Do you think XL could have been fixed like European soccer?


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Jan 23, 2013
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AbsolutNET":2h8onthq said:
He was getting held by two Ravens, so they off-set.

Probably the logic our pathetic refs used actually LOL.

I think if the day came that we all found out that the NFL was an orchestrated event where the outcomes were influenced by the league through the refs, I would take up golf.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
loafoftatupu":1wd15lpg said:
There was certainly something wrong with Super Bowl XL. The least penalized team in the league s hit for 7 penalties for 70 yards? Pittsburgh had 3 penalties, 2 were procedure penalties which had to be called, all were 5 yard penalties and NONE for offensive holding?

Even the "push-off" in the end-zone on DJack.. REALLY? ANYONE who watched that play in its entirity could see the there was contact, from the DB downfield. So Jackson extends his arms, catches a TD pass, then the DB has a fit and a flag was thrown. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?!?!?! That really happened...

The Roethlisraper TD... OK, everyone wants to argue the whether the plane was crossed, but I choose to refer to the Tackle on Leroy Hill by Faneca. As Big Boner starts his run, Hill is poised to meet him on around the 7, maybe the 5 at best. Faneca literally tackles him.. OK, so we aren't going to be calling holding this game, fine.. But is that how it works out?

The Holding call... We had two Steeler fans in my living room watching that game, before Hasselbeck even threw the ball to Stevens (who was down on the 1 yard line) even THEY saw the offsides on Haggans. We all did. Not only did the officials NOT call it, but they called holding on the player blocking him!! We all know the deal, they can call holding on every play right? That wasn't holding. We know that, but the damage was done. That single call was the game, right there. It led to the following INT, which led to a 15 yard penalty, which put the Steelers in perfect position to throw the gadget bomb. It didn't matter, I knew that no matter what the Hawks did, if it threatened the game, it was going to be turned.

Dirty as it gets... Why? I choose to think that rather than the story of Bettis, the Vegas line or just plain Steeler franchise love to keep the national bandwagon happy, that it was a combination of those things and one fact. Regardless if the game was fixed or not, whether it was perfectly called and the Seahawks just lost, IF the Seahawks win that game, there is an amazing amount of money to be lost (or just not obtained) for the League. That is fact that cannot be argued. Did it mean it was fixed? We will never know, but it is true in any case. There are those that claim the Hawks could have won that game if they did XXXX better or made more plays. I disagree, the ONLY way that the Hawks win that game is if they have 7 turnovers for scores. Event then I wonder if the plays would get called back.

I don't care.. That time is done, it was obvious and it sucks. This team is different, the 2005 team was the pinnacle of the Holmy era Seahawks, the current team is just getting started and now the NFL has a darling in Seattle with RW. No stopping them now.
I agree and well said.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
loafoftatupu":hnwgoi4n said:
We never got to see when the flag came out, but I knew Haggans was offsides at the snap. It was a free play, the Steeler fans at my house were bummed, they were saying that entire time that if the Hawks scored, it was over.

One thing is certain, the game dynamic changes drastically if the Hawks are up 17-14, kicking off and the Steelers starting around the 20, needing to score in a game they basically had one big run and a 3rd and 24 completion as their only big plays. Having a lead, with little time, from mid-field was the perfect time for their gadget play. The Hawks made mistakes, that is for sure, but the Steelers made more and didn't have to pay for it.


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May 25, 2011
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I thought the officiating was very good overall. Sure there were things that could have been called but then you are starting to ride that fine line between good officiating and ticky tacky officiating. The PI against Crabtree at the end would normally be called in the middle of the game but as was brought up on Kiro radio. Based on the history of calls in the last two minutes of any game there was about a 2% chance that gets called and in a playoff game it drops to 1%. So while it was an obvious no call, it would have actually been abnormal for a flag to come out.

