Doug Farrar....I Expected Better

Sports Hernia

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MontanaHawk05":aiuzecb8 said:
I'm still blocked on his Twitter account for disagreeing with him on something. Insecure individual.
Wow. That is weak on his part.

Sports Hernia

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Trenchbroom":76j94fdf said:
Doug Farrar
Grade: D

More likable then than now. Has some insights but not nearly as smart as he thinks he is.
I see what you did there.


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Feb 27, 2011
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Ya, I remember when you used to run this. He blocked my IP address for disagreeing with him on here. He sent me a message and then the next day bam, I wasn't able to even access the site for viewing.

Never even attempted to tweet at him because I knew I would get blocked if I ever didn't fully agree with him, which I hardly do. So I don't follow him on twitter. I mean good for him to make it to SI, but I take a majority posters on here knowledge of the Hawks over his.


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Apr 11, 2010
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Doub, Doub, Doub, you is so wrong on this one.....You should have known better, ESPECIALLY after being a long time .NETTER.......The End.


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Aug 15, 2011
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Meh. It's his job to cover the whole league now.

I'll forgive him not remembering a draft pick from 5 years ago for a player that is one year removed from the team when many posters would sarcastically state that the Hawks didn't address the line by picking Carpenter.


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Anchorage, AK
Basis4day":cshlgm49 said:
Meh. It's his job to cover the whole league now.

I'll forgive him not remembering a draft pick from 5 years ago for a player that is one year removed from the team when many posters would sarcastically state that the Hawks didn't address the line by picking Carpenter.

It only takes a few minutes to research any individual team's draft history. Anyone writing for a living should take the time to do the basic research at the very least.

As for them not addressing the line with Carpenter...Nobody with half a brain would make that statement. They may not have improved the line with Carpenter, but they certainly addressed it.

As for the grade, as I said in my OP, it's an opinion. Draft day opinions are going to vary widely. They really don't matter too much in the long run. Grades in a few years will be what tells us how this draft went.


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kidhawk":1ghcgbco said:
Basis4day":1ghcgbco said:
Meh. It's his job to cover the whole league now.

I'll forgive him not remembering a draft pick from 5 years ago for a player that is one year removed from the team when many posters would sarcastically state that the Hawks didn't address the line by picking Carpenter.

It only takes a few minutes to research any individual team's draft history. Anyone writing for a living should take the time to do the basic research at the very least.

It's easy to say that outside looking in. We don't know how many other pieces hes had to work on or how much sleep hes getting leading up to the draft. I don't know, i think we wasn't on the site when i started lurking. I don't have a history with him. I know enough to know he knows more than me.

As for them not addressing the line with Carpenter...Nobody with half a brain would make that statement. They may not have improved the line with Carpenter, but they certainly addressed it.

I did say with sarcasm. And there are plenty of people posting on the internet with half a brain

As for the grade, as I said in my OP, it's an opinion. Draft day opinions are going to vary widely. They really don't matter too much in the long run. Grades in a few years will be what tells us how this draft went.

Completely agree. I'm not a fan of draft day grades


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Feb 28, 2007
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Working in the new media is brutal. No 'fact checkers' like old days, and every mistake is pounced on a thousand times in the first 5 seconds.

The guy worked his ass off to be a legitimate national writer. Just because some of us knew him 'back in the day' doesn't give us any special privilege to piss on his work. Lots of writers out there to pay attention to, if you don't respect someone's work, just move along. Why people have to post on a message board about it makes no sense to me.


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Mar 6, 2007
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Doug has always been pretty mediocre in his talent evals (he LOOOOOVED the Curry pick), but very smart in other areas of his writing, similar to Greg Cosell.

As far as whether he was a nice guy or a huge jerk, he was always very nice and respectful not only to me but seemed respectful to others (within my ability to observe). It wasn't until after the split that some people started vilifying him, so I think at least part of this, perhaps on a sub-conscious level, is sour grapes.

I have little doubt that he has flaws just like all of us do but it's hard for me to accept that he's half as bad as some people make him out to be. John Morgan he ain't. The smears in this thread are useful pieces of information, but only tell one side of the story. Of course, it is possible that he has changed since 2007, that his success has bloated his ego and made him someone different. I can't speak to that.


