How opposing players viewed Howell


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Jan 9, 2021
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Yeah, but Josh Allen's improvement is not the norm. Weird flex.
This is true, but you know who else's improvement wasn't the norm? Geno Smith.

Look, I don't think anyone should fool themselves too much. If NFL history is any guide, what just happened to Howell was the start of his tenure as an NFL backup. That's the reality.


That said, is there reason to be hopeful about what Howell might become going forward? Yeah, absolutely.

First, he's young. As has been mentioned ad infinitum, he's as young or younger than some of the guys coming out of the draft.

Second, what stands out about his problems are the type of issues you completely expect from a college QB getting his first real taste of NFL play. Sam's average time to throw actually isn't that long. It's about league average (similar to Geno's while he's been with the Seahawks). He actually didn't have terrible offensive line play--despite the narrative. He had just NFL average-ish pass protection.

So if he's not holding onto the ball forever and his offensive line isn't actually terrible, why is he getting sacked so much? Because he has no sense for the speed of the game. He's trying to do the things that worked for him in college and they don't because he's not an above average athlete by NFL standards. But that's something you can get better at.

A better offensive coaching staff doesn't put the entirety of their offensive identity on the shoulders of a 5th round draft pick in his first actual season of play.

Sam will get a second chance in the NFL and he won't be in the position of needing to win now or be expected to start. Again, is a turnaround the most likely scenario? No, but I don't think you can ask for a much better situation for him than what is happening.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
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My biggest problem with Sam is not that I think there's a chance that he gets better -- maybe.

My problem is giving up draft stock in a year where we have a lot of holes and a backup QB just seems like poor priority.

I also think he's not good.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2021
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My biggest problem with Sam is not that I think there's a chance that he gets better -- maybe.

My problem is giving up draft stock in a year where we have a lot of holes and a backup QB just seems like poor priority.

I also think he's not good.
I just don't think we gave up too much. We still have the same number of picks and I think our ability to package #16 with one our 4ths for a later 1st and a 2nd is probably roughly the same ability we had to package a 1st and one of our 3rds for the same thing.

We have more draft flexibility in my estimation because now there is no need to reach for a Spencer Rattler/Jordan Travis-type or (worse) spend pick #16 on some QB who would typically be a day 3 prospect but because of the QB desperation in the league right now might get snatched in the first.

And we did that without losing a draft pick.


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Dec 28, 2022
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If JS liked Howell so much when he came out, he could have picked him. He had the opportunity to do so.

It seems pretty clear to me that JS saw the handwriting on the wall that there was no hope of moving up in the draft to take one of the top 4 QB's, or that one of them would fall to them. I think he's preparing for the possibility of not drafting any of the top 7 or so QB's.


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Dec 21, 2009
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So if he's not holding onto the ball forever and his offensive line isn't actually terrible, why is he getting sacked so much? Because he has no sense for the speed of the game. He's trying to do the things that worked for him in college
So true, and I glad you point this out. The game take time to “slow down” for nearly all young QBs. Most teams rush their prospects and fail.


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Mar 9, 2019
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Central Valley, CA
If JS liked Howell so much when he came out, he could have picked him. He had the opportunity to do so.

