This team loses way too often due to coaching mistakes


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Aug 16, 2009
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Look I love that Pete is the coach and has done a wonderful job since he's been here bringing us a bowl. With this said I've never seen a team lose so many games due to bad coaching decision or gameplans. Last night was the latest debacle. From the XLIX nightmare to Cabevell to the beginning and ends of the 2018 season, it's perplexing. Not only do fans notice it but when announcers are saying it consistently year after year during the games, it shows there is a serious flaw. I actually feel bad for the players because they are playing hard and doing what they are told to do.

Again all in all I wouldn't want another coach but I hope he finally learns from his mistakes.


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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
seabowl":gxupi7aa said:
Look I love that Pete is the coach and has done a wonderful job since he's been here bringing us a bowl. With this said I've never seen a team lose so many games due to bad coaching decision or gameplans. Last night was the latest debacle. From the XLIX nightmare to Cabevell to the beginning and ends of the 2018 season, it's perplexing. Not only do fans notice it but when announcers are saying it consistently year after year during the games, it shows there is a serious flaw. I actually feel bad for the players because they are playing hard and doing what they are told to do.

Again all in all I wouldn't want another coach but I hope he finally learns from his mistakes.

Pete Carroll is a good football coach, and I am in lock step with a lot of his philosophy. But his rigid straight forward offense is not good enough to win a championship. Unless he can build a legendary defense to make up for it.


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Mar 5, 2007
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The team only lost by 2 points and it was the D that failed to stop Dallas’ O. Meanwhile our O was regrettably defensible by being predictable. Our O seemed unable to convert faced with critical situations.

Credit needs to be given to the Dallas D which had a lot of answers all game to our O. To me the pass D failed to hold them down and that was the difference. It is lazy analysis to my mind to blame the game plan when the pass attemptnumbers were higher than you might think.


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Aug 16, 2009
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jammerhawk":k7npkian said:
The team only lost by 2 points and it was the D that failed to stop Dallas’ O. Meanwhile our O was regrettably defensible by being predictable. Our O seemed unable to convert faced with critical situations.

Credit needs to be given to the Dallas D which had a lot of answers all game to our O. To me the pass D failed to hold them down and that was the difference. It is lazy analysis to my mind to blame the game plan when the pass attemptnumbers were higher than you might think.

When the run game sucked all the way through the 3rd quarter and you insist on running consistently in the 4th expecting a different outcome....

Einstein my friend


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Nov 21, 2011
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If Pete coached had the Cowboys team they would be SB contenders and last nights game wouldnt have been close.If Red coached the Seahawks we would be sub 500.


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May 8, 2009
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Well, since the real powers that be just extended PC for an additional 3 years, sure looks to me like we are in for another 3-4 years of the same old same old.


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Sep 11, 2011
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Fade":36lu31tw said:
seabowl":36lu31tw said:
Look I love that Pete is the coach and has done a wonderful job since he's been here bringing us a bowl. With this said I've never seen a team lose so many games due to bad coaching decision or gameplans. Last night was the latest debacle. From the XLIX nightmare to Cabevell to the beginning and ends of the 2018 season, it's perplexing. Not only do fans notice it but when announcers are saying it consistently year after year during the games, it shows there is a serious flaw. I actually feel bad for the players because they are playing hard and doing what they are told to do.

Again all in all I wouldn't want another coach but I hope he finally learns from his mistakes.

Pete Carroll is a good football coach, and I am in lock step with a lot of his philosophy. But his rigid straight forward offense is not good enough to win a championship. Unless he can build a legendary defense to make up for it.

This pretty much sums it up perfectly. Shaq was the goat last night and we lost. Our 2013 defense would not have given up that 3rd and 1 run and probably would have closed out the game after the Wilson TD. I hope we build that defense again.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2009
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I would say the Cardinals lost 13 games to bad coaching.


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Aug 16, 2009
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sdog1981":9q5arf56 said:
I would say the Cardinals lost 13 games to bad coaching.

