Recent content by gohawks12

  1. G

    cheapest place to park by the stadium?

    The fast food restaurants on 4th ave will usually let you park in their spaces if you buy lunch there and leave your receipt on your dash. Call beforehand to make sure. McDonald's, jack in the box, qfc and Arby's are the wonderful culprits.
  2. G

    how many portland based seahawks fans are out there?

    I live in camas, close enough to Portland to realize they don't care too much for the greatest league in the world!
  3. G

    I can't watch football anymore. I love the Seahawks. But....

    Not trying to sound like an un-empathetic prick but, you need to watch the episode of South Park where Stan's dad decides he's an alcoholic after he gets a dui. Now the point I'm trying to make is that you let your emotions get the best of you. Like alcoholism, anger can be controlled by your...
  4. G

    Russell Wilsons potential?

    His ceiling is ridiculously high. I know this thread has kind of turned into a gag, but I am ridiculously impressed with his decision making. Although he has his rookie moments that we can all live with, he has it where it counts...between the ears, and that matters more than any height/espn...
  5. G

    Best possible outcome for Seahawks from tonight's game?

    Maybe suh will run over stafford and megatron on their way to the stadium, he seems pretty good at it.
  6. G

    Where is Kearly's Review?

    Honestly, Kearly gives me the most level headed breakdown of our beloved team every week. I really enjoy that I'm not the only one who thinks after each game, "I can't wait for kips breakdown to bring me back down to earth, or pick me back up. He has become a weekly tradition for me and many...
  7. G

    Before you give up on a NFCW crown.........remember...

    I believe two years ago the raiders went undefeated in their division and missed the playoffs...but I'm too lazy to check if my memory serves me correctly. We are fine, we just went blow for blow with a legit contender and with some help from some fundamentals we would have won. God bless Pete