Dem REFFS!!!!


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Sep 8, 2012
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So I really hope that the referee's in the Pat's game do not want the other team to win as badly as the referees at the Panther's game did because that crap was ridiculous I mean really? I know we got away with a DPI call but it really felt like the referees really were not wanting us to win...... anyone else agree? Yes I know that some calls against us were legit but holy smokes......


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Aug 1, 2011
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I pointed this out the day the replacement refs were gone. The "real refs" HATE the Hawks.


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Aug 27, 2011
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That "missed" Offensive PI on Steve smith pushing Sherman was laughable. ANY other team gets that call.


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Aug 12, 2011
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There were about 4 or 5 we DEFINITELY didnt deserve and some that were questionable
Its just too bad 3 of them were on Lynch's biggest gains...hmmmmm :327321_Spy_23.22:
he wouldve had about 120 rushing otherwise


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Aug 12, 2011
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Pstark3":z2rqv70c said:
That "missed" Offensive PI on Steve smith pushing Sherman was laughable. ANY other team gets that call.
oh you mean where he decleated the Sherman right in front of the ref and it was like nothing happened? i remember that :evil:


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Feb 18, 2012
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I looked at this objectively. I thought the 40 yard DPI (missed) call was a huge play for us. I wouldn't say this evens out the missed one on Smith by any means.

The Obo holding call hurt off the edge, but he did actually hold him a bit at the end. Most would let that go though. The Giac hold on the 50 yard bomb was clearly a penalty. I thought the PI on browner on 3rd and 4 was questionable do to the fact that Newton rifled it into the ground.

Clearly the worst call of the game was on Okung to wipe out Lynch's 100 yard day. I can't imagine how calls like that are made. it's stunning. Are your eyes seeing what they want to see?

Anyways, i think we honestly are to blame for a lot of them if we look at this breakdown of the major penalties:

Against Hawks:
-Giacomini negates 50 yard TD (go call)
-Giacomini 15 yard unsportsmanlike (questionable but it wasn't at all necessary. The whistle may not have blown but it certainly wasn't going to influence the play. He's just looking to land a good blow.)
-Obo holding call (Probably fair if you look at the replay, but it's rarely called when someone's hands are on the inside)
-Browner PI on 3rd and 4. He held the WR a bit out of the break but the ball was not catch-able in my opinion
-Clemons late hit on Newton. This was probably the most eggheaded play of the game for the Hawks. I love Clem but, there is no room for late hits on QB. He was late AND he pile drove him into the ground. This extended the drive after a 3 and out and would have given us the ball at the 50 yard line (most likely) up 6-0 with 2 minutes left. Due to undisciplined we end up going to halftime up 6-3 when it could have easily been 9-0 or 13-0.
-Holding on Okung 20 yard run negated and 10 yards further back. I would say this one was pretty even to the missed PI call on Browner which would have been 40 yards.

Against Panthers:
PI call on Browner (40 yards)

On a whole, if we played more disciplined, I don't think we'd be talking about this.


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Aug 12, 2011
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I like that we still won even though the refs were clearly not on our side...not the same old Hawks!


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Mar 3, 2007
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Since the GB game we've got a bulls eye on our back :stirthepot:

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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I think some of you are drinking a little too much conspiracy theory Kool Aid.

Our rash of penalties are a product of a few factors, none of which are "the league hates us."

1. We're not a very good football team, and most of the teams we play aren't that great either, so we get the #14 or #15 officiating crew just about every weekend.
2. The Hawks have been in the top 5 most penalized teams in the league ever since Carroll got here. That means lots of undisciplined stupid penalties.
3. Very aggressive defense and offensive line. Very aggressive = lots of holding and PI calls.
4. Bad Reputations. Players like Sherman, Browner and now Giacomini have developed reputations, so they're never going to get the benefit of the doubt. In fact, just the opposite, the refs are looking for them to hold and be stupid.

Where were all you conspiracy theorists during the Holmgren era when we were one of the least penalized teams in the league? Penalties are a direct result of the coaches. Carroll likes his players to play loose and we're seeing the result of that with penalties.


