Hate that "it's never happened before" crap Always kills us.


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May 25, 2011
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All the talk is Lindley has never done anything. From everything I have heard on the radio you would thing the guy has never completed and NFL pass but somehow these things never seem to work in our favor. We always find the guy who has his break out game and for one evening is the best QB to ever step on the field.

I hope this time it doesn't come true but I will be nervous until this game is over or hopefully well in hand.

My hope for this game is we completely change our defensive philosophy. Don't sit back and hope our front four causes disruption. Go full force from the first snap. Blitz like crazy and get under Linley's skin. Take away all his game preparation as well as the O-line and DC's.

You can bet Arians has coached his O-line for this game because it pretty much is the key for their possible success. If that O-line can give Lindley time in the pocket it could be the ingredient he needs to gain composure and pick us apart. Think of what Carr did to us in preseason with momentum and adrenaline working in his favor he played the best game of his life. Heavy blitzing is something he likely will not be ready for because we don't do it very often. Get in his head early and then you can go base and he will make his own mistakes. Just don't let him get off to a good start.

Just a though I felt I needed to get off my chest. I cannot tell you how much I hope I am wrong.


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Mar 3, 2007
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The Niners hadn't lost three in a row with Harbaugh until last Sunday either. I don't read anything into those kind of things personally.

Also, Lindley doesn't have 10% of the talent Carr does.


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Mar 5, 2014
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Los Angeles
I know what you mean

Stats are great for getting a feel for what's going on, whether causation or correlation there is something to be said about history.

But there's something to be said about bucking the history trend.

Depending on stats for an outcome...yeah ME NO LIKEY! There's something also to be said about the smell test. And I'm smelling over confidence :(

I love when Coach said in one of the press conferences that they don't think about preparing for how the opposing team did, but they prepare for what they can do at their best. Let's hope that is going on in that locker room.


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May 2, 2009
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You're just making this game look scarier than it really is.

No reason to sugarcoat it. Lindley is awful. That's not magically changing on Sunday. This team SHUT DOWN the best offense in football in their own house two weeks ago. If you fear Ryan Lindley after that.. I don't know what to tell you.

The only absolute way we lose this game is if the offense goes out there and puts points on the board for the Cardinals. Which, even in their struggles of late, I can't see happening since they at least protect the football.

And sorry but this..

All the talk is Lindley has never done anything. From everything I have heard on the radio you would thing the guy has never completed and NFL pass but somehow these things never seem to work in our favor. We always find the guy who has his break out game and for one evening is the best QB to ever step on the field.

.. hasn't really been true for years now. Maybe the old Seahawks, but not this defense. On primetime. With the chance to capture the #1 seed and the division.


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Apr 30, 2009
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byau":1z1i5hpu said:
I'm smelling over confidence :(
From whom? The fans? Perhaps.
Good thing we have nothing to do with how the team prepares for the game.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
About ten months ago, the Seahawks had never won a Superb Owl. It works both ways.

Superstitions and curses only work if you believe in them. In simple fact, the Seahawks are the better team. Sure, shit happens, but our guys are masters at not letting bad things get in their way.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2013
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Kalispell, MT
Ummm. No.

Play defense the way we always play defense. You know, the way that has resulted in a #1 ranking and a Souperb Owl victory. The way that so far in 2014 has beaten Manning twice, Rodgers once, and is 4-and a flukey 1 against NFCW opponents?

Pressure with four, occasional situational blitz, excellent coverage. No reason to change for Ryan freakin Lindley.

This team is built to get pressure with four and generate pressure off the coverage. Cards know how to take advantage of the blitz and their offense sees it every week in practice.

Just no
