Post UDFA's here


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Mar 3, 2007
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Sammamish, WA
Definitely. Very intriguing. Never heard of him, but he's a fast, athletic dual threat qb with strong arm, great accuracy at all three levels, 140 qb rating, only 4 int's, what's not to like? Scouting report says his best fit is a run first west coast offense type team. Hope he sticks around!
At 187 pounds, he's lighter than Kyler Murray and Bryce Young.


Sep 5, 2009
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Western Montana
Darn right, I played middle school ball in the late 70s, RB, I was the second coming of OJ, and never even got a call! I once had two long TD runs vs. Ronan! You try outrunning those Flathead Indians, they're fast sonofaguns!! The only difference between the legend Al Bundy and me is that my TDs actually counted, and like Spohawks, I peaked in middle school rather than high school.

I'm sure I've said multiple politically incorrect things here that were OK in the late 70s but are forbidden now. Flathead Nation, I had no idea who was Salish or Kootenai, I was running for my life.
No offense taken. If it was 77-78 then I was one of them Indians in pursuit. I was the slow one. lol.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2011
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This kid can play! Only concern is his size. He's almost my size but maybe he can grow some while he is adjusting to level of play.
I hope you are talking about weight because not many people who reach the age of 24 grow any taller. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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No offense taken. If it was 77-78 then I was one of them Indians in pursuit. I was the slow one. lol.
The snow-capped Mission Mountains in the background... it was a beautiful, scenic place to play football. As best as I can recall, it would have been Fall of '76, 8th grade for me. I was class of 81. Ronan took the opening kickoff and scored in 3 plays. IIRC they were class AA (1500 students?) and Thompson Falls was class B (200 students) at the time. They were much bigger than us all through the lineup. They kicked off... the ball teetered on the sideline, but didn't go out of bounds. I covered it just inside the right sideline at our 13 yard line. The next play, the coach called "25 trap" - right halfback (me) over the 5 hole, left tackle. 2 steps right, reverse field left, pulling guard from right side leads way over left tackle, left half lead blocks. I waited for something to open up, then my pulling guard took his man out of the play (he always did, I don't know how, he was average size), I zipped through the hole, broke a tackle, and was gone, 87 yards. I ran in the 2 point conversion, same play.

Ronan still beat us, 22-14, but I had another long TD in the 2nd half, same play. Ronan could have won by 3 or more TDs if they wanted to, by just running the ball down our throats, but their coach had them really working on their passing game, and we got like 3 picks and a few sacks.

Those Ronan kids were the best sports, no dirty plays, no trash talk, very complimentary and friendly after the game. Very much a reflection of the coach, and the culture he created, I would guess.
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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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Sitting here with my moccasins on waiting for the call. I played middle school ball in the early 90's
Y'know, we're just sitting here waiting for a breakdown of some of your top middle school plays! I shared one of mine, it's your turn. Go ahead, rub the Hawks draft scouts noses in what they missed out on.

So far, the only slogan that's been shared with me for 44 Boz to create your "Ban the Boz" T-shirt is "Scalp the Spo!" Horrendously politically incorrect, but since you get all the net proceeds, who cares, as long as it sells?


Glasgow Seahawk

Well-known member
Feb 5, 2013
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Any word on where ZTF went? He was a sensation in his rookie season then injuries took a toll but I think he could still be a productive backup somewhere.


Well-known member
May 2, 2021
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Y'know, we're just sitting here waiting for a breakdown of some of your top middle school plays! I shared one of mine, it's your turn. Go ahead, rub the Hawks draft scouts noses in what they missed out on.

So far, the only slogan that's been shared with me for 44 Boz to create your "Ban the Boz" T-shirt is "Scalp the Spo!" Horrendously politically incorrect, but since you get all the net proceeds, who cares, as long as it sells?

My favorite play was when I was playing safety and this MONSTER sized running back was coming up the middle with a huge hole to run he was at full speed.

I centered up on him and I just got ran over...but I got the tackle.

Normally when your teammate says "Did you see that hit", they mean the hit we layed down on them... not this time😭

So Hawks, if you need a surefire, will sacrifice his body tackler...hit me up


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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My favorite play was when I was playing safety and this MONSTER sized running back was coming up the middle with a huge hole to run he was at full speed.

