Golden Tate interview on NFL Network Thursday 2pm EST


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PoCompton, BC Canada
PatsFanNH":tcaj29cs said:
Guys NO ONE outside of Seatle who is not a Hawks fan will EVER say thats a TD. EVER! It is not worth arguing over it is done.. you got the TD.. you won.. no one can take that away from you. TRUST ME I know I have the TUCK RULE from 01 so I understand where you are coming from.

Jennings feet in air1
Then everyone outside of Seattle (plus at least one guy in Vancouver) is a stupid asshole that believes everything that the ass hats at ESPN spoon feed them.

PS: I love how huge this picture is! :)


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Sep 14, 2012
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LOL guys doesnt matter HOW many times you try convince others it will not work. This is your equevalant to the tuck rule. 9which Wass called correctly, but is a horrible rule.)


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Oct 4, 2009
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PoCompton, BC Canada
I have a picture of Golden Tate holding the ball with two hands and both feet on the ground. That's all I need. The Tuck rule was pretty grey, was it batted, did it slip, did he touch the ball with the left hand finishing the passing motion? That's a lot of grey.

This is not grey; two hands on ball, two feet on ground, touchdown. Tie goes to the offense and has for generations. This is such a non-event it's stupid. Tate made a helluva catch. It's what he does. The Seahawks nad Golden Tate should sue ESPN for defamation and libel.


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Sep 14, 2012
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I see ONE hand on the football the other reaching for it while the Defender has COMPLETE control of said Football. It was so obvious to the CRAP officials that the 2 judges GAVE DIFFERENT SIGNALS! So happens the one from a real college program called it an INT while the other from HS football called it a TD. YOU know as well as everyone else knows with REAL officials thats a pick and games over period. Seahawk fans are the ONLY ones who will EVER EVER say thats a TD, which is fine, I personally could care less these dopey officials are gone and the real ones are back. (Pats lost TWO games because of the dopey officials. and I for one am convinced it is because they were biased and HATED the Pats because they were fans of other teams..) So if anything I am glad it happened it forced the NFL to get the real officials back.


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PoCompton, BC Canada
Tates fingers1

Meanwhile, on the ground... Tate has 2 hands on the ball after BOTH players have completed the reception (y'know, that thing you have to do to actually have the catch count... Megatron, please pick up the white courtesy phone). Touchdown Sehawks.

But hey... numnumnumnum. Tastes good ESPN! Can I please have another helping Mr. Dilfer? Please tell me what I think Steve Young. I know you've had 86 concussions and now have a brain that resembles vanilia pudding that's been left in the sun, but you won a super bowl and are yelling so therefore you am smart.

Speaking of knowing rules, do you know that the official rule makes no mention of needing "complete" control or some degree of supirior control over the other player? Just says "simultanious control". Shows what you know. What, did Steve forget to mention that part in one of his hate mongering rants?

ESPN can HMD. We won that game straight up by the rules and I wont have any east coast dick heads try to tell me otherwise.


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Sep 14, 2012
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OMG thats ON the ground! And it isnt obvious to you who has CONTROL of that football!?!?! and you say the TUCK rule was questionable but not this!!! Also right hand UNDER Jennings points to him trying play CB and knock it away or back up in the air. Not to a catch that if ANYTHING proves an INT not a catch.. my god Jenning had COMPLETE CONTROL of that football not Tate.. But whatever I am not goin to convince you and your picture prove the opposite to me that they do to you.. in the NFL thats an INT.. that day it was not...


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Sep 14, 2012
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I am letting it go... ok? You guys BELIEVE it a TD FINE! Like I said NO one who isn't a SEAHAWK fan will ever agree. And I bet dollars to donuts every one of YOU when you first saw ith thought it was an INT as well, because that is how it is always called... But I degress its over and AGAIN this is your TUCK RULE forever.. welcome to the party.. I been fighting that battle for 10 years...


