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  1. VivaEfrenHerrera

    Elise Woodward out at KJR

    Just heard the beginning of the Elise and Jerry show... which is now officially lacking one of its titular co-hosts. Any thoughts on this? On one hand, it's kind of a shame that the only prominent, female voice on local sports talk (and there's quite a bit of that nowadays, jeez. The local...
  2. VivaEfrenHerrera

    NFL wants to ban the N-Word?

    I haven't seen a thread about this yet. The head of the Fritz Pollard Alliance, which monitors diversity in the NFL, expects the league to institute a rule where players would be penalized 15 yards for using the N-word on the field...Newsome also said the committee talked about other slurs...
  3. VivaEfrenHerrera

    Another sign of impending victory

    So, when comparing this match-up with previous Super Bowls, the one that has come to mind most consistently for me is XXXVII in '03: Bucs vs. Raiders. Just because I was curious about it, I looked up a list of all the point spreads of past Super Bowls. Guess who was favored in '03? Yep. The...
  4. VivaEfrenHerrera

    Sherm just killed it in his presser **UPDATE with link **

    Absolutely killed it. Perfect. All haters should listen to it, but won't. (Someone -- or me when I find it -- post a link please.) *** UPDATE*** Full video is here (H/T NJSeaHawk)
  5. VivaEfrenHerrera

    Niners radio recap coming up... at 4:25 4:30 on Softy's show on KJR 950-AM. This one's going to be good -- the Whiners' radio guys are among the most annoying. Tasty tears on tap soon... EDIT: He just changed it to 4:25
  6. VivaEfrenHerrera

    Harbs with some class... the post-game with Pam O. He sacked up and delivered respect -- I honestly didn't think he had it in him. Nice to be surprised.
  7. VivaEfrenHerrera

    Marquand Manuel interview

    ...on KJR just now. Anybody hear it? I had no idea he was an assistant with the Hawks right now. Pretty cool, thoughtful guy, and candid too. I get the impression he wasn't too happy with Etric Pruitt's performance in XL. Hopefully, they'll throw it up on the website; I'll update this post with...
  8. VivaEfrenHerrera


    Well, looks like we'll be waiting a bit longer to see Peyton take the field. Was that the worst punt coverage ever in the history of coverage? I don't think I saw a single white jersey other than the punter...
  9. VivaEfrenHerrera

    DC radio reply on KJR

    Just heard it, and let me say it was lovely. Softy's gonna replay it at the end of his show, so fans interested in drinking their foes' tears should tune in around 12:40 or so. Trust me, you'll love it.
  10. VivaEfrenHerrera

    So, who did we learn more about: Hawks or Niners?

    I guess I'll go with the Hawks. They really showed that they can rise to the occasion on this one. Huge game, national TV, utterly convincing victory over a team everybody somehow thinks is the best this league has to offer. On the other hand, this seemed like a bit of a "they are what we...
  11. VivaEfrenHerrera

    Patriot radio replay coming up at 12:50 on KJR

    For those interested in hearing the Pats' radio guys take on Sunday's game. Apparently the silly NFL won't let this type of thing be podcasted, so if you want to hear them crying in their beer (I certainly do), this is your best chance. 12:50 on KJR...