I centered up on him and I just got ran over...but I got the tackle.

Normally when your teammate says "Did you see that hit", they mean the hit we layed down on them... not this time😭

So Hawks, if you need a surefire, will sacrifice his body tackler...hit me up
In my weekly call with JS, he let it slip the Hawks are reviewing the pensions of the scouts responsible for the egregious error of failing to at least give you a camp invite. The scouts are arguing that while they liked your play, with all the sacrifice-the-body tackles, it would have simply resulted in a medical-release-with-settlement of $100K, and Knox/McCormack were too cheap to take that risk, so they were just "following orders".

The scouting report on you said, "Plays like a smaller, slower Kenny Easley, and is "sneaky-fast" but body may not hold up to NFL-level violence." JS said "Let's just f**king hope this kid can't find a lawyer willing to sue the team. Thank God for statute of limitations!" A voice in the background said, "Let's just give him a camp invite now!" JS said, "great, check the bus schedule and issue him a Seahawks lawn chair! Set him up in the prime viewing section!" Anyway, I'm already violating my NDA with the Seahawks so I better stop there. Hope your camp invite goes through! Yep, it went down exactly like that! (y)(y);)

Ad Hawk

Well-known member
Sep 6, 2011
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In my weekly call with JS, he let it slip the Hawks are reviewing the pensions of the scouts responsible for the egregious error of failing to at least give you a camp invite. The scouts are arguing that while they liked your play, with all the sacrifice-the-body tackles, it would have simply resulted in a medical-release-with-settlement of $100K, and Knox/McCormack were too cheap to take that risk, so they were just "following orders".

The scouting report on you said, "Plays like a smaller, slower Kenny Easley, and is "sneaky-fast" but body may not hold up to NFL-level violence." JS said "Let's just f**king hope this kid can't find a lawyer willing to sue the team. Thank God for statute of limitations!" A voice in the background said, "Let's just give him a camp invite now!" JS said, "great, check the bus schedule and issue him a Seahawks lawn chair! Set him up in the prime viewing section!" Anyway, I'm already violating my NDA with the Seahawks so I better stop there. Hope your camp invite goes through! Yep, it went down exactly like that! (y)(y);)

Well played, oly.

Well played, indeed.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2014
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San Diego, CA
Finally got some edges:
Nelson Ceaser, Houston -- 6'3" 254#, Led the Big 12 in sacks, not great speed/twitch but 33.5" arms.
DeVere Levelston, SMU -- Big for OLB, 6'5" 289#, not sure if he's listed right, prolly a 3-4 DE.
Sundiata Anderson, Grambling -- 6'4 247#, FCS player, not great measurables.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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At present there appears to be more than 16 players who say they have been signed to the team as UDFAs. If so the team would be over the 90 man roster limit. Accordingly the team has likely not signed a few of these players. As a result until the team actually announces who are the UDFA player they have signed we can't rightfully assume they are all signed. There are a few where it'd appear to be likely the player has signed but as few that may not.

We await some team announcement of who in fact is signed and who isn't and is really a camp invitee. I can't remember the team taking this long to announce these signings but it is what it is.

I'm beginning to wonder if the lack of announcement of these UDFA players could be tied to the lack of cap the team has and this could be part of the reason why there hasn't been some announcements.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Im still confused why in an NFL where pass rushing is a premium, Zion Tupuola-Fetui (ZTF) is not getting an invite to any camp. And if so, WTH the Seahawks are not at least bringing him in for a look.

He was better than that crappy LB that DID get drafted in the 5th the Huskies kept rolling out I am confused.
Did I miss an arrest or failed drug test or something (and if so, who cares if you sack the QB regularly)


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2010
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I'm beginning to wonder if the lack of announcement of these UDFA players could be tied to the lack of cap the team has and this could be part of the reason why there hasn't been some announcements.
Not likely... because, right now, only the top 51 players' salaries count against the cap... and none of these UDFAs are likely to sign for more than $915,000, which is the salary of our 51st player (McClendon Curtis).