Not sure what your point is. Th Hawks had enough talent to win that game and others in the past where it seemed painfully obvious that the play calling or game plan was just flat out wrong. Again when announcers who are covering the game call out head scratching plays it makes you wonder what are the coaches seeing or thinking that we are not. Pete is a good coach and great motivator but there are points throughout seasons where his decision making is questionable to say the least and IMO moreso than many other coaches throughout the league.


Oct 22, 2009
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And I guess all their many wins over the last 7 seasons weren't the byproduct of great coaching? Some of you people are incredible. Truly. We get into the playoffs with a crappy beaten up roster and lose by two points on the road and the delusional MMQBs storm the board with their pitchforks.

Carroll deserves the congressional medal of honor, the fields medal, an oscar, and the nobel peace prize for getting this team as far as he took them. We have to have the most disloyal, ungrateful fan base in the history of sports. Get a grip.


seabowl":1fbb0fje said:
sdog1981":1fbb0fje said:
I would say the Cardinals lost 13 games to bad coaching.

Not sure what your point is. Th Hawks had enough talent to win that game and others in the past where it seemed painfully obvious that the play calling or game plan was just flat out wrong. Again when announcers who are covering the game call out head scratching plays it makes you wonder what are the coaches seeing or thinking that we are not. Pete is a good coach and great motivator but there are points throughout seasons where his decision making is questionable to say the least and IMO moreso than many other coaches throughout the league.

Agreed, and I am sick to death of holding onto offensive coordinators that cannot adjust. That game was Bevell 2.0.

Cut your losses.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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seabowl":3han9vab said:
Look I love that Pete is the coach and has done a wonderful job since he's been here bringing us a bowl. With this said I've never seen a team lose so many games due to bad coaching decision or gameplans. Last night was the latest debacle. From the XLIX nightmare to Cabevell to the beginning and ends of the 2018 season, it's perplexing. Not only do fans notice it but when announcers are saying it consistently year after year during the games, it shows there is a serious flaw. I actually feel bad for the players because they are playing hard and doing what they are told to do.

Again all in all I wouldn't want another coach but I hope he finally learns from his mistakes.

We went 10-6 during a rebuild year with major injuries, holes and depth issues all over the roster. What exactly were Pete's "coaching mistakes" that held this team back again?

It was BECAUSE of Pete's coaching and personnel moves that got us this far, and gives me and others hope that we're headed in the right direction.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2018
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seabowl":lm3rq30n said:
Look I love that Pete is the coach and has done a wonderful job since he's been here bringing us a bowl. With this said I've never seen a team lose so many games due to bad coaching decision or gameplans. Last night was the latest debacle. From the XLIX nightmare to Cabevell to the beginning and ends of the 2018 season, it's perplexing. Not only do fans notice it but when announcers are saying it consistently year after year during the games, it shows there is a serious flaw. I actually feel bad for the players because they are playing hard and doing what they are told to do.

Again all in all I wouldn't want another coach but I hope he finally learns from his mistakes.

Agreed on all counts, let's hope he figures it out, I wonder if he would benefit from what they did to Holmgren and taking away some of his responsibility so he can focus more?


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2018
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Sgt. Largent":2fj9605o said:
seabowl":2fj9605o said:
Look I love that Pete is the coach and has done a wonderful job since he's been here bringing us a bowl. With this said I've never seen a team lose so many games due to bad coaching decision or gameplans. Last night was the latest debacle. From the XLIX nightmare to Cabevell to the beginning and ends of the 2018 season, it's perplexing. Not only do fans notice it but when announcers are saying it consistently year after year during the games, it shows there is a serious flaw. I actually feel bad for the players because they are playing hard and doing what they are told to do.

Again all in all I wouldn't want another coach but I hope he finally learns from his mistakes.

We went 10-6 during a rebuild year with major injuries, holes and depth issues all over the roster. What exactly were Pete's "coaching mistakes" that held this team back again?

