Do Your Job


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May 1, 2009
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Oh and jackass....have your QB THROW to a Tight End once in a while.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Then most of them are really poor at doing that part of their job.


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2009
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I can’t think of one coach or coordinator that they brought in over the last 7-8 years that had any kind of NFL success prior to joining the Hawks. Maybe Cable to some extent but he was more of a castoff. This is probably a result of Pete wanting to control everything and it has cost him.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2022
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ROFL, the season is half over and coaches are still "trying to figure out how to utilize their players". Damn.

Quotes coming from coaches the last few weeks have been rather telling. Seems like a lot of guys don't really know what they are doing week in and week out. No way in hell this team is a real contender.

Will still be fun seeing the young core players grow the rest of the way.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
One of those funny little moments life brings you. I was in my Gmail trash bin section looking for a Seahawks article I had deleted previously. I found it and the headline shows Pete on the sideline. At the top left is a button that says DELETE FOREVER.

Instead of his book title WIN FOREVER, I got a button that said DELETE FOREVER. LOL!

The Universe has a wicked sense of humor if you pay close attention sometimes.


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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I can’t think of one coach or coordinator that they brought in over the last 7-8 years that had any kind of NFL success prior to joining the Hawks. Maybe Cable to some extent but he was more of a castoff. This is probably a result of Pete wanting to control everything and it has cost him.
Maybe because competent coaches find out during preliminary talks that they'll actually have no control over their assignment and PC will be overruling them on strategies, gameplans, and/or coaching techniques, etc.?

I've turned down several positions once it became obvious that I would be working for micro-managers.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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This quote from QB coach Greg Olson pissed me off. Especially the part I bolded...

"If we all had the answer, you know, we would have solved a lot of it. We're in the problem-solving business as coaches and so we're still trying to find that combination of plays that benefit the skills of our players, our skill players, and maybe with the wide receivers in the routes that they run, blocking schemes for our running back. So we've got to just become more consistent. We've had some good games and we've had some clunkers. So how do we find that consistency that you're looking for as an offense and how do we cater our offense to what fits our players?"

Gee, I don't know coach. Isn't that what YOU guys get paid to do? This is crap that should have been figured out in training camp, not December.

I feel more and more that this team needs a complete regime overhaul with the coaching staff. This team has too much talent to look this poor.

I forget what loss we had this season where pete came out and said: "We had a good game." I was like WTF are you talking about?! You just LOST!!!

I believe that I've used the statement: "It's CRIMINAL how much talent we have on this team that's getting flushed down the toilet with marginal coaching." And it is.

When I watched Waldron and Hurtt after the loss - I was thinking the EXACT same thing as you posted the other day. Where's the ownership? Where's the red faced pissed off coach who knows they just dropped the ball (literally) emphasizing that they're gonna learn from the turd, and get BETTER at it.

The Hot Tub Time Machine QB tour during the draft pissed me off a little bit too. Great - fly around with your hair back enjoying the QB tour. And then come back with NO QB. WTF was the point of that?

I think Pete might be on the tail end of his career - and gotten even more soft with people - although the 'mystery possible benching of DK' lends itself to the negative of that.

I want a coach who comes out and is like "We're gonna fight for EVERY ******* blade of grass. And if you don't - you're gonna get cut."

Rant off. I hope we win tomorrow. But the namby pamby - everything is sunny days it's just not clicking yet - well I agree, it is December. Put your big boy pants on.

Sorry - it's just been bugging me.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Sammamish, WA
It comes down to the lack of accountability. No one is holding anyone accountable. That’s why they play undisciplined football. Week in and week out we see the same mistakes over and over. Same penalties. Bennett was mr. offsides and it never was corrected. Zero improvement.

Dave Canales leaving has impacted Geno in a major way. Geno has played poorly compared to last season. Greg Olson is a downgrade from Carl Smith and Dave Canales.
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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
This quote from QB coach Greg Olson pissed me off. Especially the part I bolded...
so we're still trying to find that combination of plays that benefit the skills of our players, our skill players, and maybe with the wide receivers in the routes that they run, blocking schemes for our running back. So we've got to just become more consistent. We've had some good games and we've had some clunkers. So how do we find that consistency that you're looking for as an offense and how do we cater our offense to what fits our players?"

Gee, I don't know coach. Isn't that what YOU guys get paid to do? This is crap that should have been figured out in training camp, not December.

I feel more and more that this team needs a complete regime overhaul with the coaching staff. This team has too much talent to look this poor.

You know, the problem with Pete and his selection of coaches is the same as it was with his drafting of players. The metrics he uses to evaluate their sutabality for the job are too steeped in his desire to build people and allow them to grow into success, and not rigorous enough in just looking at a candidates qualification and talent. I think its part based in his desire to grow people and part his personality and not wanting to deal with too much confrontation. But as a leader, confrontation is sometimes necessary to elevate the quality of the group - healthy confrontation. But if Pete values too highy the mild mannered types, you are also often sacrificing that edge leaders bring to demand the best from their players. Sure, there was KNJ, who few would call mid mannered. But he and Ken were also friends and agreed philosophically on how things should be done. He got passed over a few years before when Pete went with Richard as DC and i think hired him back because he wanted to give him a shot. Quinn was groomed from within and became DC after leaving for a year and Bradley was inherited and retained on the recommendation of M Kiffin.

