Same ol' dot net....

Pandion Haliaetus

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Mar 16, 2013
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bjornanderson21":1zup4ved said:
Spounge84":1zup4ved said:
It amazes me how many people still don't trust PC/JS.
Why should fans have to trust the gm on any particular pick?

Most hawk fans would have chosen a better player than Carpenter or Irvin. There are times when Schneider will make worse decisions than most people on the board.

As fans, whats wrong with voicing displeasure about a particular pick?

Im actually ok with who they've chosen, but I can see why others would be disappointed.

Hey Jim Harbaugh when will you start endorsing Kleenux?

Pandion Haliaetus

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Mar 16, 2013
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bjornanderson21":3thu3oj0 said:
Spounge84":3thu3oj0 said:
It amazes me how many people still don't trust PC/JS.
Why should fans have to trust the gm on any particular pick?

Most hawk fans would have chosen a better player than Carpenter or Irvin. There are times when Schneider will make worse decisions than most people on the board.

As fans, whats wrong with voicing displeasure about a particular pick?

Im actually ok with who they've chosen, but I can see why others would be disappointed.

Hey Jim Harbaugh when will you start endorsing Kleenux?


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May 1, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
peachesenregalia":r5k1w0mw said:
Hawk Strap":r5k1w0mw said:
Lawrence Jackson sucks


Would have preferred Kelly Jennings.

Right? We should have used the money we just spent on that classless bum Sherman to bring Kelly Jennings back into the league instead. His 2 career ints in 91 games would make a real difference in a secondary that is clearly the worst in the league.


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Apr 4, 2010
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Over There
Missing_Clink":1qehpw9z said:
Different opinions or questioning Pete and John will not be tolerated on dot net!

This has nothing to do with the discussion.

The "same ol'" in the thread title is referring to the fact that the complainers are saying nearly THE EXACT SAME THINGS that they have said EVERY YEAR of Pete and John's drafts.

Everyone gets their opinion, but when people echo ridiculous, media-driven, uninformed vernacular as it relates to abstract notions of value picks and universal draft boards, while ignoring the "unorthodox" yet successful drafting tendencies of this front office, well, yer gonna get called on it.


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Tacoma, WA
HawkAroundTheClock":2g5dc7tk said:
Missing_Clink":2g5dc7tk said:
Different opinions or questioning Pete and John will not be tolerated on dot net!

This has nothing to do with the discussion.

The "same ol'" in the thread title is referring to the fact that the complainers are saying nearly THE EXACT SAME THINGS that they have said EVERY YEAR of Pete and John's drafts.

Everyone gets their opinion, but when people echo ridiculous, media-driven, uninformed vernacular as it relates to abstract notions of value picks and universal draft boards, while ignoring the "unorthodox" yet successful drafting tendencies of this front office, well, yer gonna get called on it.



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May 6, 2009
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Salt Lake City, UT
I hate draft time because everyone is a freakin GM genius... Every one of these geniuses would have picked Sherm and Kam and got Doug Baldwin and Kearse as UDFAs, and no one would have picked Carp or Irvin or whoever else didn't pan out.

I just don't see what kind of enjoyment people get out of saying negative stuff about guys who have never played a down in the NFL, is it to say "told you so"?

Someone explain this to me...


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
chawx":l7wn3zhf said:
I hate draft time because everyone is a freakin GM genius... Every one of these geniuses would have picked Sherm and Kam and got Doug Baldwin and Kearse as UDFAs, and no one would have picked Carp or Irvin or whoever else didn't pan out.

I just don't see what kind of enjoyment people get out of saying negative stuff about guys who have never played a down in the NFL, is it to say "told you so"?

Someone explain this to me...

A lot of people have this need to be right.

Sterling Archer

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Apr 11, 2010
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ZorntoLargent":22nbu0ec said:
Spounge84":22nbu0ec said:
It amazes me how many people still don't trust PC/JS.
It amazes me how many people judge a sport they've never played.

You do realize that some of the worst evaluators in NFL history have been former players? And some of the best have been fringe, short-termers or those who were never athletic enough to play? You seem to bring up the fact that you played football a lot and act as if it trumps everyone else's opinion. It doesn't and it ends up coming across as super condescending. Maybe you could throw in an actual opinion to back up your "trump card".

Personally, I like the Richardson pick. I think he's Mike Wallace-esque and adds a dimension to our offense. Britt is more of a confusing pick, but I'm not an offensive line guru, so I'll wait and see what happens. Schneider and Cable both basically admitted they made the pick based off the fact that there was a huge drop-off in their rankings after the top O-lineman.


