I still believe !


Feb 7, 2015
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Florence, Oregon
I can’t believe I’m in the Seahawk Forum when I read thru many of the post, it’s hard to tell, with many, if I’m in our forum or our opponents forum.

When I read all the post from 12’s, who after two close losses, on the road, in the first two games into our season, with almost 10 times that number of games, left ahead of us left to play, and so many of you have already declared the season a Total loss.

Hell we all read that Denver had only lost 1 of 18 of their last home openers, knowing it was going to be next to impossible for us to get a win there, and then when we loose by a touchdown, everyone feints shock and unleash heaps of “told you so” criticism and character assasination attempts on their favorite Seahawk targets.

What ever happened to “We Believe”, and that undeniable, undefeatable spirit of the 12’vs, who are there until the very last second of every game, and whose spirit has brought this team back from the edge of defeat to some of the most phenomenal victories in NFL history.

I look at the offense and defense that Pete and John have assembled in Seattle this season, and having watched them battle two formadable teams on the road, and consider that the only thing lacking in their make up is the continuity that can’t be developed anywhere else but on the field under fire.

I also see that we have assembled a collection of highly skilled and talented professionals on both sides of the ball, and I have all the faith in the world that they are going to develop into a real force to be reconned with.

I haven’t lost site of who Russell Wilson is, he is still that dreamer who believes in himself and his teammates, and will fight with everything he has to find a way to win, and to inspire his team to greatness. There is not a damn thing wrong with our offense or defense that time on the field in real game time won’t eventually put them in sync, and fix, once that clicks, they will prove to be better than the cast that brought us our first Super Bowl win.

I do think that Russell is taking himself too seriously this year, he needs to get out of his head and on to the field and start trusting himself and having some fun out there again. He is way to sensitive to criticism. He needs to remind himself that criticism is a tribute made to success, paid by mediocrity and stupidity, and use that criticism to fuel his fire, instead of extinguish it. He needs instead to start listening to those of us, who like himself, Still Believe!

I feel like the minister at Sunday church, “ oh Yee of little faith”, how quickly you turn your backs and abandon your team, when they need you all more than ever to get their backs, and offer them your encouragement and support, and most importantly your belief in them and what they, and we can accomplish, if we pull together instead of focusing on taring us apart.

We have everything we need in Seattle, right now to take on and defeat any team in the NFL. The only thing that can stop us is our inability or unwillingness to put our “told to so, character assassinations” of every aspect of our players, coaches, and owners, instead of humbling ourselves and trusting in that same wisdom that brought us Kam, Earl, Cliff, Sherm, and all the other hall of famers.

Most of what I’m reading in the forum today, is repeats of what I read when Mike got his walking papers and Pete got the reigns handed over to him a few years ago. There is that core that hated Pete Carroll, and have never had anything good to say about him since day one. They are infectious, like a virus in their spreading of their “ told you so gloom and doom” mantra.

I for one have a mind of my own and refuse to drink from that poisonious punch bowl. I believe that the Seahawks are gonna do it again, and I sure as hell am not going to do anything but offer them all the belief and encouragement I can muster up. I still believe, and I know that there are a lot more out ther like me, difference is I’m not afraid to speak my heart and Let the criticisms come my way, for walking my own path and having a thought of my own.

I really hope that this Seahawk team shuts their critics up this Sunday, and for the rest of the season, which will at very least silence all the critics and there “Get Pete” movement, at least for a time. Hopefully open the eyes of those 12vs who are so caught up in all the negativity being preached right now by the sports media talking heads and some of our own members, that assume that because others see it a certain way, that they must be right, and give themselves back their ability to believe in our merry band of misfits once again.

Go Seahawks! We’re gonna do it again, and I for one “Still Believe”.

The game just ended, that sync under fire thing I mentioned just happened out there today. We have a championship capable team in Seattle, and hopefully their performance today will quiet the haters, and rekindle the fires in the hearts of the team and the 12. Most importantly that we all continue to Believe!


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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pacific101":16thv5u1 said:
I can’t believe I’m in the Seahawk Forum, it’s hard to tell, with many, if I’m in our forum or our opponents forum. When I read all the post from 12’s, who after two close losses, on the road, and first two games into our season, with almost 10 times that number of games, left ahead of us left to play, and so many of you have already declared the season a Total loss.

Hell we all read that Denver had only lost 1 of 18 of their last home openers, and then when we loose by a touchdown, everyone feints shock and unleash heaps of “told you so” criticism and character assasination attempts on their favorite Seahawk targets.