It seems pretty clear to me that JS saw the handwriting on the wall that there was no hope of moving up in the draft to take one of the top 4 QB's, or that one of them would fall to them. I think he's preparing for the possibility of not drafting any of the top 7 or so QB's.
Something tells me he really likes Maye, and like you said, realized they don't have the capital to move up, and he's not convinced by any of the lower tier guys (Penix/Nix/Rattler/Travis) so he decided to trade for Maye's predecessor who put up good stats in the same system.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2022
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Western State
I just re watched the game against washington
Howell outplayed geno especially in the first
He had zero running game
Riverboat Ron and company repeatedly shot the team in the foot at the end of each half
He only had one top flight receiver and spread the ball around to no less than 9 pass catchers
He threw really well on the run as they had 2 new starting olineman and was under duress almost the entire 2nd half
The kid needs to know when to SLIDE
He needs to realize to just take what the defense gives him
He had a ton of weight on his shoulders with only scary terry as a relief valve
On a good team he could have a totally different outcome and I believe that's why JS traded for him as if you watch it just to see what he has , you might think maybe there could be something there as he showed a hell of a lot of grit
Kid almost beat us by himself
They only ran well for about 4 plays on one drive otherwise most of the rushing yards were from him or a receiver on a broken play
He could be CBPOTY in 2025 or sooner
I was impressed , as the 1st time I watched it during the season i just wanted to beat those dirtbags owned by a total sleezbag but howell is better than almost everybody is saying
I would be really surprised if he has topped out , had about 10 mahomes type plays where everything broke down and he created something
If he were on the whiners i'd be a little concerned , he can make every throw and on time and get out of what would normally be a sack for most
Allright , let the roasting begin lol
Go Hawks


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
Howells NFL TDs vs INTs...22-22 . These numbers kinda show that , he's either color blind or he throws to anybody that's open . ;)
Pete probably would have vetoed this trade, he had low tolerance for QB that turns the ball over.


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
My biggest problem with Sam is not that I think there's a chance that he gets better -- maybe.

My problem is giving up draft stock in a year where we have a lot of holes and a backup QB just seems like poor priority.

I also think he's not good.
That's my issue.


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
Pete probably would have vetoed this trade, he had low tolerance for QB that turns the ball over.
Thank God he's in Hawaii because I bet he would never like Brett Farve and flat blocked JS from trying to get Patrick or Josh **** his bullshit point guard crap. You only win with an elite quarterback. You might get lucky sometimes if you don't have that but are prepared and will you and our clueless fanbase ready to accept being shitty for years like the Bears or 49ers? And the 49ers got lucky but still are ******. Relax, we are building correctly...inside to outside as the actual rules dictate


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
Sam himself might be actually elite but I'm not a believer currently I'm hoping we still take a shot on a rookie if possible. As everyone knows I want them to take a shot on Rattler.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Last season he had turnovers, but his completion percentage his high, I would say looking at his college stats as well it was not a true indicator of his ability's, it's an indication of three things, losing and trying to do too much and force things you shouldn't, Bad coaching, lack of good support players, teams getting tipped by something and a lousy O line. WR's that are not getting open and having to stand in the pocket longer with a line that breaks down can cause a lot of problems. If a team gets a tell that gets spread around and the only ones that don't know it is the team doing it.

I have concerns, but not about his ability, but more about our QB coach and whether he has the experience and insight to correct tendencies he picked up from being in a bad situation.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2009
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If JS liked Howell so much when he came out, he could have picked him. He had the opportunity to do so.
I disagree. JS supported Pete style. Geno and the newly acquired Drew Lock, which he also liked, and the fact that Pete didn’t carry 3 QBs made the decision for John. If he forced the issue and drafted Howell, how do you think that would have gone over. Pete was The Boss at the time.


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Mar 6, 2010
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Economics is a huge part of this.

1 mil and 1.2 mil for two years of having a serviceable back up is unheard of.

18 starts, close to 4000 yards last year and young. Sure seems like a player worth taking a chance on to develop while he sits on the side lines


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Washington dumped Howell for the equivalent of a two day old ham sandwich in Mariota. Sigh.


But needs context. Washington has the #2 pick. They are going QB. Mariota is a veteran who can 1.) bridge the gap better and 2.) Signing Mariota as a FA doesn't bolster their draft position, trading Howell does (although by only ham sandwich).


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2009
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But needs context. Washington has the #2 pick. They are going QB. Mariota is a veteran who can 1.) bridge the gap better and 2.) Signing Mariota as a FA doesn't bolster their draft position, trading Howell does (although by only ham sandwich).
They also had to clear the deck for their #2 pick. That player is probably going to struggle mightily, and you don’t want to have any kind of young QB controversy. The franchise already suffered that during Griffin-Cousins. Plus, if it’s Drake Maye, it’d be doubly awkward because they were college teammates.