How's everyone feeling ?

Somos doces

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Jan 8, 2020
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Southeast Washington
I’m pissed off at being outfoxed by Kyle shanahan.

My perspective is slightly different since I'm a fan, but I understand how you, as an actual team member or staffer, might be upset over your best efforts going to naught this afternoon. As a fan, I'm disappointed, but feeling OK. The game went about as I expected the early 2022 season to go: A few highlights, but more than offset by the numerous "oh-so-closes!" Plenty of opportunities for young and developing players and coaches to get on-the-job training and hopefully learn from their experiences.


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Mar 22, 2012
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Honestly, I'm fine. I would have put this as an ass kicking even if Russ was still here. The 9ers are still stacked and bet your ass they had this game circled on the calendar.

I'm fine with losing a lot of games this year since we won my personal "bowl game" vs Russ.

It's literally all good from this point on for me.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2010
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How do I feel? The same as I did after the Broncos game.

The Niners are a good team with an elite defense. The Seahawks are a team with a lot of inexperience on both sides of the ball. We needed to play mistake-free football to have a chance to win. It didn't happen.

As for everything else, it's not worth overreacting after two games. I'm confident this team will be better than they were today. So it goes. This other noise is people trying to justify their current beliefs. That's fine. But we still don't have answers to any questions. It's week three. The Seahawks are 1-1.


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Nov 30, 2021
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Nothing has changed from my end. The defense is still feeling around for an identity but it is getting there and by mid season it will formulate a lot better.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I thought I would be mad, but I expected an average team that has a lot of young guys out there, taking their lumps but learning. Also, geNO is our QB.
6 Quarters and counting for this offense without a score. Nothing else needs to be said.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tijuana/San Diego
I thought I would be mad, but I expected an average team that has a lot of young guys out there, taking their lumps but learning. Also, geNO is our QB.
6 Quarters and counting for this offense without a score. Nothing else needs to be said.
But it needs to be said in every thread?

I am more disappointed in some of the posters here than I am in the team. The lines both got taken pillar to post in this game, but they want to focus on the skill positions. It is a microchosm of what the NFL has turned the game into. The games are still won by whether the line of scrimmage is played in your side or theirs. More than eighty percent of the game, the Niners lines dominated. Consequently, we lost. Feeling ok about it, cuz I like what I have seen from Dickerson. I know we will get more talented on our front seven with all the picks we have next draft and a heck of a lot less dead money.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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It is not a mystery why GM John Lynch aka former DB focuses so much on the lines. Building the trenches will be important moving forward.


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2009
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Also, geNO is our QB.
6 Quarters and counting for this offense without a score. Nothing else needs to be said.

The 6 quarters thing is a popular talking point but lacks context. Second half vs Denver, only 3 possessions. Big run wiped out by penalty, fumble by DK and a sack that could have been avoided if Geno stepped up.

Against 9ers big pass called back by Lucas penalty and stupid call by Waldron in the redzone. Lopsided TOP in favor of the 49ers so that limited opportunities.

Who cares if the offense sucks anyway. Geno is a BRIDGE QB. He is not the future. He could be serviceable if we can get the run game going but he won't win a SB for us. So it's pointless to complain about Geno all day / all season.

I'm more concerned about the defense. They used to swarm to the ball. Now if the first guy misses, it's nothing but green grass all day. We miss sure tacklers like Bobby and Kam in their primes. This new scheme built to better stop modern NFL passing? Not really impressed so far. Get gashed up the gut and on outside runs. They cleaned it up in the second half but they need to do it for all quarters.

Rookie DC, can he get it together? We will see. But more annoyed with the defense than anything else.


Well-known member
May 2, 2021
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Feeling great! Tied for #1 in the NFC West and with winning the next 2 easier games with about a quarter of the season done...we are on the fast track to the playoffs being 3-1!


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
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Feeling great! Tied for #1 in the NFC West and with winning the next 2 easier games with about a quarter of the season done...we are on the fast track to the playoffs being 3-1!
Not really tied though. SF has us on H2H.

uncle fester

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Apr 9, 2010
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9ers had this game circled like last week's game was circled here vs Russ. Every now and again this team takes a real kicking from a divisional opponent. It's just normally the Rams dishing it out. 9ers will live and die on whether Kyle Shanahan has his head up his own firmament on any particular Sunday. They know it, everyone knows it.

As others have said upthread, the missed tackles where a runner got 8,9,10 yards instead of 2 or 3 though...just brutal. Same thing happened in 2020 and '21. By the time 4th quarter rolled round the D was clearly gassed. It would be nice to think that's being attended to, but who ever knows? How much can you fix in a week?


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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Strangely good.

Yeah, it was a blowout, but Russ is crapping his pants in Denver. First two weeks have strongly supported the separation being good for Seattle.

With these losses, you can actually look at the silver lining of "Holy crap, Seattle has a metric asston of draft capital going into what looks to be a decently strong draft, especially at quarterback." These losses aren't bitter and useless, like those of previous years.

In the meantime, I get to watch a stopgap who I personally enjoy, and hopefully some progress made on the defensive side of the ball.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Yeah, they trust Geno so much that they had Dallas throw a pass in to the end zone. I'm sorry the truth hurts, but making excuses for Geno doesn't change what he is.

I think they get the W on Sunday, and I'm gonna' enjoy every minute of it. Win or lose, I'm in.
Also, great point on the defense. The tackling is REALLY bad so far.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
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9ers had this game circled like last week's game was circled here vs Russ. Every now and again this team takes a real kicking from a divisional opponent. It's just normally the Rams dishing it out. 9ers will live and die on whether Kyle Shanahan has his head up his own firmament on any particular Sunday. They know it, everyone knows it.

As others have said upthread, the missed tackles where a runner got 8,9,10 yards instead of 2 or 3 though...just brutal. Same thing happened in 2020 and '21. By the time 4th quarter rolled round the D was clearly gassed. It would be nice to think that's being attended to, but who ever knows? How much can you fix in a week?
You can't fix that in a week. That's what this season is for. It's a long, painful season of practice for the team. The goal isn't the playoffs, though all the team should be playing as if it is. The goal is to forge a team, much like the first 2 seasons of Carrol's tenure. Coach up a core team, lbuild an identity, and then add the last missing piece or two and then profit.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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I've been watching football for 45+ years, and I can honestly say I've never seen four RB's on the field and someone throws a pick.

I hope someone saved the receipt on Waldron, because it this is the kind of desperate innovation he brings to the table, I'd like to return him please.


If Geno lays another turd against a bad Falcons team at home, it's Lock time and don't look back. He might throw three picks a game, but at least he can move the offense.


Jan 18, 2016
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I knew this was going to be a long season--but the fan in me still wants to win.........

.........disappointed not so much in the team or loss honestly. Disappointed in how badly this team has gone south. I thought we really had something special with Pete Carroll as our head coach. In the end he is not all that special. What we are seeing with Pete Carroll and the seahawks has been played out by other teams and coaches all over the league. we all know how it eventually ends. The real question is "how long and how bad does it have to get before we see a change at head coach"?