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Central Washington
Throwdown":3ofq5z4a said:
chawx":3ofq5z4a said:
I hate draft time because everyone is a freakin GM genius... Every one of these geniuses would have picked Sherm and Kam and got Doug Baldwin and Kearse as UDFAs, and no one would have picked Carp or Irvin or whoever else didn't pan out.

I just don't see what kind of enjoyment people get out of saying negative stuff about guys who have never played a down in the NFL, is it to say "told you so"?

Someone explain this to me...

A lot of people have this need to be right.
Yup. And the ones that are actually right tend to always have hindsight as a told ya so. To those...Great Guess! Should have played the lotto tho!

Same ol' Same ol'


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Apr 4, 2010
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Over There
chawx":3mxhh8t5 said:
I just don't see what kind of enjoyment people get out of saying negative stuff about guys who have never played a down in the NFL, is it to say "told you so"?

I was just putting away leftover draft day snacks and I asked myself the exact same thing. I really do not understand what emotional need this behavior satisfies for people.

Yes, they have the right to vent, complain, yell, scream, and cry. But to what purpose? If their sentiment is just "this sucks", they are missing an opportunity to be constructive, educational, analytical, innovative, reflective, etc. At the very least, they're impeding their own enjoyment of the process.

Unless... the pointless complaining is the end unto itself. If the whining IS the enjoyable process, there's no reasoning with that. And things will never get better.

The "told you so" might have appeal for some too. That's just cheap ego inflation, though. Again, not constructive.


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Aug 1, 2011
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Damn, people are unhappy? We got a sweet ass receiver and someone for the o-line. How unhappy can you be with that?


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Apr 23, 2010
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It isn't the people who are questioning Pete Carroll and John Schneider that are the problem - it's the passive aggressive people who condescend to those who have a non-groupthink opinion. I'm sure Pete Carroll and John Schneider would be the first to agree that the draft is not exact science, and that they may miss on some picks.

I know this will blow your mind but: it's a matter of probabilities, not that PC and JS are always right.

As an avid reader of .NET, I'm of the exact opposite opinion to the OP. I like reading different opinions, even if they're emotional and/or stupid. It's the true believers who act superior who annoy me. After reading all the raw data, I form my own opinion. I have no use for groupthink.

We should just have a board with 100 threads that all say, HERP DERP, PETE CAROL AND JON SHNEIDER ARE ALWAYS RIGHT CAUZ THEY WON DA SUPERBOWL DERP


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Jan 18, 2013
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shiva1008":17qc7zka said:
It isn't the people who are questioning Pete Carroll and John Schneider that are the problem - it's the passive aggressive people who condescend to those who have a non-groupthink opinion. I'm sure Pete Carroll and John Schneider would be the first to agree that the draft is not exact science, and that they may miss on some picks.

I know this will blow your mind but: it's a matter of probabilities, not that PC and JS are always right.

As an avid reader of .NET, I'm of the exact opposite opinion to the OP. I like reading different opinions, even if they're emotional and/or stupid. It's the true believers who act superior who annoy me. After reading all the raw data, I form my own opinion. I have no use for groupthink.

We should just have a board with 100 threads that all say, HERP DERP, PETE CAROL AND JON SHNEIDER ARE ALWAYS RIGHT CAUZ THEY WON DA SUPERBOWL DERP

I think people are fine with hearing/reading criticism based on actual evaluation of the player. There has been very little of that. I appreciate the few who have chimed in with their misgivings based on what they have actually seen. The other 95% who complain because they haven't heard of the player or he wasn't mocked high enough on ESPN and aren't adding anything to the discussion. They are complaining to complain. I looked at Chris Harper's footage last year and didn't like what I saw. Hell, I thought Richard Sherman had a terrible reel, too. I welcome opinions like that. I just don't understand those who write off a player based simply on the fact that they haven't seen him play or heard enough about him.


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Over There
Okay, most everyone is saying the same thing: I don't really know much, if anything, about these players.

Then there are two predominant reactions to this.

1) Since I don't know, I'll trust the guys who have done it pretty well over the past 4 years.
2) I don't like it. This sucks.

The first one is at least based on evidence. The second is needlessly negative and willfully ignorant. Neither has anything to do with groupthink or condescension. And neither does much to inform.

The most constructive response is to check out the game film and read articles to look for the qualities that Pete and John see. They have a history of finding attributes in underappreciated players that contribute to their developing into quality NFL'ers. What's the point of ignoring that and posting "this sucks" or "they're terrible"? How is that useful?


