Apparently the media still hates the Tate catch

Apr 30, 2009
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Memphis (Displaced Seattleite)
On NFL Gameday Highlights last night...a show I normally love....they just HAD to say it last night when MD got his pick six; a 'simultaneous' interception. Gaawd.

I'm with Galen. I used to kinda like the Packers, but after the game against us they rocketed right up to #3 on my 'Teams I Hate' list, behind the 9ers and Steelers.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lake Tapps, WA
sutz":2vds57er said:
I haven't gotten over it either.

I still celebrate that win.


Myself included and I do so with pride. Here's the thing, all factors aside, GT was the first one with both feet on the ground and possession. TD, play over.

But even if it was a bad call, I will celebrate it the same. Screw 'em. I hope the Hawks make it a controversy all year long. GB was lucky to even be in that game. The Hawks nearly ended it on the previous drive and also stripped the ball inside the 3 yard line on the GB possession prior. The PI call that gifted the Pack their TD has already been mentioned.

Indeed.. Celebration.


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Jul 26, 2012
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Whenever Joe Buck gets to me I just go back and watch Artie Lang destroy his abomination of an idea for a ahow. Joe only knew bout that greenbay Seattle game because it was on TMZ, or more likely his second favorite site.


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Nov 9, 2010
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I dont know why you would hate the Packers or the media. by all accounts, it was an extremely controversial call made by a replacement ref.
who cares? life goes on. stop being so sensitive and overdramatic.

Packers' stunning loss to Colts has been a lot harder pill to swallow. if you seriously believe that Golden Tate is all the Packers fans talk about, you are clearly mistaken. Green Bay has bigger fish to fry, with Giants and then two division games against Vikings and a game in Chicago ahead of them.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
I just like to point out that it shouldnt of come to that, game should've been over after Chancellor knocked the ball away but was called for a phantom PI call. The right team won, so screw anyone that still wants to bitch about it!


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Sep 16, 2011
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Naples, FL
Bipolar said:
I dont know why you would hate the Packers or the media. by all accounts, it was an extremely controversial call made by a replacement ref.
who cares? life goes on. stop being so sensitive and overdramatic.

Youu dont "get it" because you are an entitled Puker fan.


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
i'm over it.. and i hope we keep the packers out of the playoffs with the tie breaker, screw them and every one who looks like them.. or if we get a chance to knock them out of the playoffs by meeting in the wildcard game, i'll take that too.. sick of hearing about that play, glad they won yesterday only because i keeps detroit at bay, but now it's back to F**K the packers, niners and steelers...


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Nov 9, 2010
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VHawk":11uygy43 said:
Youu dont "get it" because you are an entitled Puker fan.

how am I an entitled Packer fan and what should I be "getting"?

regardless of where you stand on that subject, if anyone should be blasted, is a replacement ref.
how exactly a bad call all the sudden transformed to hate of Green Bay Packers franchise is beyond my comprehention.

it was a bad call. every team gets bad calls few times a season. there is no international conspiracy against Seattle. Packers fans do not hate Seahawks fans. move on with your life.

PS: you dont even know me.


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Jan 7, 2011
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It's never going to go away.

I'm a bartender in NYC, far removed from Green Bay and especially Seattle location wise. A Ravens fan was sitting, watching the Ravens/Steelers game last night when he started gushing about RGIII. I gave RGIII his props (I genuinely like the guy and am glad he's playing well.. loved him at Baylor) but told the dude that I think Russell Wilson will be the first QB from this class to win a Super Bowl and that if RGIII hits the rookie wall like Newton did last season (I don't think he will, but the possibility exists) he might just steal the Rookie of the Year Award from him if he and the Seahawks keep things up. Then I brought up the list of QB's that Wilson has led his team to victory against. When I mentioned that Wilson and the Hawks beat Aaron Rodgers?

"Not really." Was his reply. The dude to his right randomly jumped in with "That was the worst call in the history of sports!" This started a 10 minute conversation about the play that basically ended with both guys saying that they lost money because of the play and that "don't remember" the call on Chancellor, lack of holding calls in that game, etc. They were, like the rest of the majority of Americans, forcefed hundreds of the same replay and the same angle over and over again. Media hacks and retired has beens like Vinny Testeverde chiming in on the "injustice" and the horrid replacement refs. It's all just confirmation bias. People will see what they want to see, at the end of the day. Evidence, data, analysis, and logic be damned.

Thank God people's attention spans are much shorter nowadays. I don't think I could put up with talking about that play for the next 60 years, telling people where I was when it happened haha... Give it 5 years and the only time you'll see it referenced is when the Seahawks play the Packers head to head. Wouldn't that be something if this was only the beginning of the two teams intertwining fates? Multiple heated playoff matchups later, people would point back to the MNF Game as the start of all the history.


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May 8, 2009
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Apparently the media comfortably forgets that we made GB look like a high school team the entire first half. And, even when they got things going a bit in the second half, it was still 12-7. The Pack put themselves in the position of having one big play or call against them decide the outcome of the game. We got the play and the call, end of story.

