This is why people dislike Luck


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Apr 30, 2009
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BirdsCommaAngry":1l0ic4c8 said:
I understand there is a very straight forward case to be made for a double standard being applied between Russell Wilson and Andrew Luck. However, when we make posts in favor of Russell Wilson, we are writers praising a guy. The difference is our words are read by a much smaller number of people and we aren't receiving money for our efforts. If we rightfully maintain our high opinion of RW's play despite his few but still occasionally horrendous errors, why should another writer be expected to not behave that way toward Luck? There very well could be a double standard being applied between RW and Luck, but there's also a double standard being applied to professional content and amateur content.

The difference is we use FACTS.


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Jan 13, 2013
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RolandDeschain":1cj9vpxi said:
BirdsCommaAngry":1cj9vpxi said:
The PFT writer didn't say he had a fantastic day. He said he was impressive and he prefaced his praise of Luck by mentioning the two interceptions first.
He should have had two MORE interceptions, he got away with some bad throws that he didn't have to pay the piper for.


What do you think the writer is truly saying when he says Luck was impressive? Do you think he means that if his performance were to be judged by an omnipotent being capable of analyzing all whoever played the quarterback position in an instant that Luck's performance would be found impressive by said being? Or do you think he means that Luck's performance was in his opinion (and all the potential biases and errors a person's opinion is subject to) impressive? I'm going with the latter as the more likely of the two and while this may seem like it still warrants criticism and more-so because he's a professional, there's one thing we have to understand here to see why this is a holding him to a double standard.

Where do you think these kinds of sports writers come from? They aren't scientists. They usually aren't even journalists. They're guys who have typically come up through social media to fulfill the growing number of positions that exist to fulfill our irrational lust for more and more sport-related content. They're the bloggers, YouTubers, tweeters, and yes, forum posters. If you feel his skills as a writer are lacking, it's because of what he did and didn't learn from the feedback he received while progressing as a writer. That feedback would come from guys like us who take part in internet sports fandom. If he isn't objective enough, it's probably because he wasn't told to be more objective. It's probably because he was faced with opinions like sc85sis saying "Fans are supposed to be biased and we are" frequently enough to realize that when it came time to summarize Luck's performance, the description suggesting Luck had some gaffs but was still impressive may have seemed more appealing than something more strictly objective.

I can't fault him and the other writers like him for any lack in objectivity because both we and the other social media utilizing sports fans cultivated and created the demand that employed the bugger by perpetuating a culture that tends to constantly advocate tribalism and value instant entertainment over delayed gratification and substance. Thus, criticizing him and giving ourselves a pass is a double standard.

(This is where I type "Sigh" to show my annoyance and try to demonstrate that your opinion is beneath me, right? But I'm not annoyed because this is fun and your opinion is certainly not beneath me. I know it's fun for you too, Roland, otherwise you wouldn't bother to argue with someone here nearly every day. So get over the snide tactics already will ya?)


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Apr 30, 2009
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Let me preface this by saying I don't care if Russell gets accolades or praise as one of the best. I know how good he is.

It is irritating as hell, though, to sit through a Colt's broadcast. Hell, if Wilson is getting a crapload of praise I hit mute. I think the real reason I love the all-22 is the lack of commentary. Game rewind can take a game down to 40 minutes, but if you tried to reduce a broadcast down to actual football insight I think most would reduce down to a minute of real football talk. Yesterday I made the mistake of tuning into the Colts team broadcast, it was the worst bit of radio I have heard in years, they made the Rams broadcast sound like pros. I swear, there was a play where they thought Luck might be hurt and one of them was near tears.

Forget passes and yards, Luck leads the league in the category of being professionally slurped by media. Not his fault, he isn't an attention whore, and it started when he was a freshman in college. We saw it with Tebow, the press gloms onto the next big thing like bug spit, and the need to boost credentials by predicting greatness is a prerequisite to getting paid as journalist in sports now. Wilson has his share of acolytes in the press, thank god their voices are a bit more muted. I get enough of him being able to do no wrong on this board, don't need it in the media.

Luck's numbers are a bit pedestrian. There are reasons to criticize his play. But to all who want to jerkishly poke fun at him for crap the media spews, just mute your TV. You may actually enjoy his games then.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Vancouver, WA
Scottemojo":1rvjg8in said:
............Yesterday I made the mistake of tuning into the Colts team broadcast, it was the worst bit of radio I have heard in years, they made the Rams broadcast sound like pros. I swear, there was a play where they thought Luck might be hurt and one of them was near tears..........
More proof of how good Raible is.

(liked your whole post btw Scott.......just wanted to highlight this part)


Well-known member
May 19, 2012
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I wonder if Luck was a Niner instead of a Colt......maybe he wouldn't be slurped on so much. :mrgreen:

Let's face it, Indianapolis is the media darling these's that nice wholesome city that gave us Peyton Manning.

He's definitely getting the benefit of the doubt in the media and a double standard -- when Wilson, Kaepernick, Newton, Griffin have bad games, the press is not shy to call it as it is. With Luck, he'll have to go on a Matt Schaub pick 6 streak maybe to start to get a bit more neutral press on the guy!

Maybe people need to play up the fact that he was coached by Harbaugh for a few good can come from evil, no? :twisted: