Russell Wilson Kaepernicking


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Aug 12, 2012
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They are probably shooting a comercial or some sort of promo. Why else would they be in uniform?


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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HawKnPeppa":2ztcc521 said:
oasis":2ztcc521 said:
I'm not an expert on trash-talk, but "Look at @dangerusswilson trying to steal my swag!" seems like something a bad loser would say. Or he's doing what grade-school kids do and pretends he wins after losing. Am I missing something here or is this guy a complete tool?

Man, they're just having a good-natured exchange. The Kaep hate on this forum is borderline ridiculous.

Damn...Wilson is such a douche to Kaepernick. Jeez. ;-)


Seriously. It isn't borderline ridiculous, full full fledged ridiculous. The stuff I read just on this he'd never go help children. LOL. fact he has his own camp for kids with heart defects because his parents adopted him after losing two newborns to heart defects. He patented Kaepernicking (the WORD, not the action) in order to sell T-Shirts and give the proceeds to that charity.

None of that gets through because some of you (and not talking to the poster I'm replying to) are too busy lookin for reason to hate. Cracks me up.

The Radish

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Feb 27, 2007
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Spokane, Wa.
Marvin49":upadeqhz said:
HawKnPeppa":upadeqhz said:
oasis":upadeqhz said:
I'm not an expert on trash-talk, but "Look at @dangerusswilson trying to steal my swag!" seems like something a bad loser would say. Or he's doing what grade-school kids do and pretends he wins after losing. Am I missing something here or is this guy a complete tool?

Man, they're just having a good-natured exchange. The Kaep hate on this forum is borderline ridiculous.

Damn...Wilson is such a douche to Kaepernick. Jeez. ;-)


Seriously. It isn't borderline ridiculous, full full fledged ridiculous. The stuff I read just on this he'd never go help children. LOL. fact he has his own camp for kids with heart defects because his parents adopted him after losing two newborns to heart defects. He patented Kaepernicking (the WORD, not the action) in order to sell T-Shirts and give the proceeds to that charity.

None of that gets through because some of you (and not talking to the poster I'm replying to) are too busy lookin for reason to hate. Cracks me up.

Gee, that sounds like a lot of the ninnir fans that come here.



Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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The Radish":3ep0f5uf said:
Marvin49":3ep0f5uf said:
HawKnPeppa":3ep0f5uf said:
Man, they're just having a good-natured exchange. The Kaep hate on this forum is borderline ridiculous.

Damn...Wilson is such a douche to Kaepernick. Jeez. ;-)


Seriously. It isn't borderline ridiculous, full full fledged ridiculous. The stuff I read just on this he'd never go help children. LOL. fact he has his own camp for kids with heart defects because his parents adopted him after losing two newborns to heart defects. He patented Kaepernicking (the WORD, not the action) in order to sell T-Shirts and give the proceeds to that charity.

None of that gets through because some of you (and not talking to the poster I'm replying to) are too busy lookin for reason to hate. Cracks me up.

Gee, that sounds like a lot of the ninnir fans that come here.


Really? Outside of the joke above, give me ONE example of hate for Wilson on here from me. ONE.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
I hear what you're saying Marvin, but is it any different than the Hate Sherman gets on your boards.. Yes he's said and done some dumb things IMO, but away from the field he's a truly good guy, and does a lot for our community as well as his back home, does he get any credit for that over there, or even better, does anyone even want to hear about those things? NO, they just want the good sound bites, to further fuel the Sherman hate... It goes both ways my friend..


Mar 3, 2007
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Austin, Texas
Marvin49":30xk5vgk said:
HawKnPeppa":30xk5vgk said:
oasis":30xk5vgk said:
I'm not an expert on trash-talk, but "Look at @dangerusswilson trying to steal my swag!" seems like something a bad loser would say. Or he's doing what grade-school kids do and pretends he wins after losing. Am I missing something here or is this guy a complete tool?

Man, they're just having a good-natured exchange. The Kaep hate on this forum is borderline ridiculous.

Damn...Wilson is such a douche to Kaepernick. Jeez. ;-)


Seriously. It isn't borderline ridiculous, full full fledged ridiculous. The stuff I read just on this he'd never go help children. LOL. fact he has his own camp for kids with heart defects because his parents adopted him after losing two newborns to heart defects. He patented Kaepernicking (the WORD, not the action) in order to sell T-Shirts and give the proceeds to that charity.

None of that gets through because some of you (and not talking to the poster I'm replying to) are too busy lookin for reason to hate. Cracks me up.

Easy there, Hotpants. I never said Kaep wouldn't go help children. Sheesh. Touchy Ninny!

As I understood the pic, Wilson scored then threw Kaeps own move in his face to rub it in. All in good fun. But if Kaep scored what would be his comeback? Must of us know Wilson is a bit of a Goody-Goody so I stated that Kaep's response would be to go visit sick kids. Wilson has done it a few times so its well known. Thats it. Never indicated Kaep wouldn't help sick kids or help old ladies cross the street or haul off and kick puppies. I poked fun of Wilson's image. If you're gonna hang out here you gotta keep up.

As an aside, seeing that it got a Ninny fan all riled up pleases me to no end!! :49ersmall:



Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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hawker84":3rd2eyvc said:
I hear what you're saying Marvin, but is it any different than the Hate Sherman gets on your boards.. Yes he's said and done some dumb things IMO, but away from the field he's a truly good guy, and does a lot for our community as well as his back home, does he get any credit for that over there, or even better, does anyone even want to hear about those things? NO, they just want the good sound bites, to further fuel the Sherman hate... It goes both ways my friend..

Well...we've had this argument not going to revisit.

It is just comical to me how much time and energy is devoted to Kaep over here. If he really was as bad a player and as horrible of person as many of you say...there would be no point in talking about him.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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Birdfinger":1vrpw3pf said:
Marvin49":1vrpw3pf said:
HawKnPeppa":1vrpw3pf said:
Damn...Wilson is such a douche to Kaepernick. Jeez. ;-)


Seriously. It isn't borderline ridiculous, full full fledged ridiculous. The stuff I read just on this he'd never go help children. LOL. fact he has his own camp for kids with heart defects because his parents adopted him after losing two newborns to heart defects. He patented Kaepernicking (the WORD, not the action) in order to sell T-Shirts and give the proceeds to that charity.

None of that gets through because some of you (and not talking to the poster I'm replying to) are too busy lookin for reason to hate. Cracks me up.

Easy there, Hotpants. I never said Kaep wouldn't go help children. Sheesh. Touchy Ninny!

As I understood the pic, Wilson scored then threw Kaeps own move in his face to rub it in. All in good fun. But if Kaep scored what would be his comeback? Must of us know Wilson is a bit of a Goody-Goody so I stated that Kaep's response would be to go visit sick kids. Wilson has done it a few times so its well known. Thats it. Never indicated Kaep wouldn't help sick kids or help old ladies cross the street or haul off and kick puppies. I poked fun of Wilson's image. If you're gonna hang out here you gotta keep up.

As an aside, seeing that it got a Ninny fan all riled up pleases me to no end!! :49ersmall:


LOL. You are correct. I mistook what you were saying. Sorry about that.

I didn't get all riled up tho...just thought it was funny. I've seen ALOT of that stuff over here. No worries.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
Well...we've had this argument not going to revisit.

It is just comical to me how much time and energy is devoted to Kaep over here. If he really was as bad a player and as horrible of person as many of you say...there would be no point in talking about him.

I don't think he's a terrible person at all, i think he's a bit on the immature side. He's the face of your franchise and i don't think he understands the responsibilities that come with that..

I said it to you a long time ago after his post game interviews in our game and the SB, he has to grow up a bit, because regardless of the type of person he really is, fans as a whole will only see what's on tv and develope an opinion of him from that. Fans outside of SF are not going to take the time to delve into his personal life to try and find out what type of guy he really is.. Now what you're seeing is the backlash from his actions, regardless of the fact he's a good dude. The fact that other players and his own teammate is calling him out does not help his cause either.

For the record, you can find a Kap thread on every team message board, we're not the only ones who have opinions of the young man.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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hawker84":1y2ljnub said:
Well...we've had this argument not going to revisit.

It is just comical to me how much time and energy is devoted to Kaep over here. If he really was as bad a player and as horrible of person as many of you say...there would be no point in talking about him.

I don't think he's a terrible person at all, i think he's a bit on the immature side. He's the face of your franchise and i don't think he understands the responsibilities that come with that..

I said it to you a long time ago after his post game interviews in our game and the SB, he has to grow up a bit, because regardless of the type of person he really is, fans as a whole will only see what's on tv and develope an opinion of him from that. Fans are not going to take the time to delve into his personal life to try and find out what type of guy he really is.. Now what you're seeing is the backlash from his actions, regardless of the fact he's a good dude. The fact that other players and his own teammate is calling him out does not help his cause either.

THAT I won't completely disagree with.

I didn't really like the Hat thing but it wasn't a big deal. The Body Issue? WAY overblown. Lost in all the BS is that Vernon Davis was also in the issue and that Patrick Willis was in it 2 years ago.

To me, the issue with Kaep isn't so much immaturity as it is inexperience. Wilson played at big schools. He was under the spotlight. Kaep played at Nevada. I'd submit that he was every bit as raw OFF the field as he was on. He hasn't figured out how to deal with the media yet. All of this attention is new to him and sometimes he does well and sometimes he crashes and burns a bit.

In the interviews after the games in Seattle and the SB...he just doesn't take losing well. I agree he could have handled them better, but it really stems from the fact that he puts all of the responsibility on himself. Randy Moss was saying that in Seattle Kaep had his head down against a wall in the locker room because he took it as HIS FAULT. Randy had to tell him it was a TEAM loss. The same happened in the SB. All of his reponses to the game were "I wasn't good enough" or some offshoot of that. No doubt he needs to manage that stuff batter, but as a 49er fan I'm not going to get upset with the guy for taking too much of the responsibility on himself.

Bottom line, he's a smart kid and I think he's gonna figure all that out. Would I prefer he came out of college sounding like Peyton Manning? Of course, but I can't fault the kid for not being prepared for the MASSIVE publicity and not understanding that people are watching his every move and looking for reasons to take him down a peg.


Mar 3, 2007
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Austin, Texas
Marvin49":1k32n4xe said:
hawker84":1k32n4xe said:
Well...we've had this argument not going to revisit.

It is just comical to me how much time and energy is devoted to Kaep over here. If he really was as bad a player and as horrible of person as many of you say...there would be no point in talking about him.

I don't think he's a terrible person at all, i think he's a bit on the immature side. He's the face of your franchise and i don't think he understands the responsibilities that come with that..

I said it to you a long time ago after his post game interviews in our game and the SB, he has to grow up a bit, because regardless of the type of person he really is, fans as a whole will only see what's on tv and develope an opinion of him from that. Fans are not going to take the time to delve into his personal life to try and find out what type of guy he really is.. Now what you're seeing is the backlash from his actions, regardless of the fact he's a good dude. The fact that other players and his own teammate is calling him out does not help his cause either.

THAT I won't completely disagree with.

I didn't really like the Hat thing but it wasn't a big deal. The Body Issue? WAY overblown. Lost in all the BS is that Vernon Davis was also in the issue and that Patrick Willis was in it 2 years ago.

To me, the issue with Kaep isn't so much immaturity as it is inexperience. Wilson played at big schools. He was under the spotlight. Kaep played at Nevada. I'd submit that he was every bit as raw OFF the field as he was on. He hasn't figured out how to deal with the media yet. All of this attention is new to him and sometimes he does well and sometimes he crashes and burns a bit.