I actually hope we meet them again in the playoffs, and this time we play a full game like we did in the first half. Packer nation believe they are invincible when actually, they are only pretty dam good, however, they are also 1 year ending injury to Rodgers away from futility.


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Oct 4, 2009
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PoCompton, BC Canada
Bipolar":3kbhwqq2 said:
VHawk":3kbhwqq2 said:
Youu dont "get it" because you are an entitled Puker fan.

how am I an entitled Packer fan and what should I be "getting"?

regardless of where you stand on that subject, if anyone should be blasted, is a replacement ref.
how exactly a bad call all the sudden transformed to hate of Green Bay Packers franchise is beyond my comprehention.

it was a bad call. every team gets bad calls few times a season. there is no international conspiracy against Seattle. Packers fans do not hate Seahawks fans. move on with your life.

PS: you dont even know me.

The problem my brotha (and you are my brotha cuz I know you're a Hawks fan - "entitled Puker fan" was probably a bit much) is that you keep referring to it as a bad call. It was perhaps one of the only truly good calls in that entire game.

Like I do every time this subject comes up, I'm just going to leave this here and walk away humming "we are the champions" to myself...



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Apr 11, 2010
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Bipolar":1xry3dfo said:
VHawk":1xry3dfo said:
Youu dont "get it" because you are an entitled Puker fan.

how am I an entitled Packer fan and what should I be "getting"?

regardless of where you stand on that subject, if anyone should be blasted, is a replacement ref.
how exactly a bad call all the sudden transformed to hate of Green Bay Packers franchise is beyond my comprehention.

it was a bad call. every team gets bad calls few times a season. there is no international conspiracy against Seattle. Packers fans do not hate Seahawks fans. move on with your life.

PS: you dont even know me.

I don't know you any better than VHawk does, but that was NOT a bad call,,The Referee saw that Tate had every bit as much possesion of the ball when he hit the ground, and correctly raised his hands accordingly, and all the pissing and moaning by the media and pundits thereof, need to move on.


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Nov 9, 2010
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CANHawk":anb7d4vo said:
The problem my brotha (and you are my brotha cuz I know you're a Hawks fan - "entitled Puker fan" was probably a bit much) is that you keep referring to it as a bad call. It was perhaps one of the only truly good calls in that entire game.

Like I do every time this subject comes up, I'm just going to leave this here and walk away humming "we are the champions" to myself...

thats fine. no hard feelings.

that said, its all human psychology. the brain creates all sorts of defense mechanisms and rationalizes events in a way so that they make sense to you.

for example - you didn't get that job after 3 rounds of interview, and then you calm yourself down by thinking that "oh well, it wasn't meant to be, the manager would have probably sucked anyway, and there are bigger and better things waiting for me in the future", where in fact you truly are just trying to cope with reality that you didn't get the job of your dreams.

same thing here -- there is a video footage from all angles and to virtually any unbiased observer the TD call was extremely bogus. but no, to us, Seahawks fans (who clearly have vested interest), we come up with all sorts of reasons and logic why this was in a TD.


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May 10, 2009
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Bipolar":3sydnufn said:
CANHawk":3sydnufn said:
The problem my brotha (and you are my brotha cuz I know you're a Hawks fan - "entitled Puker fan" was probably a bit much) is that you keep referring to it as a bad call. It was perhaps one of the only truly good calls in that entire game.

Like I do every time this subject comes up, I'm just going to leave this here and walk away humming "we are the champions" to myself...

thats fine. no hard feelings.

that said, its all human psychology. the brain creates all sorts of defense mechanisms and rationalizes events in a way so that they make sense to you.

for example - you didn't get that job after 3 rounds of interview, and then you calm yourself down by thinking that "oh well, it wasn't meant to be, the manager would have probably sucked anyway, and there are bigger and better things waiting for me in the future", where in fact you truly are just trying to cope with reality that you didn't get the job of your dreams.

same thing here -- there is a video footage from all angles and to virtually any unbiased observer the TD call was extremely bogus. but no, to us, Seahawks fans (who clearly have vested interest), we come up with all sorts of reasons and logic why this was in a TD.

I agree with you. The call was closer than most would have you believe but it was still probably a bad call. Although I dont see why everyone was bi***** considering most of the other calls went in the fudge packers favor all night.

So I guess thats your mechanism for rationalizing losing. That you should have won based on that one call and the rest of the game, including giving up 8 (!!) sacks in the first half, didnt matter.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
Bipolar - "same thing here -- there is a video footage from all angles and to virtually any unbiased observer the TD call was extremely bogus. but no, to us, Seahawks fans (who clearly have vested interest), we come up with all sorts of reasons and logic why this was in a TD."

well unfortunatley for you and the rest of packer nation, it wasn't a bogus call to the referee's on the field, nor was it a bogus call when league officials later reviewed it at the NFL headquarters.... what it looks like a bogus call to you, is the complete right call to leaugue officials, even the real official in the replay booth.. according to the rules , it was a touchdown, boo hoo, get over it, moving along now... take this wine and cheese act to the packer boards....


