Where did your hate of 49er fans originate?


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Jan 23, 2013
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I am curious as to where all of your hate for us originated? I know we are division rivals so it is natural to dislike the biggest obstacle that stands in the way of where you want to be, but there seems to be some deep down hatred that lies inside some if not most of you for the Niners.

I have been made aware that Niner fans used to come on here and troll the crap out of your site a while back. How bad was it? Is this the cause for alot of your hate towards us?

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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Dude, now you're trolling. I only see you come on here to defend the Niners and brag about your team. Bring something to the table.


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-The Glove-":2fcf29qv said:
Dude, now you're trolling. I only see you come on here to defend the Niners and brag about your team. Bring something to the table.

I'm honestly not trolling. I am just curious as to why each time I post something that it is taken so negatively. If anything I am trying to find out ways to not provoke issues in the future when I post something. That is why I posted this thread.

I just think it would be cool to talk with you guys about both our teams futures in the division without being blasted all the time. I have mentioned it before that I have respect for the Seahawks because my dad was a fan of them after he moved to Oregon, and went to games quite often. I think also the fact that I came back here after the Super Bowl should indicate that I am not here to troll your boards.


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With a White Girl
Hey Lifer, I live in Sacramento and I am constantly surrounded by crimson and gold douche-baggery. "Fans" that talk about the good old days that aren't even old enough to have experienced them, and ridicule when I'm wearing any ' Hawks gear. Even when we owned the division Whiner fans would run their mouths about their historical greatness, blah blah blah.

So naturally I enjoy seeing them suffer.


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SacHawk2.0":amkbcfx6 said:
Hey Lifer, I live in Sacramento and I am constantly surrounded by crimson and gold douche-baggery. "Fans" that talk about the good old days that aren't even old enough to have experienced them, and ridicule when I'm wearing any ' Hawks gear. Even when we owned the division Whiner fans would run their mouths about their historical greatness, blah blah blah.

So naturally I enjoy seeing them suffer.

I can understand that. I was born in 1980, so though I was alive I was far to young to remember most of those times.

This might be the first time you hear a Niner fan say this, but I agree that constantly pointing out our history is pathetic when being used in a discussion between rival fans in regards to which team is better. Maybe it is just me but I am more concerned with who's team is better now and who's team is capable of winning now, not who has won in the past.


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I don't know but I suspect it is the following:

1 - Division rival. Prior to moving into the NFC West, I have pulled for the 9ers during their Superbowl runs.
2 - Sharpie incident
3 - Rams going from the hunted to also ran after the Greatest Show on Turf went away (see Mike Martz hatred to compare with current Harbaugh craze. And of course Mike Singletary craziness).
4 - Previous successes, though dated are constantly used as a way to trump any attempt to discuss teams current competitive advantages.
5 - Elitism due to past, though earned not taken well.
6 - Recent influx of 9ers fans over the past few years due to their recent success gives some an impression that many of their fans only want to talk now that things have picked up. (There are 9ers fans who have been here since mid-2000s when Nolan was coach but most have not showed up until Harbaugh took over). But we have folks that haven't shown up around here until after Mora left, so it cuts both ways, but that is just my thought.

Some have other reasons that go back decades of why they hate the 9ers. I cannot speak to those feelings. The list above is only my general thoughts on why there is so much pushback to any 9ers fans conversation. To me sometimes it seems to be a complex with some but maybe it is just good ole fan rivalry at its finest?

If you come with sword lowered, you are going to get skewered. If you come with shield raised, you are going to get called out as a troll. I would just assume that a hornet's nest will appear whenever posting as a rival fan. Too much in common as far as goals. If you were from another division or a non-threat to the fans here, maybe you get a majority of non-confrontational responses. Even the good guys (Ravens, Patriots, Saints and others) will not get 100% positive responses. Some folks just like being buttholes.


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drdiags":2ajkd825 said:
I don't know but I suspect it is the following:

2 - Sharpie incident

Because of this I was curious as to what some of your opinions were when T.O. was in Seattle briefly before the season started.


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Kent, Washington
NinerLifer":2imy747k said:
drdiags":2imy747k said:
I don't know but I suspect it is the following:

2 - Sharpie incident

Because of this I was curious as to what some of your opinions were when T.O. was in Seattle briefly before the season started.