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Anchorage, AK
Basis4day":2bybnfzp said:
kidhawk":2bybnfzp said:
Basis4day":2bybnfzp said:
Meh. It's his job to cover the whole league now.

I'll forgive him not remembering a draft pick from 5 years ago for a player that is one year removed from the team when many posters would sarcastically state that the Hawks didn't address the line by picking Carpenter.

It only takes a few minutes to research any individual team's draft history. Anyone writing for a living should take the time to do the basic research at the very least.

It's easy to say that outside looking in. We don't know how many other pieces hes had to work on or how much sleep hes getting leading up to the draft. I don't know, i think we wasn't on the site when i started lurking. I don't have a history with him. I know enough to know he knows more than me.

Sorry, I just don't excuse lazy writing by people who are paid to do it. I don't have any negative feelings towards Doug personally, but too often we let simple mistakes go in the new world of blogs/forums/twitter. To me, it's one thing to make a mistake on a quick twitter or forum post, but when you are paid for articles, you should put a little extra effort into them.

As for them not addressing the line with Carpenter...Nobody with half a brain would make that statement. They may not have improved the line with Carpenter, but they certainly addressed it.

I did say with sarcasm. And there are plenty of people posting on the internet with half a brain

Can't really argue there. Plenty of people working with what seems to be less than half a brain on the internet

As for the grade, as I said in my OP, it's an opinion. Draft day opinions are going to vary widely. They really don't matter too much in the long run. Grades in a few years will be what tells us how this draft went.

Completely agree. I'm not a fan of draft day grades


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Anchorage, AK
Hawkstorian":1kcfeotj said:
Working in the new media is brutal. No 'fact checkers' like old days, and every mistake is pounced on a thousand times in the first 5 seconds.

The guy worked his ass off to be a legitimate national writer. Just because some of us knew him 'back in the day' doesn't give us any special privilege to piss on his work. Lots of writers out there to pay attention to, if you don't respect someone's work, just move along. Why people have to post on a message board about it makes no sense to me.

What are we supposed to post on a Seahawks message board, if not to talk about everything Seahawks related? I'd say the same for any writer out there who made such a simple error. I have no ill will towards Doug whatsoever. I just think this particular piece could have easily been written better. Heck I even made it clear in my title that I expected better. I've read his writing. I generally find his writing to be pretty good. Doesn't change that letting simple facts like that go unchecked is just lazy writing.


Mar 5, 2007
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Centennial, CO
kearly":c3swfuel said:
Doug has always been pretty mediocre in his talent evals (he LOOOOOVED the Curry pick), but very smart in other areas of his writing, similar to Greg Cosell.

As far as whether he was a nice guy or a huge jerk, he was always very nice and respectful not only to me but seemed respectful to others (within my ability to observe). It wasn't until after the split that some people started vilifying him, so I think at least part of this, perhaps on a sub-conscious level, is sour grapes.

I have little doubt that he has flaws just like all of us do but it's hard for me to accept that he's half as bad as some people make him out to be. John Morgan he ain't. The smears in this thread are useful pieces of information, but only tell one side of the story. Of course, it is possible that he has changed since 2007, that his success has bloated his ego and made him someone different. I can't speak to that.

Well said. I always enjoyed Doug's posts when he was a regular on .NET and never once thought of him as a jerk. It's nice to see how far he's come as a nationally known sportswriter. I don't agree with everything he says, but I generally enjoy his professional work too. This particular piece seems a bit lazy, but everyone has an off day.


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Feb 28, 2007
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Fair Enough David. I think I was more responding to some of the replies.


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I think the real point is how little an impact James Carpenter's pick had on Doug's memory bank. He was a shocker pick to many experts and a favored whipping boy for Seahawks fans. Looks like he is in the style that allows him to flourish. Could just be the Seahawks OL techniques are at fault? Tampa Bay just did with Sweezy what the Jets did with Carpenter.

They obviously have value, just not in the Seahawks system.


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jammerhawk":gebky3qr said:
Doug Farrar is wrong, and it wouldn't be the first time either.

Ifedi is a good solid safe pick, sweetened all the more with the extra 3rd . The pick answers a big need was the best available pick on the OLine at the time. What more does Doug want? I give the pick a solid A.
Doug wants people to think he's important. He's a sad little fellow, but he still gets paid for his opinion, so good for him I guess. I tune him out.