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Feb 27, 2007
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Skagit County, WA
irocdave":3kl4else said:
peachesenregalia":3kl4else said:
Another draft, and most of us have still learned nothing about this front office. Are they all going to be HOFers? No. But good lord, you'd think that JS and PC have done enough in their first 4 drafts to warrant some trust and patience.

These guys took our Seahawks from bottom-feeders to World Champions - over teams like the Niners, Saints, Broncos, etc. - in just FOUR years. Complete and total transformation, building through the draft and UDFAs and took us to the SB and won.

You say we wasted our picks on players that could have been taken way later, or players who were inferior to guys still on the board?

Cool story, bro.


It's hard to judge the picks when they keep trading down. I know, they have made 2 as of right now but man this is hard to watch. It makes sense, rely on the bottom rounds, save cap space for RW and a LB. Trust is one thing, but total trust is another. There have been miss steps in drafts ( especially in the 1st round) and in FA's, don't be the total homer and ignore them. That being said, PC / JS have are proven talent evaluators and most importantly, able to coach up players with god given talent to fit the need. However this draft seems to be different. Last years drafted players made ZERO impact on the SB run. That cannot happen this year and be a contender.

Ever hear of player named Luke Willson? You must be a real knowledgeable 'Hawks fan? LOL!

Get a clue.


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Jan 13, 2010
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Houston Suburbs
irocdave":fivdn6y5 said:
peachesenregalia":fivdn6y5 said:
Another draft, and most of us have still learned nothing about this front office. Are they all going to be HOFers? No. But good lord, you'd think that JS and PC have done enough in their first 4 drafts to warrant some trust and patience.

These guys took our Seahawks from bottom-feeders to World Champions - over teams like the Niners, Saints, Broncos, etc. - in just FOUR years. Complete and total transformation, building through the draft and UDFAs and took us to the SB and won.

You say we wasted our picks on players that could have been taken way later, or players who were inferior to guys still on the board?

Cool story, bro.


It's hard to judge the picks when they keep trading down. I know, they have made 2 as of right now but man this is hard to watch. It makes sense, rely on the bottom rounds, save cap space for RW and a LB. Trust is one thing, but total trust is another. There have been miss steps in drafts ( especially in the 1st round) and in FA's, don't be the total homer and ignore them. That being said, PC / JS have are proven talent evaluators and most importantly, able to coach up players with god given talent to fit the need. However this draft seems to be different. Last years drafted players made ZERO impact on the SB run. That cannot happen this year and be a contender.
Bailey, Bowie and Willson all contributed last season as rookies.


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Aug 21, 2010
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I don't watch College football, so only have second hand opinions on these guys, but can somebody tell me why picking Richardson 45th is worse than the Rams picking Tavon Austin (was it with the 8th?) last year?


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Oct 31, 2009
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sc85sis":2t6aund7 said:
irocdave":2t6aund7 said:
peachesenregalia":2t6aund7 said:
Another draft, and most of us have still learned nothing about this front office. Are they all going to be HOFers? No. But good lord, you'd think that JS and PC have done enough in their first 4 drafts to warrant some trust and patience.

These guys took our Seahawks from bottom-feeders to World Champions - over teams like the Niners, Saints, Broncos, etc. - in just FOUR years. Complete and total transformation, building through the draft and UDFAs and took us to the SB and won.

You say we wasted our picks on players that could have been taken way later, or players who were inferior to guys still on the board?

Cool story, bro.


It's hard to judge the picks when they keep trading down. I know, they have made 2 as of right now but man this is hard to watch. It makes sense, rely on the bottom rounds, save cap space for RW and a LB. Trust is one thing, but total trust is another. There have been miss steps in drafts ( especially in the 1st round) and in FA's, don't be the total homer and ignore them. That being said, PC / JS have are proven talent evaluators and most importantly, able to coach up players with god given talent to fit the need. However this draft seems to be different. Last years drafted players made ZERO impact on the SB run. That cannot happen this year and be a contender.
Bailey, Bowie and Willson all contributed last season as rookies.

Which is awesome considering playing time was at a premium. I don't understand why anybody would freak over rooks not starting on a loaded roster. We gave most of them a whole year to acclimate/overcome any injuries. Some of them have an excellent opportunity to show what they've got with the departure of Clem, Red, Tate, Breno, Thurm, McDonald, etc. Isn't that how it's supposed to work?