What ever happened to “We Believe”, and that undeniable, undefeatable spirit of the 12’vs who are there until the very last second of every game, and whose spirit has brought this team back from the edge of defeat to some of the most phenomenal victories in NFL history.

I look at the offense and defense that Pete and John have assembled in Seattle this season, and having watched them battle two formadable teams on the road, and consider that the only thing lacking in their make up is the continuity that can’t be developed anywhere else but on the field under fire.

I see that we have assembled a collection of highly skilled and talented professionals on both sides of the ball, and I have all the faith in the world that they are going to develop into a real force to be reconned with.

I haven’t lost site of who Russell Wilson is, he is still that dreamer who believes in himself and his teammates, and will fight with everything he has to find a way to win, and to inspire his team to greatness. There is not a damn thing wrong with our offense or defense that time on the field in real game time won’t eventually put them in sync, and once that clicks, they will prove to be better than the cast that brought us our first Super Bowl win.

Russell is taking himself too seriously this year, he needs to get out of his head and on to the field and start trusting himself and having some fun out there again. He is way to sensitive to criticism. He needs to remind himself that criticism is a tribute made to success, paid by mediocrity and stupidity. He needs instead to start listening to those of us, who like himself, Still Believe!

I feel like the minister at Sunday church, “ oh Yee of little faith”, how quickly you turn your backs and abandon your team, when they need you all more than ever to get their backs, and offer them your encourage and support, and most importantly your belief in them and what they, and we can accomplish, if we pull together instead of focusing on taring us apart.

We have everything we need in Seattle, right now to take on and defeat any team in the NFL. The only thing that can stop us is our inability or unwillingness to put our “told to so, character assassinations” of every aspect of our players, coaches, and owners, instead of humbling ourselves and trusting in that same wisdom that brought us Kam, Earl, Cliff, Sherm, and all the other hall of famers.

Most of what I’m reading in the forum today, is repeats of what I read when Mike got his walking papers and Pete got the reigns handed over to him a few years ago. There is that core that hated Pete Carroll, and have never had anything good today about him since day one. The are infectious, like a virus in their spreading of their “ told you so gloom and doom” mantra.

I for one have a mind of my own and refuse to drink from that punch bowl. I believe that the Seahawks are gonna do it again, and I sure as hell am not going to do anything but offer them all the belief and encouragement I can muster up. I still believe and I know that there are a lot more out ther like me, difference is I’m not afraid to speak my heart and Let the criticisms come my way, for walking my own path and having a thought of my own.

I really hope that this Seahawk team shuts their critics up this Sunday, and for the rest of the season, which will at ver least silence all the critics and there Get Pete movement, at least for a time, and open the eyes of those 12vs who are so caught up in all the negativity being preached right now by the sports media talking heads and some of our own members, and give them back their ability to believe in our merry band of misfits once again.

Go Seahawks! We’re gonna do it again, and I for one “Still Believe”.

This place is FULL of quitters & apologist's....(nuthin' new), eh?


Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Sultan, WA
Love the positivity brother! It's so desperately needed here!


Plenty of warts that have been discussed ad nauseam, and will continue to be discussed (hence the term "discussion board") but it's hard to wrap my mind around the sheer number of Debbie Downers and Eeyores on NET. We all have legitimate concerns, rightfully so, and it's okay to critique the team (it's our right as fans after all) but what intrigues me is the level of negativity that many seem to default to when there's a rough patch.

I don't even bother with the Russell threads anymore. Many of the comments are laughable, and that's being kind.

This team is going to frustrate the shit out of us this year. SO WHAT?! It's not life or death. It's entertainment. The NFL is cyclical. Most teams have their up seasons and down seasons. Most of us did not expect a Championship season this year. The team is full of new, young faces. A new OC/DC, new scheme implementation. Two away games to start the season? Thanks NFL.

Despite what all too many think here, THE SKY IS NOT FALLING.

I expect a win tomorrow. But if they lose? Okay, they lose. It's not a cancer diagnosis. It's not losing your job.


West TX Hawk

Active member
Nov 8, 2013
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I appreciate the positive vibes of the OP and many others. Make no mistake though-everyone here on this forum (sans 49er and Ram fans) wants to see the Hawks win every week. If people are posting at all it’s because they’re diehard fans, want a winning team and enjoy the discussions. But just because some question the direction of the organization does not in any way detract from being any less of a fan than eternal optimists. If people didn’t care about the team at all, they would ignore the forum and never post.