It was BECAUSE of Pete's coaching and personnel moves that got us this far, and gives me and others hope that we're headed in the right direction.

By Petes own admission his mistake was not adjusting sooner, so he gets it, weird how some on this board cant.

Some of you are acting like we think he sucks or we should get a new coach. Most are not saying that you guys a quick to call out the players but PC you will not, He is a great coach but not perfect, in this game he made mistakes. Not adjusting sooner, and relying on players he knew were hurt too much, both of which he admitted to.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2013
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OMG, if they abandon the run and lose the announcers blame lack of consistency. The point is, if you win the game no one complains. Our kicker missed a FG that was a 50/50 shot in 2019. He pulled a hammy. Shaq failed to contain on a run to the outside. The refs called PI twice that were ticky tacky. The refs called 78 for PF for a bump into an opposing player that was really just a bump into a player who perfectly flopped. So many reasons we lost, and PC wasn't involved in any of them.

Isn't it past time to find a quality FG kicker?

Isn't it past time to tell our outstanding punter to kick it out of bounds and not just to the sideline?

Is there no other player on the roster who can kick an onside kick? Hell I can do that easily and with nearly 100% accuracy. You kick the top part of the ball FROM A TEE. Can't the punter USE A FRICKIN TEE? Or does it hurt his rugby feelings?

I am serious, these are simple fixes that I would complain to the coach about if I had his ear.


John63":ec3xl2rq said:
Sgt. Largent":ec3xl2rq said:
seabowl":ec3xl2rq said:
Look I love that Pete is the coach and has done a wonderful job since he's been here bringing us a bowl. With this said I've never seen a team lose so many games due to bad coaching decision or gameplans. Last night was the latest debacle. From the XLIX nightmare to Cabevell to the beginning and ends of the 2018 season, it's perplexing. Not only do fans notice it but when announcers are saying it consistently year after year during the games, it shows there is a serious flaw. I actually feel bad for the players because they are playing hard and doing what they are told to do.

Again all in all I wouldn't want another coach but I hope he finally learns from his mistakes.

We went 10-6 during a rebuild year with major injuries, holes and depth issues all over the roster. What exactly were Pete's "coaching mistakes" that held this team back again?

It was BECAUSE of Pete's coaching and personnel moves that got us this far, and gives me and others hope that we're headed in the right direction.

By Pets own admission his mistake was not adjusting sooner, so he gets it, weird how some on this board cant.

Some of you are acting like we think he sucks or we should get a new coach. Most are not saying that you guys a quick to call out the players but PC you will not, He is a great coach but not perfect, in this game he made mistakes. Not adjusting sooner, and relying on players he knew were hurt too much, both of which he admitted to.

There are mistakes and then there are mistakes. This was a mistake that nearly EVERYONE could see immediately but our coach only sees it in hindsight?

Was it him or the OC? That's probably the more important question.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Make no mistake about it, Pete runs the show. When we were running in to a brick wall, PETE can make sure that Shotty switches things up.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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John63":1va0w5l8 said:
Sgt. Largent":1va0w5l8 said:
seabowl":1va0w5l8 said:
Look I love that Pete is the coach and has done a wonderful job since he's been here bringing us a bowl. With this said I've never seen a team lose so many games due to bad coaching decision or gameplans. Last night was the latest debacle. From the XLIX nightmare to Cabevell to the beginning and ends of the 2018 season, it's perplexing. Not only do fans notice it but when announcers are saying it consistently year after year during the games, it shows there is a serious flaw. I actually feel bad for the players because they are playing hard and doing what they are told to do.

Again all in all I wouldn't want another coach but I hope he finally learns from his mistakes.

We went 10-6 during a rebuild year with major injuries, holes and depth issues all over the roster. What exactly were Pete's "coaching mistakes" that held this team back again?

It was BECAUSE of Pete's coaching and personnel moves that got us this far, and gives me and others hope that we're headed in the right direction.