In the interviews after the games in Seattle and the SB...he just doesn't take losing well. I agree he could have handled them better, but it really stems from the fact that he puts all of the responsibility on himself. Randy Moss was saying that in Seattle Kaep had his head down against a wall in the locker room because he took it as HIS FAULT. Randy had to tell him it was a TEAM loss. The same happened in the SB. All of his reponses to the game were "I wasn't good enough" or some offshoot of that. No doubt he needs to manage that stuff batter, but as a 49er fan I'm not going to get upset with the guy for taking too much of the responsibility on himself.

Bottom line, he's a smart kid and I think he's gonna figure all that out. Would I prefer he came out of college sounding like Peyton Manning? Of course, but I can't fault the kid for not being prepared for the MASSIVE publicity and not understanding that people are watching his every move and looking for reasons to take him down a peg.

Its easier to make fun of Kaep rather than Willis and Davis over Body issue thing. "Kaepernaked" kinda cracks me up! :49ersmall: :0190l:


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Jan 13, 2013
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russell's just taunting his celebration, this is not who Russ is at all. Kaepernick posted as much in his instagram. Russell is a lot of things, I know for a fact he's not a bicep kisser


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Aug 12, 2011
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Marvin49":oe4dq737 said:
hawker84":oe4dq737 said:
Well...we've had this argument not going to revisit.

It is just comical to me how much time and energy is devoted to Kaep over here. If he really was as bad a player and as horrible of person as many of you say...there would be no point in talking about him.

I don't think he's a terrible person at all, i think he's a bit on the immature side. He's the face of your franchise and i don't think he understands the responsibilities that come with that..

I said it to you a long time ago after his post game interviews in our game and the SB, he has to grow up a bit, because regardless of the type of person he really is, fans as a whole will only see what's on tv and develope an opinion of him from that. Fans are not going to take the time to delve into his personal life to try and find out what type of guy he really is.. Now what you're seeing is the backlash from his actions, regardless of the fact he's a good dude. The fact that other players and his own teammate is calling him out does not help his cause either.

THAT I won't completely disagree with.

I didn't really like the Hat thing but it wasn't a big deal. The Body Issue? WAY overblown. Lost in all the BS is that Vernon Davis was also in the issue and that Patrick Willis was in it 2 years ago.

To me, the issue with Kaep isn't so much immaturity as it is inexperience. Wilson played at big schools. He was under the spotlight. Kaep played at Nevada. I'd submit that he was every bit as raw OFF the field as he was on. He hasn't figured out how to deal with the media yet. All of this attention is new to him and sometimes he does well and sometimes he crashes and burns a bit.

In the interviews after the games in Seattle and the SB...he just doesn't take losing well. I agree he could have handled them better, but it really stems from the fact that he puts all of the responsibility on himself. Randy Moss was saying that in Seattle Kaep had his head down against a wall in the locker room because he took it as HIS FAULT. Randy had to tell him it was a TEAM loss. The same happened in the SB. All of his reponses to the game were "I wasn't good enough" or some offshoot of that. No doubt he needs to manage that stuff batter, but as a 49er fan I'm not going to get upset with the guy for taking too much of the responsibility on himself.

Bottom line, he's a smart kid and I think he's gonna figure all that out. Would I prefer he came out of college sounding like Peyton Manning? Of course, but I can't fault the kid for not being prepared for the MASSIVE publicity and not understanding that people are watching his every move and looking for reasons to take him down a peg.

Thanks I hadn't heard some of that info. That makes me even happier that we have an already polished and mentally strong qb that came out of college SOUNDING and PASSING like Peyton Manning! GO HAWKS


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Mar 4, 2007
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Wilson posted the exact same picture on his Instagram as well captioned "Yes, this was after a TD pass on Kaepernick7"


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Aug 20, 2012
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Looks like they're shooting an ad.

Probably a promo for some kind of Madden commercial.

I think they're more than likely doing this for a TV spot.

Marvin posts here more than most Seattle fans.

Did anyone mention that these two are doing some kind of advertising gig?