On offense, i dont think Cable gets enough credit for helping coordinate the run game while he was here. I think it was because of his presence that Bevell was given the long stay he had. PC no doubt saw Bev as being good enough to manage a passing game for a guy who he felt struggled to see plays develop and whos magic was in making things up anyway. Cable was the discplinarian who interfaced with Lynch, M Rob and the rest to maintain order and the edge while Pete pumped the positive energy.

Schotty was a great get. ANd i think much of his success was attributable to the fact that he was known as a hard nosed coach. He was the anti Bevell who by accounts, got into some pretty weak shouting matches with LOB members post SB loss.

Hurtt? in terms of leadershp qualities, he SOUNDS like the guy players will respect, but i dont know how much bite there is behind the bark, or whether he isnt being hard enough on guys, if its in an effort to maintain the positive vibes of positive reinforcement. I thik we will see soon enough if his interview post game this past week is any indicator. Either he's losing his guys, or his frustration at the missed assignments is going to turn into a tangible shift in the way teaching is applied.

Waldron? Nothing about the guy says leader to me. Nothing says demanding. Nothing about the way he talks, carries himself, interacts with players, answers questions speaks to an ability to command a room and demand respect. Is Shane going to chew DK out for running a soft route? I dont think so. My eyes tell me he seems like the type to want to design his way out of the issues we are having rather than address the failures head on. problem is , the design wont work if your guys arent executing it because they are disconnected and not playing at 110% ever play, laser focused and on assignment. And i'd also bet that no coach who is hard nosed will want to stay on staff with Waldron if he's soft. Failure due to lack of discipline and then lack of accountability and players pussyfooting it too much to take for someone with pride and the fight in them to demand perfection.

So yeah, you are right. That repsonse is BS. And Pete continuing to just say' we werent on it today' as a standard response after we lose is also BS. It might not be his responsibility to call the plays on offense or defense, but its his job to make sure the pieces he puts in place to lead, get the maximum out of the 53 men on the field. And of he isnt doing that, he is failing. ESPECIALLY if he doesnt recognize it soon and make a change.

If he doesnt recognize it and see the problem, then he becomes the problem.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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The platitudes slay me. "We just have to do a better job." "We weren't as prepared as we could have been." "The other team just made more plays than we did."

View attachment 62167
here you go - a little angry coach montage!

The coaching staff from the top down needs to get some fire in the belly!


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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We just had a thread in which we were talking about disciplinary coaches are a thing of the past and being phased out of the league. This Seattle team is a prime example of why they are still needed.

As for taking a half a season or better to sort things out, that is nothing new for Seattle. It's why, to me, it doesn't matter how many new faces are on the roster because it never seems to matter. Nothing ever gets set in stone. Is that why there's such parody in the league, I don't know you tell me. I just know it makes for a lot of ugly football.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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The big question is whether we are getting better, getting worse, or just stagnant at this point.

I keep hearing the roster is improving, that we are 'close', but the record and results (ie production from each group) seem to be getting worse. We seem to be better at sacking the QB. Not sure what else we have improved at. But can point out a # of things we are worse at.

James in PA

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
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I wish the lame Seattle sports media wound their jobs and ask Pete about this quote.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
This quote from QB coach Greg Olson pissed me off. Especially the part I bolded...

"If we all had the answer, you know, we would have solved a lot of it. We're in the problem-solving business as coaches and so we're still trying to find that combination of plays that benefit the skills of our players, our skill players, and maybe with the wide receivers in the routes that they run, blocking schemes for our running back. So we've got to just become more consistent. We've had some good games and we've had some clunkers. So how do we find that consistency that you're looking for as an offense and how do we cater our offense to what fits our players?"

Gee, I don't know coach. Isn't that what YOU guys get paid to do? This is crap that should have been figured out in training camp, not December.

I feel more and more that this team needs a complete regime overhaul with the coaching staff. This team has too much talent to look this poor.

Sounded like old coach Olson was hinting the OC doesn't have the answers.

James in PA

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
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Ghost, disinterested owner who is just letting Pete sail the boat until she can sell. Pete knows he has job security for at least one most year after this. Just trying to make the playoffs to take the heat off. If not, will make the OC the scapegoat and prepare his sales pitch all over again.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
Olson skillfully worded:

we're still trying to find that combination of plays that benefit the skills of our players, our skill players, and maybe with the wide receivers in the routes that they run, blocking schemes for our running back.

Olson's our QB coach, so he pointed to WR in the routes that they run, haha, finger pointed at WR route schemes, OL run blocking schemes. Both hinted at OC couldn't game plan and play call to maximize our players' strength. What he didn't say was why Geno's regressing, which is his own area of responsibility.