To all you Bevell Boasters,,,,,,,,,,,

The Radish

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Feb 27, 2007
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Spokane, Wa.
get a grip.

I love it when you say "he should've"/shouldn't have.

You all think you're such experts cause you have all night and the rest of the week to scream to the heavens how you could be the teams savior.

Its real easy isn't it? sitting there behind your keyboard, drinking a beer, convinced you're the worlds most knowledgable offensive play caller. bull.

I'd love to have all of you on the sidelines having to make decisions with the information you have right that second and have to make a decision right that second. So you would always make the correct call right? You would always have given the players the exact right instructions right? Yeah BS.

I used to drive an 8.90 second door car drag race car (this was in the 90s when that was damned quick) and now and then my partner would say to me,"well you might've done so and so". Well I put him in the car made him run the next round, let him make the decision right frickin there going 140 mph. He made the wrong decision and when he came back he promised me he would never second guess me again because he was a big enough man to admit it wasn't so easy when you had to do it RIGHT THEN!

Now before you get all wound up. Do I like all the calls? Hell no. But understand I don't have all the information. I was puzzled at running the ball 3 straight times, not making a first but getting one on a penalty and then running it 3 straight times again and not making it. Did I think they should have thrown a pass in there somewhere? yep, but understand they had different information than I did so I really can't complain honestly. and I refuse to just say, "what a crummy call, I could do better" when I'm not really sure that's right.

I'll bet even Kip would make the wrong call now and In all my years of being around here and the thousands of members we've seen come and go only 1 could probably be an offensive coordinatoor, Waterboy.

Ok, rant over



Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
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Let me get behind the wheel of this offense and see what I can do. Only then will I admit that I am wrong.
The Radish

The Radish

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Feb 27, 2007
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Spokane, Wa.
SonicHawk":1crpvbht said:
Let me get behind the wheel of this offense and see what I can do. Only then will I admit that I am wrong.

No coach Harbaugh not even then will you admit not knowing it all.


blue 22

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Aug 30, 2010
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That was a great post Rad, but I'm sorry... I just dont see the offense improving under bevell's play calling. Not this year. The only way I can see us turn things up a notch is if we had a veteran QB who calls the right audibles...we got a rookie who wants to keep his job so he is probably hesitant to go against the plays called.... I understand where you are coming from and I hope it improves, but I just dont feel enthusiastic about his time management and play calling skills. it's going to cost us a game. watch.


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Oct 31, 2009
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I'll never get behind that wheel, Les, so you'll never be able to prove it :mrgreen: Getting cold east of those mountains yet?


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2009
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Goodyear, AZ
What I see is a bunch of rehash of the same crap that doesn't work, and a quick end to the plays that do work. Bevell is bad at his job.

Or are we no longer allowed to have an opinion here anymore?


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May 8, 2009
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blue 22":15za3u3q said:
That was a great post Rad, but I'm sorry... I just dont see the offense improving under bevell's play calling. Not this year. The only way I can see us turn things up a notch is if we had a veteran QB who calls the right audibles...we got a rookie who wants to keep his job so he is probably hesitant to go against the plays called.... I understand where you are coming from and I hope it improves, but I just dont feel enthusiastic about his time management and play calling skills. it's going to cost us a game. watch.

I say HORSEPUCKEY! Take PC and his limits off, turn Bevel loose to use his entire playbook and see what happens. Can't hardly be more frustrating than what we see now.

Shane Falco

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Nov 17, 2010
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Puyallup, WA
Big difference in thinking that as a fan you could do better and wanting the team to find a coach that can do better. Most coaches at these stages have been in the game a very long time and get paid a lot of money to get the job done.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Sammamish, WA
I'm happy the OC is not Jeremy Bates. That guy was the worst ever. Bevell may have his issues (redzone offense) but he's an upgrade over Bates.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Bevell called an absolutely brilliant first half last night, the lack of points was not his fault.

I think a lot of people ripping him have never coached or called plays in their life. I don't agree with every call but I see the logic in most of his calls. I think execution is the problem at this point.


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May 1, 2009
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People have been ripping Bevell for weeks for not using slant routes, only for Seattle to resoundingly announce Thursday that they're incapable of executing them anyway. So yeah, there are plenty of problems with Bevell.

That said, sometimes fans are smarter than coaches or OC's. I've got quite a few qualms about what Bevell is doing. The "fan humility" that you preach, Les, doesn't take away those questions, but it does reduce the bile with which I ask them.


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May 27, 2012
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Tri-Cities, WA
Its just the nature of the NFL. Coordinators are always the first to take blame. Fans have so much passion for their teams that if a coach isn't getting done they want someone in there who can. Bevells play calling has been suspect nothing wrong for people to want better.


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Nov 28, 2010
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MontanaHawk05":2jbb1cnf said:
People have been ripping Bevell for weeks for not using slant routes, only for Seattle to resoundingly announce Thursday that they're incapable of executing them anyway. So yeah, there are plenty of problems with Bevell.

That said, sometimes fans are smarter than coaches or OC's. I've got quite a few qualms about what Bevell is doing. The "fan humility" that you preach, Les, doesn't take away those questions, but it does reduce the bile with which I ask them.

Sadly have to agree here Les. You are one of the few people I frequently agree with on these boards, but Bevell's playcalling is head scratching more often than not. I realize PC is partly to blame for not wanting him to open it up for RW over the first six weeks of the season, but it seems to me that after his first beautiful pre-scripted drive, he gets out coached by the other teams D coordinator. We never run plays to beat the blitz or to beat the deep safe zones, more or less continue with the desire to be a run first team that goes to obvious shotgun when passing. Even after this game, I think our offense is better than the 49ers outside of the O-line, but more than once we got beat on with a screen on a blitzing situation. I don't think we have run one successful screen when we needed it.

I think the main thing for me is we have potential to be a Saints type offense with better running, but the scheming just doesn't make sense. Outside of Colston, they don't have any superstar wide receivers, but the routes they all run can free up the third option in every passing play. Lance Moore and Devery Henderson put up huge games every few weeks and I think that is more to do with game planning and route choice than talent. Obviously I know RW isn't Drew Bress yet and may never be, but 'personnel' wise we are very similar. We want to run an offense that features deep passing, which is what the Saints excell at. And if that is just purely due to not having the desire to run that style of offense, then fine I'll bite my tongue, but a lot of the routes I see on TV that we run aren't very good.