Star Wars - The Old Republic - NDA Lifted!



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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
Interesting; no such issues here, I was able to answer my security question just fine. Logged out and logged in a few times, had to answer a question each time, (which I set a good while ago on the account, when they first announced it'd be required down the road) but it works for me otherwise, if slowly here and there.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Central WA
Yeah... I've answered every possible thing I could think of and it just sits there asking me...


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Mar 3, 2007
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Central WA
No. That's the thing. Looks like they just setup their phone system to handle account errors with regards to the security question. On hold right now.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Central WA
I would have no issue if the game were not in the Beta-phases and were live... but to deal with this while the game is still a month from going live does not bode well in my eye.

Been on hold for over an hour and it's 9:50 PM PST right now.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Central WA
Yeah... I somehow got past if the first time and then it locked me out when I tried to change them to answers I actually knew.

I entered in my e-mail and password and then it tells me that it's an "unrecognized computer" and asks me for my favorite cartoon.

No matter how many times I enter in my favorite cartoon, it won't accept it. So I know they borked my security questions.



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Apr 30, 2009
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San Diego, CA
wow, that is weird. I haven't had to use security questions yet, so I guess I set mine just before it was required..


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Mar 3, 2007
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Central WA
Docking Station

Due to high volumes of traffic, you are currently in a waiting queue.

This is not an error page and you do not need to refresh your browser.
You will be taken directly to the page you were attempting to access as soon
as you reach the front of the queue, or web traffic subsides to allow normal access.

Thank you for your patience and enjoy your time playing Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.

You will be forwarded to the website in approximately countdown to auto-refresh
This is the current message on the website...

The e-mail I was got was to reset my password, which I did but not the security questions.


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Apr 30, 2009
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better to get these things ironed out now than in Dec. I guess.
I had to reset my password 'cause I didn't do it a few weeks ago, still haven't gotten the email to reset 3hours later..
No biggie


edit: as of 4pm pst my old LI/PW seems gto work..looks like BW gave up on the security stuff so any of you that need to DL the client, get to it!

six sigma

May 2, 2009
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I played about 8 hours last Saturday. Now I know why the WoW guys are such addicts, I just wanted to keep going (this was my first MMO experience). Really enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to the full release. Mostly bummed that I can't keep my beta character for the real deal.


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Apr 30, 2009
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San Diego, CA
How do you figure. It is essentially a WoW clone with voiceovers and a story. IF they add a sandbox space combat, unique endgame, it will be better. but that space combat is retarded.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Current WoW player here. I haven't gotten to experience SWTOR's beta but everything I've read claims it's basically WoW in space. This isn't going to keep me from trying it out. But if it wasn't Star Wars, I don't think I'd be buying it.


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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
Galen96":2ln1n36x said:
How do you figure. It is essentially a WoW clone with voiceovers and a story. IF they add a sandbox space combat, unique endgame, it will be better. but that space combat is retarded.

Ok. First of all, the voice work is as good as anything you can find throughout Hollywood, with story to match. If you want to treat that like a tiny component of little value, fine, but that's doing it a real disservice and frankly, it just sounds like a biased WoW-lover's opinion trying to justify WoW as still being a great MMO, the way I see it. It's not just completely passive story. The choices you make actually open up different treatment toward you by some NPCs later in the game. I mean, that doesn't even exist in WoW in any form whatsoever.

You say it's essentially a WoW clone. Ok. First of all, much of what is in WoW, did not start with WoW. It came from other MMOs before it. You can't just say it's a WoW clone, because WoW also cloned a lot of crap from other games. Do the talent trees operate the same way WoW's do? (Did, at least, before the recent changes.) Yes. That's also a rather boilerplate talent system similar to a TON of other MMOs and RPGs. Is combat like WoW's? It's similar in a generic sense, but there's one really big difference - people cannot be killed quickly. It completely changes everything about PvP in the entire game. No more stunlock-to-kill-in-4-seconds PvP which is pervasive and retardedly annoying in WoW. PvP in WoW sucks, because getting killed instantly is just stupid; so while combat isn't that different from WoW's, there's a crucial difference that makes PvP a completely different animal, and that should count for something; even though you seem to think it doesn't. Perhaps you didn't know that two DPS classes going against each other couldn't even kill each other in less than 30 seconds blowing all cooldowns, and with no heals? I don't know.

Space combat will be considerably expanded in the future, likely with the first expansion. They said from the beginning that space combat is ONLY a mini-game when SWTOR goes live. Why are you bashing them? It's a cool addition, and there aren't any mini-games like that in WoW. It's a fun extra, and the space combat daily quests are certainly a THOUSAND TIMES more fun than the daily quests in WoW. If you want to argue that, lay it out so I can see what the basis of your argument is.

Player housing. Everyone gets player housing for free, at around level 16. Your ship is very cool. Where's WoW's player housing? Oh yeah, 6 years in and it's still MIA.

Professions. Professions work very differently in SWTOR than in WoW, and you can level them entirely with companions, saving you a TON of time.

Companions. WoW pets are a joke compared to SWTOR companions. Many classes don't even have a pet in WoW, but everyone gets at least 5 companions in SWTOR, with full voice work, different personalities and roles, etc. They're significantly more powerful than even a Hunter beast tree pet while you're activating The Beast Within, and you can send them to vendor your gray items, which is awesome. They feel like sidekicks in SWTOR; in WoW, they're just something that can help you do a little more damage, or interrupt someone's spell cast, and that's it.

Leveling. Yes, ultimately, quests in SWTOR are about gathering X of this, or killing X of that. There isn't really much you can do to avoid that. However, this game makes you care about what you're doing and why, and as Gabe over at Penny Arcade points out, even the act of acquiring quests in SWTOR is more fun than actually doing any quest in WoW. This makes leveling way more fun. All the story, choosing whether to be good or evil, if you're evil you get to see dark side corruption effects on your character's face, etc. Questing in this game is more fun than any MMO before it, and it's not even close.

As far as end game goes, yeah, it has operations which are similar to raids, but this game isn't gear-based like WoW ENTIRELY is, and that helps make things more skill-based rather than "lulz u r only in i200 purpz gtfo nub rofl".

There are a ton of small and medium things done differently in this game that comprise to make a much different, and better, overall experience. If you think it's just a WoW clone with voice acting and story thrown in, well...

I think it's an asinine opinion. Compare SWTOR at launch to WoW at launch. What a joke.


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Apr 17, 2009
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Behind enemy lines
Roland, how many MMO's have you played?

Cause you make it sound like there are not games any less similar to WoW than SWG. As someone who has literally played dozens of MMOs over the past decade, and beta tested dozens, that's simply not true. Look at a combat/quest system like TERA, or a progression system like ArcheAge (and there are current-day examples of both). There are plenty of other quest options than the killl/gather model, though that is indeed the most prevalent (Ryzom would be an example of differences in quests and progression).

IMO, SWTOR sounds like a better version of WoW. But RIFT is the ultimate WoW Clone (in terms of it's cloneness, not that quality), and there are as many differences between RIFT and WoW as you describe between SWTOR and WoW. It sounds well-done, with some tweaks, but from what I've read, if you've played WoW you will be able to pick up SWTOR and know what's going on right away. If you've only played WoW and go to a game like Darkfall, you'd be feeling lost within 2 hours because the games are so different.


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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
I've played 18-20 different MMOs. Not dozens. My first was Asheron's Call, then Everquest, and plenty since. Only a few for any serious length of time, though. Yes, it's true if you know WoW, you can pick up SWTOR and know what you're doing right away; but as someone who HAS played Darkfall, I think you're overdoing it a bit on the differences. I completely agree that they are very different games, though. (Darkfall and WoW)

Saying SWTOR is just a WoW-clone is a disservice. It's like saying one's a Ford Taurus and one's a Chevy Impala; very similar cars at identical price points. In reality, SWTOR is like a high-end Mercedes 4-door sedan compared to the WoW being a Ford Taurus. They're both 4-door sedans and you can instantly drive and handle one well if you've driven the other, but oh, the Mercedes is so much nicer in a lot of little ways.

That's the point I'm trying to make.

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