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May 25, 2011
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When Smith body slammed Sherman on a play that was not near the actual play and directly in front of ref only a few yards away and the call was holding and not a personal foul, I was very frustrated. Everytime Lynch broke off a good rub I qas looking for a mysterious flag and wasn't disappointed


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Sep 8, 2012
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lukerguy":2ue5ugos said:
I looked at this objectively. I thought the 40 yard DPI (missed) call was a huge play for us. I wouldn't say this evens out the missed one on Smith by any means.

The Obo holding call hurt off the edge, but he did actually hold him a bit at the end. Most would let that go though. The Giac hold on the 50 yard bomb was clearly a penalty. I thought the PI on browner on 3rd and 4 was questionable do to the fact that Newton rifled it into the ground.

Clearly the worst call of the game was on Okung to wipe out Lynch's 100 yard day. I can't imagine how calls like that are made. it's stunning. Are your eyes seeing what they want to see?

Anyways, i think we honestly are to blame for a lot of them if we look at this breakdown of the major penalties:

Against Hawks:
-Giacomini negates 50 yard TD (go call)
-Giacomini 15 yard unsportsmanlike (questionable but it wasn't at all necessary. The whistle may not have blown but it certainly wasn't going to influence the play. He's just looking to land a good blow.)
-Obo holding call (Probably fair if you look at the replay, but it's rarely called when someone's hands are on the inside)
-Browner PI on 3rd and 4. He held the WR a bit out of the break but the ball was not catch-able in my opinion
-Clemons late hit on Newton. This was probably the most eggheaded play of the game for the Hawks. I love Clem but, there is no room for late hits on QB. He was late AND he pile drove him into the ground. This extended the drive after a 3 and out and would have given us the ball at the 50 yard line (most likely) up 6-0 with 2 minutes left. Due to undisciplined we end up going to halftime up 6-3 when it could have easily been 9-0 or 13-0.
-Holding on Okung 20 yard run negated and 10 yards further back. I would say this one was pretty even to the missed PI call on Browner which would have been 40 yards.

Against Panthers:
PI call on Browner (40 yards)

On a whole, if we played more disciplined, I don't think we'd be talking about this.

Well on there only offensive scoring drive when newton had that long run...... Big Red got held so blatently like he would have crushed Newton and the ref had a perfect view..... I am more talking about the lack of holding calls for the Seahawks D really.....


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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
lukerguy":1hg1ws05 said:
Are your eyes seeing what they want to see?

This is actually very common, every person on the planet does it; you have to be smart and a little humble to acknowledge it and compensate for it, though. Which of course, most people don't do. It's called confirmation bias. You have to realize that your own mind/subconscious does it automatically if you want to overcome it.


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May 25, 2011
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I don't believe it is a bias thing
How often have we had ref threads after a win?

I was honestly wondering if the officials pooled their money and bet on Carolina.

The officiating in that game was way worse than anything with the scabs and it was mind boggelingly (new word) blatant.


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Jun 21, 2012
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Sgt. Largent":2e7tfoke said:
I think some of you are drinking a little too much conspiracy theory Kool Aid.

Our rash of penalties are a product of a few factors, none of which are "the league hates us."

1. We're not a very good football team, and most of the teams we play aren't that great either, so we get the #14 or #15 officiating crew just about every weekend.
2. The Hawks have been in the top 5 most penalized teams in the league ever since Carroll got here. That means lots of undisciplined stupid penalties.
3. Very aggressive defense and offensive line. Very aggressive = lots of holding and PI calls.
4. Bad Reputations. Players like Sherman, Browner and now Giacomini have developed reputations, so they're never going to get the benefit of the doubt. In fact, just the opposite, the refs are looking for them to hold and be stupid.

Where were all you conspiracy theorists during the Holmgren era when we were one of the least penalized teams in the league? Penalties are a direct result of the coaches. Carroll likes his players to play loose and we're seeing the result of that with penalties.
:13: Great post!