Recent content by Phteven

  1. Phteven

    Was the crowd loud last night?

    It seemed pretty loud to me. I haven't been to a live game in several years. Had a blast. So glad I went live. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Phteven

    GB vs Cards.

    Laughed out loud at this one. Great game, and what a run after the catch by Fitzgerald to set up the TD.
  3. Phteven

    Rondy Rousey ... Cris Cyborg ... any comments?

    it isn't the glove size. Never said it was. Mayweather won't forget how to box when he puts on MMA gloves. But he also won't magically learn MMA, either. It's as fundamental as the habits that come from training for a very specific rule set. Good habits in boxing are bad habits in MMA...
  4. Phteven

    Money and Value: Another Wilson vs Luck Thread

    "Better" is subjective. Is Luck better than Wilson? Who really knows? Luck is a great QB and so is Wilson. That we got a great QB for pennies has really helped the Seahawks develop the rest of the team, and I'm glad Wilson signed a new contract and will be around for a while. I appreciate...
  5. Phteven

    Richard Sherman #10 on list of most charitable athletes.

    Comments were hilarious. Good for Sherman.
  6. Phteven

    Snohomish Little League Team (Softball) Throws Game

    It's pretty sad, and a tough lesson for those girls to learn. Real lapse of judgment on the part of the coaches, and I'm glad that it played out the way it did.
  7. Phteven

    Rondy Rousey ... Cris Cyborg ... any comments?

    you're making a specious argument. mayweather's core competency is a very specialized form of striking under a very specific set of rules. If rousey or any other ufc fighter were to put on 12oz gloves and try to box with mayweather, they'd get murdered. You guys grossly underestimate the...
  8. Phteven

    Rondy Rousey ... Cris Cyborg ... any comments?

    All true, but a few things to consider. For people training to compete in MMA, particularly at the elite level, there is no such thing anymore as a pure grappler or pure striker. The guys you see in the UFC are all competent at all ranges of fighting. Striker or grappler is relative to a pool...
  9. Phteven

    Seahawks might return to the AFC WEST?

    Ditto. While I don't really care which division the Hawks play in, I do still really hate the Broncos and get nauseous whenever I think about Elway, much less see him.
  10. Phteven

    CenturyLink Field is no longer the "Home of the 12th Man."

    If it means we no longer have any connection to the aggies, I'm for it. Who would willingly choose to associate with the aggies? Hook 'em, horns! I also like the reference to being a part of a horde.
  11. Phteven

    Rondy Rousey ... Cris Cyborg ... any comments?

    Sylvia's kind of a unique guy, though. On the one hand, he was the heavyweight champ for a time. But on the other, Tim Sylvia was never a technical fighter, and by 2009 wasn't even in fighting shape. He'd have fought for a steak dinner, I bet. I see your point regarding the male boxer vs...
  12. Phteven

    Rondy Rousey ... Cris Cyborg ... any comments?

    You're right. It will never happen. Won't happen because it would be lose/lose for Mayweather. Nothing to gain and win or lose, it would tarnish his reputation. Wins and it's against a girl. Loses and it's like Billy Jean King vs Bobby Riggs. I think it would be fun to watch, and I'd be...
  13. Phteven

    Rondy Rousey ... Cris Cyborg ... any comments?

    Very insightful.
  14. Phteven

    Rondy Rousey ... Cris Cyborg ... any comments?

    If Mayweather can land the shot, sure. But we've seen it over and over. A pure boxer's stance is all wrong for MMA. He'd get exactly one chance to land the punch that will end the fight. Could it happen? Sure. But odds are that he's on his back and making excuses within the first round...
  15. Phteven

    Rondy Rousey ... Cris Cyborg ... any comments?

    QFT. Rousey is just 10 or 15 years ahead of her time. The person who can beat Rousey is probably 12 years old or so and watching MMA with her dad, thinking about being just like her. The only person around who might possibly cause Rousey problems is Cyborg. But, it's the crazy that cyborg...