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Apr 22, 2010
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PatsFanNH":3h74w65l said:
therealjohncarlson":3h74w65l said:
Over/Under on how many questions will be about the tateception?

If I was a Hawks fan I be like "sweet we got a W we didnt deserve" if I was a Packers fan I be so POed especially if they miss the PO by one game.. oh I be so mad lol.... I can see both sides though..

If the Packers won, they'd have a W they didn't deserve. Their only touchdown drive came after a bullshit defensive PI on a play that would have forced a punt.

And you know what? After the Testaverde helmet "TD" that caused the hawks to miss the playoffs by one game in 1998, I will take this call no matter if it was a bad call or not. If the Packers miss the playoffs by one game, oh well, shit happens.


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PoCompton, BC Canada
peachesenregalia":ibfldprs said:
PatsFanNH":ibfldprs said:
OMG thats ON the ground! And it isnt obvious to you who has CONTROL of that football!?!?! and you say the TUCK rule was questionable but not this!!! Also right hand UNDER Jennings points to him trying play CB and knock it away or back up in the air. Not to a catch that if ANYTHING proves an INT not a catch.. my god Jenning had COMPLETE CONTROL of that football not Tate.. But whatever I am not goin to convince you and your picture prove the opposite to me that they do to you.. in the NFL thats an INT.. that day it was not...

Wait, so...if the receiver has both hands on the ball, and the defensive player has one hand on the ball and one hand on the receiver's hand.....that's an INT?

Man, I've had it all wrong all these years. Thank you, sincerely, thanks for correcting my thought process here. I always thought a receiver having two hands on the ball with feet down inbounds was a catch, but I guess not.

We're not from the east coast so we're clearly not smaat about football n stuff... This guy's funny though. He keeps going on and on about who has "control" of the football or who has "more control" of the football when the rule doesn't say a damn thing about control.


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Sep 14, 2012
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He had 2 hands and mre so it was in HIS GUT! Your WR Tate was trying rip it away.. a clear and by every REAL REF an INT.. NO ONE who wasnt a Hawks fan ses that as a catch. NO ONE! But thats because everyone else is wrong and the hawks are right its a conspiracy because everyone hates the Hawks?? This BAD AWFUL CALL MADE the NFL go back and get things done with the real REFS.. trust me if there was an angle showing proof it was truly a dual reception the NFL shown it to save face, instead they got HUGE EGG on their face and they knew it.


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Sep 14, 2012
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Amazing how only HAAWK fans think they made the catch, not even Packers arch foes believe it to be a catch.. but yes.. the rule book says yada yada..According to your definition then their been many a team who lost because the rule is NOT interpreted that way.. hmmm wonder why? could it be called comman sense.. no this never happened before this happens almost every time a hail mary goes up and is caught..


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Sep 14, 2012
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Funny thing I dont hate the Hawks, i think I even said stand corrected when someone said you earned the victory.. but seems a ot here either dont read the full thread or lack reading coprehension.


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May 1, 2009
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Portland, OR
Anyway...did anyone catch the Tate interview which was what this was originally about? (I don't have NFLN)


Feb 23, 2007
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Astoria, OR
I like in the interview Tate (who has a fantasy team) says he's benching Brady this weekend because he doesn't think he will do too well against Seattle's D.

He also was debating whether to start himself which he finally said he was going to.


Feb 23, 2007
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Astoria, OR
He also said that the Patriots D has some good players but they have been studying film all week and have come up with some plays that should be big for the Hawks.

Austin Hawk

Austin Hawk

Oct 15, 2009
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Austin, Texas
Just saw the interview myself after getting home from work and even though it was pretty short, I was glad that the guys at NFL Network didn't even bring up "THE CATCH" during the interview. I fully expected them to throw that out there, but they never mentioned it and just stuck to fantasy football stuff. Glad to know they're over it.