For most here, the Seahawks are must-see TV win or lose and when folks (myself included) present arguments as to what we see wrong, it’s analogous to disciplining your child or expressing concern to a family member. Critique in this sense is simply a byproduct of care.

So here’s to hopefully a great win Sunday...but if it’s not, life moves on and there’ll be plenty of healthy discussions ahead by all the great Hawk fans here.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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pacific101":3qdoto8d said:
What ever happened to “We Believe”, and that undeniable, undefeatable spirit of the 12’vs who are there until the very last second of every game, and whose spirit has brought this team back from the edge of defeat to some of the most phenomenal victories in NFL history.

Have you seem this offense?


Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Sultan, WA
West TX Hawk":ystxechh said:
I appreciate the positive vibes of the OP and many others. Make no mistake though-everyone here on this forum (sans 49er and Ram fans) wants to see the Hawks win every week. If people are posting at all it’s because they’re diehard fans, want a winning team and enjoy the discussions. But just because some question the direction of the organization does not in any way detract from being any less of a fan than eternal optimists. If people didn’t care about the team at all, they would ignore the forum and never post.

For most here, the Seahawks are must-see TV win or lose and when folks (myself included) present arguments as to what we see wrong, it’s analogous to disciplining your child or expressing concern to a family member. Critique in this sense is simply a byproduct of care.

So here’s to hopefully a great win Sunday...but if it’s not, life moves on and there’ll be plenty of healthy discussions ahead by all the great Hawk fans here.

Well put. I think the issue is within the level of negativity presented. At least it is for me. I may not agree or like some people's opinions, especially how they portray them, but I would never think they are less of a fan than I am. To your point, the very fact that someone is showing so much emotion (positive or negative) proves their investment as a fan. Apathy would turn NET into a graveyard right quick.

There are several types of fans. Those that fall on any level of the spectrum (from rose-colored glasses to perpetual Debbie Downers)...Fans who can get their message across eloquently, fans who can't, and everything in between.

But at the end of the day, we are ALL fans. It is the one common denominator that keeps a place like NET alive and thriving after 20 years.


New member
Mar 3, 2007
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Kitsap County
If the Hawks come out and hand a serious butt whipping to the Cowboys, the sky will quit falling, and everything else in Hawk Land will seem OK again.

Then again if they struggle horribly and clear out the stadium by the end of the 3rd quarter, the Blue Pride Waiting List will nearly or totally evaporate overnight.

I am hoping for the butt whipping.



New member
Feb 19, 2010
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Woooow that was needed around here. I am a hawks fan here in NC so i am not able to attend games but i challenge all fans that are to be loud and proud i was so disappointed that yall have given up and allowed Kansas city to own the record for loudest stadium in the league. That offends me and it should bother u all to. We once owned that record and owned it proudly but you guys have allowed complacency to settin and for a few years now for them to hold on to this record. Wakeup 12th man this should be the day we reclaim the record as the loudest stadium in the league. The team needs you now more than ever. LETS GO 12TH MAN!!!!!!!. Go Hawks.

Spin Doctor

Well-known member
Sep 8, 2009
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Appreciate the sentiment, but hope and sentiment don't win games.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2018
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I've been a fan since 1976. Hell I even got a Seahawks tattoo . They have the players to win ; without all the excuses. When Carroll comes out at the press conferences and spews " would of--could of --should of " it makes me realize that maybe the weakest link on the team is COACHING!! That's what I believe. Go hawks :irishdrinkers:


New member
Aug 31, 2012
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We barely lost to the Bears, but at any time did you feel like we were going to win that game? You’re either lying or delusional if you thought yes.

The score wasn’t as close as the game really was, due to our OC who lacks any creativity and absolutely lost who appears to not be able to gameplan, our OL being dog****, and Russell having the worst game of his career.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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pacific101":k9lhftfs said:
I can’t believe I’m in the Seahawk Forum, it’s hard to tell, with many, if I’m in our forum or our opponents forum. When I read all the post from 12’s, who after two close losses, on the road, and first two games into our season, with almost 10 times that number of games, left ahead of us left to play, and so many of you have already declared the season a Total loss.

Hell we all read that Denver had only lost 1 of 18 of their last home openers, and then when we loose by a touchdown, everyone feints shock and unleash heaps of “told you so” criticism and character assasination attempts on their favorite Seahawk targets.

