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  1. Z

    Ruminations on the Eagles Game.

    I'm really hoping they learned from the Unger trade and that's not the case but we'll see. Hunt is a good backup but he doesn't have the size to be a great NFL center. He gets shoved right down Russell's throat far too often. Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  2. Z

    Ruminations on the Eagles Game.

    Joey Hunt got EXPOSED today. Worst game for him so far by a long shot. Yea the d-line is probably the best part of Philly's roster but he was gawd awful. Just one more reason I like Britt in the middle of our line. He and Russ have a great relationship and he is a very good center. Sent from...
  3. Z

    How many weeks until Pocic is eligible to come back?

    As of now pay Britt. The Unger-Graham trade never really payed off, I loved Jimmy in a 'Hawks uni but our o-line has been abused ever since, and the center is the anchor of the operation. I would love to see the entire line get another offseason together under Solari and come back and see what...
  4. Z

    Introduce yourself!

    Woah not sure how I never knew this place existed but here I am! Been a Seahawks fan since the day I was born 30 years ago, there's pictures of me in the hospital in Blue and Green. Let's finish this season out hot and get back in the winner's circle where we belong! Sent from my SM-G965U...