I think the bigger question than the officiating should be what might have happened without that power outage? Up to that point the Ravens had all the momentum and were playing great. After the power finally came back on the Ravens looked like they were completely lost. Would the outcome have been the same without the power outage? Maybe but it is one hell of a coincidence that the game took a complete 180 immediately following it.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
NinerLifer":1mt5fd9q said:
AbsolutNET":1mt5fd9q said:
He was getting held by two Ravens, so they off-set.

Probably the logic our pathetic refs used actually LOL.

I think if the day came that we all found out that the NFL was an orchestrated event where the outcomes were influenced by the league through the refs, I would take up golf.
I think XL turned many Hawks fans into exclusive Hawks fans (not Hawk + NFL fans). So, whether it is or is not an orchestrated event... we are on a fan pilgrimage to see the first of hopefully many Seahawks Championships realized. It's close and it's going to happen. Let's hope, as well, that the Seahawks give you plenty of time to go ahead and take up golf!

I appreciate you saying the Hawks got robbed. I live in Florida and still to this day have fans of numerous other teams remind me of that when I'm seen wearing my gear. That was the overwhelming consensus. If this is at all helpful as far as gauging whether or not anything near that is being said about the officiating of the recent game (since you asked earlier in the thread)... I have not heard one single comment about that being the case from any of the numerous other various NFL team fans I see often. It appears to be a non-issue, comparatively. Seems like the only reason it was given press was Jim Harbaugh's reaction after the last SF play. I'm sure it's more discussed in the Bay area. I did think the 49ers would score on that last drive (and was thinking that would be a disaster for the NFL because of that "2nd halftime" that killed the Ravens momentum.) I was surprised that the 49ers didn't try to run Kaepernick. Sounds like that's more the questions being asked rather than the officiating. I think it would've been a very controversial call if they would have called holding on that last play... especially where the ball was thrown. I'm trying to be objective there.


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Jan 23, 2013
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TeamoftheCentury":30vzp4m6 said:
NinerLifer":30vzp4m6 said:
AbsolutNET":30vzp4m6 said:
He was getting held by two Ravens, so they off-set.

Probably the logic our pathetic refs used actually LOL.

I think if the day came that we all found out that the NFL was an orchestrated event where the outcomes were influenced by the league through the refs, I would take up golf.
I think XL turned many Hawks fans into exclusive Hawks fans (not Hawk + NFL fans). So, whether it is or is not an orchestrated event... we are on a fan pilgrimage to see the first of hopefully many Seahawks Championships realized. It's close and it's going to happen. Let's hope, as well, that the Seahawks give you plenty of time to go ahead and take up golf!

I appreciate you saying the Hawks got robbed. I live in Florida and still to this day have fans of numerous other teams remind me of that when I'm seen wearing my gear. That was the overwhelming consensus. If this is at all helpful as far as gauging whether or not anything near that is being said about the officiating of the recent game (since you asked earlier in the thread)... I have not heard one single comment about that being the case from any of the numerous other various NFL team fans I see often. It appears to be a non-issue, comparatively. Seems like the only reason it was given press was Jim Harbaugh's reaction after the last SF play. I'm sure it's more discussed in the Bay area. I did think the 49ers would score on that last drive (and was thinking that would be a disaster for the NFL because of that "2nd halftime" that killed the Ravens momentum.) I was surprised that the 49ers didn't try to run Kaepernick. Sounds like that's more the questions being asked rather than the officiating. I think it would've been a very controversial call if they would have called holding on that last play... especially where the ball was thrown. I'm trying to be objective there.

Ya, at first the officiating was an issue for all us Niner fans because it is natural to blame others immediately after a loss before the rational side of our brain takes over Lol. Despite the non calls, all of us agree that Gore and/or Kaepernick should have been given a shot at running it in on our last offensive series. That is what bugs us today, not the officiating. Of course it would have been easier if some of the non calls were actually called, but despite the refs we still were in a position to win at the end, so it all boils down to the play calling on the last series.

It doesn't matter and I am over it, and excited about the prospects of next season. I would actually be less confident if we would have won.