What ever happened to “We Believe”, and that undeniable, undefeatable spirit of the 12’vs who are there until the very last second of every game, and whose spirit has brought this team back from the edge of defeat to some of the most phenomenal victories in NFL history.

I look at the offense and defense that Pete and John have assembled in Seattle this season, and having watched them battle two formadable teams on the road, and consider that the only thing lacking in their make up is the continuity that can’t be developed anywhere else but on the field under fire.

I see that we have assembled a collection of highly skilled and talented professionals on both sides of the ball, and I have all the faith in the world that they are going to develop into a real force to be reconned with.

I haven’t lost site of who Russell Wilson is, he is still that dreamer who believes in himself and his teammates, and will fight with everything he has to find a way to win, and to inspire his team to greatness. There is not a damn thing wrong with our offense or defense that time on the field in real game time won’t eventually put them in sync, and once that clicks, they will prove to be better than the cast that brought us our first Super Bowl win.

Russell is taking himself too seriously this year, he needs to get out of his head and on to the field and start trusting himself and having some fun out there again. He is way to sensitive to criticism. He needs to remind himself that criticism is a tribute made to success, paid by mediocrity and stupidity. He needs instead to start listening to those of us, who like himself, Still Believe!

I feel like the minister at Sunday church, “ oh Yee of little faith”, how quickly you turn your backs and abandon your team, when they need you all more than ever to get their backs, and offer them your encourage and support, and most importantly your belief in them and what they, and we can accomplish, if we pull together instead of focusing on taring us apart.

We have everything we need in Seattle, right now to take on and defeat any team in the NFL. The only thing that can stop us is our inability or unwillingness to put our “told to so, character assassinations” of every aspect of our players, coaches, and owners, instead of humbling ourselves and trusting in that same wisdom that brought us Kam, Earl, Cliff, Sherm, and all the other hall of famers.

Most of what I’m reading in the forum today, is repeats of what I read when Mike got his walking papers and Pete got the reigns handed over to him a few years ago. There is that core that hated Pete Carroll, and have never had anything good today about him since day one. The are infectious, like a virus in their spreading of their “ told you so gloom and doom” mantra.

I for one have a mind of my own and refuse to drink from that punch bowl. I believe that the Seahawks are gonna do it again, and I sure as hell am not going to do anything but offer them all the belief and encouragement I can muster up. I still believe and I know that there are a lot more out ther like me, difference is I’m not afraid to speak my heart and Let the criticisms come my way, for walking my own path and having a thought of my own.

I really hope that this Seahawk team shuts their critics up this Sunday, and for the rest of the season, which will at ver least silence all the critics and there Get Pete movement, at least for a time, and open the eyes of those 12vs who are so caught up in all the negativity being preached right now by the sports media talking heads and some of our own members, and give them back their ability to believe in our merry band of misfits once again.

Go Seahawks! We’re gonna do it again, and I for one “Still Believe”.

Varmints and vermin are everywhere. When they gather in packs their yelping can drown out all else.

But, I hear you brother. "I'M IN"


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2011
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Amen to the OP! Been a fan since the beginning of this franchise. I’ve seen the ups and downs. Win lose or draw, I enjoy the games and the season. Maybe finally winning the Owl has mellowed me. Maybe my age has mellowed me. I’m disappointed with a loss and happy with wins, but I no longer have the emotional highs and lows associated with whether they win or not. Ok, maybe I do but they don’t last as long or affect me as deeply as they once did.
My advice to the Debbie Downers and Negative Nancy’s? Sit back, watch the Seahawks and remember, at the end of the day, it’s a game. A loss doesn’t mean your family loves you less or that your job values you less or that you won’t have food on the table or a roof over your head.
BTW, I still believe they will be successful this season. And by that success, it could be nothing more than increased optimism for the 2019 season or a possible deep run in the playoffs.


Oct 22, 2009
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Still believe in Coach Carroll and Dangeruss.

Unfortunately, no longer believe in Schneider. Need new blood in the scouting department.


Active member
Aug 18, 2012
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Great optimism and I agree with a poster who said both sides are valued. I wish we could win every game. But this year I don’t see it, I hope we beat the boys but I fear we go 0-3.
If more threads were like this we could have better discussions and actually have a narrative like the days of past.
The captain has ran us aground too many times for me to follow him anymore (pete).. so I’ll see y’all in the chat and gameday forums go hawks

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