By Pets own admission his mistake was not adjusting sooner, so he gets it, weird how some on this board cant.

Some of you are acting like we think he sucks or we should get a new coach. Most are not saying that you guys a quick to call out the players but PC you will not, He is a great coach but not perfect, in this game he made mistakes. Not adjusting sooner, and relying on players he knew were hurt too much, both of which he admitted to.

Premise of thread: "We lose WAY TOO OFTEN" due to coaching mistakes

Example: One half of one playoff game totally discounting Pete's entire coaching career or other examples that outweigh all the times his coaching in both college and the pros has resulted in his teams winning more than losing, to the tune of National Championships, playoffs and Super Bowls.

Is he infallible? Of course not, no coach is. Thus this thread is utterly ridiculous, and is based off of the OP being mad at losing one playoff game, and not firing coordinators soon enough..........coordinators that helped us win a SB and that Pete was loyal to.

Garbage premise, and garbage thread. If Pete made "too many coaching mistakes" he wouldn't be coaching anymore. He makes more right decisions than wrong decisions, by a WIDE margin, that's why he's 67 and has had the success he's had.


Sgt. Largent":3qtvtdvf said:
John63":3qtvtdvf said:
Sgt. Largent":3qtvtdvf said:
seabowl":3qtvtdvf said:
Look I love that Pete is the coach and has done a wonderful job since he's been here bringing us a bowl. With this said I've never seen a team lose so many games due to bad coaching decision or gameplans. Last night was the latest debacle. From the XLIX nightmare to Cabevell to the beginning and ends of the 2018 season, it's perplexing. Not only do fans notice it but when announcers are saying it consistently year after year during the games, it shows there is a serious flaw. I actually feel bad for the players because they are playing hard and doing what they are told to do.

Again all in all I wouldn't want another coach but I hope he finally learns from his mistakes.

We went 10-6 during a rebuild year with major injuries, holes and depth issues all over the roster. What exactly were Pete's "coaching mistakes" that held this team back again?

It was BECAUSE of Pete's coaching and personnel moves that got us this far, and gives me and others hope that we're headed in the right direction.

By Pets own admission his mistake was not adjusting sooner, so he gets it, weird how some on this board cant.

Some of you are acting like we think he sucks or we should get a new coach. Most are not saying that you guys a quick to call out the players but PC you will not, He is a great coach but not perfect, in this game he made mistakes. Not adjusting sooner, and relying on players he knew were hurt too much, both of which he admitted to.

Premise of thread: "We lose WAY TOO OFTEN" due to coaching mistakes

Example: One half of one playoff game totally discounting Pete's entire coaching career or other examples that outweigh all the times his coaching in both college and the pros has resulted in his teams winning more than losing, to the tune of National Championships, playoffs and Super Bowls.

Is he infallible? Of course not, no coach is. Thus this thread is utterly ridiculous, and is based off of the OP being mad at losing one playoff game, and not firing coordinators soon enough..........coordinators that helped us win a SB and that Pete was loyal to.

Garbage premise, and garbage thread. If Pete made "too many coaching mistakes" he wouldn't be coaching anymore. He makes more right decisions than wrong decisions, by a WIDE margin, that's why he's 67 and has had the success he's had.

I don't most people here can be accused of not forgiving mistakes. At the risk of stating the obvious, everyone makes them, we all know that. I don't think that is what people here, and most of the national media, are saying.

It was a MONUMENTAL mistake, and more than that, it was an OBVIOUS mistake.

The fact that you cannot see that is on you.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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DomeHawk":2ovirb3a said:
The fact that you cannot see that is on you.

Even though I've said about 10 times now in numerous threads that I also think we should have made better adjustments during the game? Gotcha.

See, that's the difference between me and some of you guys. I'm able to compartmentalize drives, games, seasons and careers and not paint criticism with broad brush strokes and indict Pete's entire career or coaching philosophy with these nonsense threads about how we lose way too often due to his coaching mistakes.

Way too often, it's actually laughable it's so stupid.