Also, I love how the NFL Network guys are talking about benching Brady, Ridley, and Co. against the Seahawks. Our D is getting a lot of love from these guys.


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Feb 11, 2010
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PatsFanNH":2aloa4cc said:

I see ONE hand on the football the other reaching for it while the Defender has COMPLETE control of said Football. It was so obvious to the CRAP officials that the 2 judges GAVE DIFFERENT SIGNALS! So happens the one from a real college program called it an INT while the other from HS football called it a TD. YOU know as well as everyone else knows with REAL officials thats a pick and games over period. Seahawk fans are the ONLY ones who will EVER EVER say thats a TD, which is fine, I personally could care less these dopey officials are gone and the real ones are back. (Pats lost TWO games because of the dopey officials. and I for one am convinced it is because they were biased and HATED the Pats because they were fans of other teams..) So if anything I am glad it happened it forced the NFL to get the real officials back.

I disagree my friend for few reasons. It was has been confirmed that the REPLAY officials in that game were NOT replacement guys (they were normal refs) and they allowed the play to stand. To me that is evidence that this play was not so cut and dry as MNF broadcasters would lead you to beleive. The fact is by the time Jennings had possession of the ball-- ie both feet on the ground (you can't have possession without feet on the ground), Tate had both feet on the ground and both arms around it and was nearly on his arse. Also I find it interesting that everyone says Jennings had it in chest. How is that possible if Tate's arm was between Jennings and the ball. His 1 arm never left the ball. The rule doesn't differentiate between who has "more control."

In it my opinion and evidence suggests I'm right that the play was called properly according to the rules. However, it doesn't pass the eye test. Similarly, the Tuck rule was called perfectly according to the rules, though 90% of America beleived it to be a fumble INCLUDING Tom Brady. Just as Megatron's catch 2 years ago looked like a catch to most Fans, though it was called an incompletion.

We'll have to agree to disagree, but if you look at the actual facts one has to admit that it isn't so cut and dry and all everyone made it out to be.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Bay Area, CA
jlwaters1":223ec755 said:
PatsFanNH":223ec755 said:

I see ONE hand on the football the other reaching for it while the Defender has COMPLETE control of said Football. It was so obvious to the CRAP officials that the 2 judges GAVE DIFFERENT SIGNALS! So happens the one from a real college program called it an INT while the other from HS football called it a TD. YOU know as well as everyone else knows with REAL officials thats a pick and games over period. Seahawk fans are the ONLY ones who will EVER EVER say thats a TD, which is fine, I personally could care less these dopey officials are gone and the real ones are back. (Pats lost TWO games because of the dopey officials. and I for one am convinced it is because they were biased and HATED the Pats because they were fans of other teams..) So if anything I am glad it happened it forced the NFL to get the real officials back.

I disagree my friend for few reasons. It was has been confirmed that the REPLAY officials in that game were NOT replacement guys (they were normal refs) and they allowed the play to stand. To me that is evidence that this play was not so cut and dry as MNF broadcasters would lead you to beleive. The fact is by the time Jennings had possession of the ball-- ie both feet on the ground (you can't have possession without feet on the ground), Tate had both feet on the ground and both arms around it and was nearly on his arse. Also I find it interesting that everyone says Jennings had it in chest. How is that possible if Tate's arm was between Jennings and the ball. His 1 arm never left the ball. The rule doesn't differentiate between who has "more control."

In it my opinion and evidence suggests I'm right that the play was called properly according to the rules. However, it doesn't pass the eye test. Similarly, the Tuck rule was called perfectly according to the rules, though 90% of America beleived it to be a fumble INCLUDING Tom Brady. Just as Megatron's catch 2 years ago looked like a catch to most Fans, though it was called an incompletion.

We'll have to agree to disagree, but if you look at the actual facts one has to admit that it isn't so cut and dry and all everyone made it out to be.

That's what it boils down to. To the eye test, it was an INT. To the rulebook, it's a TD.