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Oct 22, 2012
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Bipolar":2a242xve said:
CANHawk":2a242xve said:
The problem my brotha (and you are my brotha cuz I know you're a Hawks fan - "entitled Puker fan" was probably a bit much) is that you keep referring to it as a bad call. It was perhaps one of the only truly good calls in that entire game.

Like I do every time this subject comes up, I'm just going to leave this here and walk away humming "we are the champions" to myself...

thats fine. no hard feelings.

that said, its all human psychology. the brain creates all sorts of defense mechanisms and rationalizes events in a way so that they make sense to you.

for example - you didn't get that job after 3 rounds of interview, and then you calm yourself down by thinking that "oh well, it wasn't meant to be, the manager would have probably sucked anyway, and there are bigger and better things waiting for me in the future", where in fact you truly are just trying to cope with reality that you didn't get the job of your dreams.

same thing here -- there is a video footage from all angles and to virtually any unbiased observer the TD call was extremely bogus. but no, to us, Seahawks fans (who clearly have vested interest), we come up with all sorts of reasons and logic why this was in a TD.

I happened to be watching the game with a mix of people: Hawk fans, Packer fans, and those who didn't care for either team. All I know is that when that pass was caught there was a consensus in the room that it was a touchdown. That is, until Steve Young and Trent Dilfer went ballistic after the game. I can't help but wonder how everyone would be acting if, for the sake of argument, all of the pundits had praised the call as a great one.


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Oct 4, 2009
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PoCompton, BC Canada
Bipolar":3c5cel3l said:
CANHawk":3c5cel3l said:
The problem my brotha (and you are my brotha cuz I know you're a Hawks fan - "entitled Puker fan" was probably a bit much) is that you keep referring to it as a bad call. It was perhaps one of the only truly good calls in that entire game.

Like I do every time this subject comes up, I'm just going to leave this here and walk away humming "we are the champions" to myself...

thats fine. no hard feelings.

that said, its all human psychology. the brain creates all sorts of defense mechanisms and rationalizes events in a way so that they make sense to you.

for example - you didn't get that job after 3 rounds of interview, and then you calm yourself down by thinking that "oh well, it wasn't meant to be, the manager would have probably sucked anyway, and there are bigger and better things waiting for me in the future", where in fact you truly are just trying to cope with reality that you didn't get the job of your dreams.

same thing here -- there is a video footage from all angles and to virtually any unbiased observer the TD call was extremely bogus. but no, to us, Seahawks fans (who clearly have vested interest), we come up with all sorts of reasons and logic why this was in a TD.

Ummm..... what?

.........and we'll keep on fighting `til the end........


Jul 8, 2009
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Kennewick, Wa
CANHawks picture says a thousand words but we only need one: Touchdown!

Bipolar, you can also use your psycobabble rationalization and reverse it to justify the Packer loss.

You can't just overlook Tate having the ball with two feet down, because the play ended AT THAT MOMENT.

I'm also in the :pukeface: to GB group but only because of the Packer fan here at work that hasn't paid up his 1/2 case of beer bet..... Stealers, Cowpukes and Whiners still top my list though.


Dec 3, 2009
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NYCoug":3s68v7da said:
It's never going to go away.

Thank God people's attention spans are much shorter nowadays. I don't think I could put up with talking about that play for the next 60 years, telling people where I was when it happened haha... Give it 5 years and the only time you'll see it referenced is when the Seahawks play the Packers head to head. Wouldn't that be something if this was only the beginning of the two teams intertwining fates? Multiple heated playoff matchups later, people would point back to the MNF Game as the start of all the history.

Perhaps, or it may go down in the annals of NFL history as the most (or maybe second most) controversial call that changed the future of a franchise….

Not unlike the “Immaculate Reception/Deception”
(depending which side of the fence you stand on)has endured the test of time….

Funny, when we asked Ham what he saw from that seat on his helmet at the 50, No. 59 says, “I
anticipated a flag being thrown.”
Because …
“You can’t touch the ball twice.”


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Nov 9, 2010
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before I start, I really have no issue with Packers losing that game to Seahawks, since (regardless of that last call) they clearly didn't deserve to win that game to begin with. with what I do have issue is when you guys talk shit about Packers and their fans for absolutely no good reason.

hawker84":x4g94spd said:
well unfortunatley for you and the rest of packer nation, it wasn't a bogus call to the referee's on the field, nor was it a bogus call when league officials later reviewed it at the NFL headquarters.... what it looks like a bogus call to you, is the complete right call to leaugue officials, even the real official in the replay booth..

as if they would ever reverse the call and "take that TD back" from the big office. it is never going to happen, especially since it would imply them eating crow on the whole concept that replacement refs are any good and use that for leverage with ref union negotiations. things don't happen in the vacuum when you bring in league politics.

according to the rules , it was a touchdown, boo hoo, get over it, moving along now...

I have nothing to get over, since I celebrated that TD in that very moment in front of my TV. Seahawks absolutely deserved to win that game and the way I see it, won it on a bogus call / coin toss. It is just a f*cking football game, people should stop whining about any outcome for any team and get a life.

take this wine and cheese act to the packer boards....

cheese! now THAT we have plenty of in the Packer land...