Recent content by rogerwilliambruce

  1. R

    Pete Carroll needs to go

    Many of the comments are spot on, Pete has not built a team identity and frankly since betraying the team by not giving the ball to Marshaun Lynch on the 1 yard line no one trusts his red zone judgement. That is the crux of the problem, he fired several players trying to move past it but the...
  2. R

    Only way Seattle can win another Super Bowl under Carroll

    Maybe we should get someone to keep pete away from all of the games so our offensive and defensive coordinators can do their jobs without interference.
  3. R

    We Will Not Win Another SB Under Pete

    I have watched as a fan and when we had one our first superbowl everyone was drinking the koolaid, but when pete did not give the ball to marshaun he threw the fans and the team under the bus. Pete has demostrated really bad end zone judgement ever since then. We do not need new OC, we need pete...
  4. R

    Hot names for the new OC

    Well at this point we have a new OC but that was not what we needed. It is hard to believe that we have gotten to this point. In my opinion the problem is that ownership has ceded control to Pete Carroll when he is in his sunset years as a coach. He has refused to recognize that with the talent...
  5. R

    Hot names for the new OC

    Well at this point we have a new OC but that was not what we needed. It is hard to believe that we have gotten to this point. In my opinion the problem is that ownership has ceded control to Pete Carroll when he is in his sunset years as a coach. He has refused to recognize that with the talent...
  6. R

    Only way Seattle can win another Super Bowl under Carroll

    What you outline for a superbowl win under Pete is not going to happen based on his history of Seahawk management choices. Pete does not invest in the offensive line but about one time new player every three to four years. So we are never going to have an elite offensive line. Under Pete since...
  7. R

    Maybe Pete Did Learn

    Pete Carroll was mediocre prior to Russell Wilson, and I see everyone believing that he is an awesome defensive coach. That is almost an oxymoron since our defense has been going downhill since he betrayed the team by not giving Lynch the ball. You read about the backbiting of the team against...
  8. R

    Shane Waldron approval rating poll

    Shane Waldron does not have the experience for the job he is going to be Pete Carrolls puppet. That is bad for the Seahawks, Pete is the reason the Seahawks blew the second half of the season. Pete Carroll should have been replaced not resigned, his approach is very outdated and his mind is no...
  9. R

    Would you trade Pete Carroll for Sean McVay?

    In a heart beat, Pete Carroll has demonstrated a lack of support when he did not give the ball to Marshawn Lynch on the 2 yard line. The legion of boom he assembled had to be dismantled due to the poor decision he made. The Seahawks have not been able to rise up to that level of play since. At...
  10. R

    Has Pete lost it?

    I think as Pete has aged he has lost the edge he had 8 years ago. He now has poor time management and cost us to have too hurry because of his mental slowness. He insists on calling the plays and the younger opposing coaches know what he is going to do and outmaneuver us. Pete has wasted...