and done.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Rumor is Roger is going to force Dan Snyder to rename Washington the Hernandez's.