Why we’re all 12’s. Paul Allen’s lasting gift to Seattle:


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2013
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In a day and age of people taking sides, shouting across the lines and distancing themselves from one another Paul Allen had a vision. A vision to bring a community together. A vision to partner with a city for the betterment of an entire region. Paul Allen made a request when he decided to step up and save the Seattle Seahawks from leaving this area forever. He asked that the people and city partner with him. Little did many of us know we were getting the best deal the city will ever receive. That request has become a beacon of light in a very dark and depressing world. I ray of hope to draw people together rather than find reason to push each other away. That partnership unified a city for a time and gave us a window to a better way…

12’s have come under attack by many in recent years being called “2013 fans” or “bandwagoners”. Some Seahawks fans also choose to reject 12 or 12’s for different reasons, even calling it just marketing from the team to make money. That, however, was never Paul Allen’s heart. That’s not being fair to the man that spared no expense to put together a winning football team that ultimately united a city and a region. I believe that 12’s was always something much more than a moniker for Seattle Seahawks fans or some marketing scheme to make money.

Do you remember 2013? Do you remember the buzz everywhere you went in the city? Do you remember having something in common with random people you met on the street? Do you remember a deeper connection to your neighbors, co-workers, and acquaintances? I do. I remember the overwhelming feeling of unity that a single football team brought to this entire region. I believe that was always the vision behind 12’s. Bringing us all together and uniting us. Paul Allen saw the passion that was stirred up when fans blocked the buses, not allowing their team to be taken away. He heard the outcry from the committed “12th man” so connected with this team that they put aside their differences to come together under a singular cause. He would test that one last time by putting the decision to the public for vote, seeing just how strong and passionate that connection really was. He made one address to the public regarding this vote:

“When I said yes to help save the Seahawks,” Allen began, “I meant that I’d do my part in building something for the future, personally and financially. If you vote yes, I’ll do what it takes to make the new stadium and exhibition center a success. I stand by that commitment.”

He paused for just a second.

“But if you say no, that means no for me too, because I’m not going to do this without you. When I said that you’ll have the final say, I meant it. Together, we can leave something for future generations.”

That’s what I believe moved Paul Allen to ultimately buy the Seahawks and save the team, and continually pour into them as much as he did. That connection and that passion and the ability to unite people was special. That’s why it bothers me when people choose to twist that and use it for exactly the opposite, driving a wedge between one another. For those of you that reject it, think to yourself, why? What drives you to use something meant to bring unity as a reason to separate yourself? Why do you want to separate yourself from a community that was brought together in one of the few ways anything else has? 12’s is something meant to bring us together as a community giving us something in common, something to agree on. A foundation for a closer community that focuses on what we have in common and one that works together. 12’s is a part of the legacy and gift that Paul Allen left behind for us all.

We all share a connection to an incredible region, a connection that one man showed us using a sports team. Lets honor his memory and appreciate all he did for this area by embracing the idea of "12’s" as an example of how we can all come together as a community. That I think was his ultimate vision and that I believe is what 12's should really represent, Unity.

Paul Allen will be sorely missed but I hope his effect on our community, his pride for this region, and his love for the people here, lives on through all of us.


uncle fester

Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Good post, DJrmb. Certainly something for us all to think about.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
He involved the fans in the final decision, then went above and beyond making this team one of the best in the NFL.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
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Twas not only the Northwest, but fans all over the country. We could even make a determination that it crosses boundaries of continents. A vision of splendor. A vision of fans and people gathered for a cause. Fandom of a single purpose, to win a game. It brings with it hopes and dreams of success to all walks of life too. What a vision that man had.

Great post OP.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2014
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Paul Allen did the same for the Seattle Commons Park. Would have been nice if we voted yes but sadly no twice...I wonder how the landscape in Seattle would have been.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2018
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Paul Allen's real gift wasn't just saving the Seahawks ; but developing Microsoft ; which literally changed the world forever!! IMO


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2011
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xray":2dokhov2 said:
Paul Allen's real gift wasn't just saving the Seahawks ; but developing Microsoft ; which literally changed the world forever!! IMO

The fact that I am reading and responding to this post will attest to that!


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
xray":3ol7oqre said:
Paul Allen's real gift wasn't just saving the Seahawks ; but developing Microsoft ; which literally changed the world forever!! IMO

You could not post this if not for him, but since you seem to like to be contrary and derail things since the title says something concerning the 12's and not world contributions that's fine.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2018
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chris98251":gjve63hp said:
xray":gjve63hp said:
Paul Allen's real gift wasn't just saving the Seahawks ; but developing Microsoft ; which literally changed the world forever!! IMO

You could not post this if not for him, but since you seem to like to be contrary and derail things since the title says something concerning the 12's and not world contributions that's fine.
Really ? Contrary and derailing? According to your analysis of me. Hope I can sleep tonight.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
xray":19j3edq8 said:
chris98251":19j3edq8 said:
xray":19j3edq8 said:
Paul Allen's real gift wasn't just saving the Seahawks ; but developing Microsoft ; which literally changed the world forever!! IMO

You could not post this if not for him, but since you seem to like to be contrary and derail things since the title says something concerning the 12's and not world contributions that's fine.
Really ? Contrary and derailing? According to your analysis of me. Hope I can sleep tonight.

Shouldn't be a problem for types like you :p


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2018
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chris98251":2285k8cr said:
xray":2285k8cr said:
chris98251":2285k8cr said:
xray":2285k8cr said:
Paul Allen's real gift wasn't just saving the Seahawks ; but developing Microsoft ; which literally changed the world forever!! IMO

You could not post this if not for him, but since you seem to like to be contrary and derail things since the title says something concerning the 12's and not world contributions that's fine.
Really ? Contrary and derailing? According to your analysis of me. Hope I can sleep tonight.

Shouldn't be a problem for types like you :p[/q
I don't gush and drool over everything that is Seahawks. Paul Allen saved the Hawks from moving and he did many gr8 things for the community he lived in because he could afford to. His #1 passion was basketball and the Portland Trailblazers....the Seahawks were second. Now that's contrary. See the difference??


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2018
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The stadium cost $360 million...the public paid $300 million of that,,,Paul Allen demanded public funding or no deal. That funding bill barely passed at 51%...the tax payer helped save the Hawks ; which includes non Seahawk fans. Paul Allen only helped save the Hawks. He got wealthier owning the Hawks..he was a damn good businessman not a saint...now yall can attack me for sayin so.


New member
May 4, 2009
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Auckland, New Zealand
The stadium was a good deal for the taxpayer. They've had two and a half decades of revenue from the stadium and tax revenues from visitors to the games plus national exposure for the city as a benefit to tourism and business.

In addition to the direct revenue from the stadium and hotel taxes, etc., the stadium and the influx of people to see sold-out games every other weekend through the fall and winter means jobs and support for local businesses which create additional income for the city.

Allen keeping the Seahawks in Seattle had been a significant boost to the local economy with many indirect benefits as well.

I don't think anyone is nominating Allen for a sainthood, but what he did for Seattle shouldn't be minimized or dismissed as profiteering.