Wouldn't have been my decision to bring him in. I thought he was done and not really a fan of his antics over the years. As a fan of the team, if the HC thought he would help, I would have pulled for him to be successful. I was surprised how quickly Pete decided to let him go. Same with Winslow. One thing folks have to admit is that the FO/HC will not hesitate in letting former star veterans walk. See Lendale White, Houshmanzadeh.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I think it has something to do with the fact that your fans are really obnoxious, have a tendency to bring up long past success like it has a bearing on future success, and they also have questionable hygienic standards. Your team has been winning a lot of games so naturally the trolls start to come out of the woodwork, pestering the members of this forum with their ridiculous homerisms and ill-formed smack talk. I don't expect it to be so bad this next season, though, as the 49ers struggle to a 9 win season amidst a full-blown QB controversy as Kaepernick caves under the pressure.


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Because you and most other Niner fans don't know shit about the NFL. You want to talk about whether Seattle or San Fran is better, which is stupid without NFL context. And you have no context. Just look at your post history, no knowledge/all bullshit. And you trip my passive aggressive detector/combination bullshit detector off the scale.


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2 - Sharpie incident

First year in the same division as the Niners and the same year i moved to the Bay Area.

These days i hate the Raiders much less. Maybe it's just me, but the Raider fans never bring up the Super Bowls they won 20 years ago to try and win an argument.

Sports Hernia

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The pit
See the whiner trolls. They didn't show up here until the 69'ers started winning, and once they crapped the bed in the Super Bowl most are no where to be found!


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Scottemojo":2bc64xyx said:
Because you and most other Niner fans don't know shit about the NFL. You want to talk about whether Seattle or San Fran is better, which is stupid without NFL context. And you have no context. Just look at your post history, no knowledge/all bullshit. And you trip my passive aggressive detector/combination bullshit detector off the scale.

So because I only talk about our two teams? I came here to talk about our two teams because we seem to be the "two toughest kids on the block" in our division currently. When the Cardinals were our biggest threat I spent alot of time on their MB, and I must say they were much more welcoming. If you guys go into a slump and the Rams or Cards emerge as our toughest competition again, i will spend more time on their MB again. I still post on the other boards, but i am here because of the old saying "keep your friends close and your enemy's closer".

If I want to talk about the rest of the league I do so on 49ers.com in our NFL section. What's the big deal with that?

Lady Talon

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I started hating SF when they stopped believing in Joe Montana. Steve Young was and still is a total Harbaugh. Since I know you're all wondering, yes I did have a crush on Montana. Of course, had the Hawks been in the NFC West back in those days, I'd have been pretty conflicted.


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Seattle, WA
I'll tell you why I hate SF fans. I'm a season ticket holder. You know how many SF fans you'd see at Hawks-Niners games in Seattle the past decade or so when the Niners were no good? Barely any at all. Now? They're all over the place, puffing their chests out. I don't begrudge them for that, exactly. That happens with most all fan bases. You're definitely going to see more Seattle fans at road games now that our team is good and we're proud of it. But here's the thing about the reappearing SF fans. They taunt you about their Super Bowl titles from 20 years ago. They talk about how much better a franchise it is than Seattle. These same fans who couldn't be bothered to show up for a game for their team a couple years ago are now telling you about how inferior our franchise is than theirs and how it's always been that way. And it's even better when these "fans" aren't even old enough to remember the old glory days. Frontrunning, whatever. It happens. Fans of storied franchises like the Yankees bragging about their history, whatever. It happens. But only with Niner fans do you get both to obnoxious extremes.

Oh, and Jim Harbaugh is the most unlikable coach in modern sports history. I will root against whatever team he coaches the rest of his career.


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Tacoma, WA
Who was it that went to the game in SF a few years back and almost got into a fight? I swear I remember something like that happening, it was the game where Hass caught an elbow to the ribs from Willis.


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Mar 5, 2007
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This is easy, your fans were nowhere to be found 2 years ago. Now your fans troll this board and repeatedly tell us how great your franchise is and how bad ours is. Get into any real discussion and they pull out the 5 rings like that matters today. Pretty much everything Seatown said. 49er and foreskin fans are the worst bunch at this, imo, by far.

Harbaugh may be a very good coach, but he's a total dickhead and your fans follow his lead.


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hedgehawk":2xym9f4n said:
This is easy, your fans were nowhere to be found 2 years ago. Now your fans troll this board and repeatedly tell us how great your franchise is and how bad ours is. Get into any real discussion and they pull out the 5 rings like that matters today. Pretty much everything Seatown said. 49er and foreskin fans are the worst bunch at this, imo, by far.

Harbaugh may be a very good coach, but he's a total dickhead and your fans follow his lead.

You're right, it's the connection between Harbs and PC that draws a lot of Niner fans here.