Is Russell Wilson Fake?


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Oct 14, 2012
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In a lofty place tanglin' with Satan over history.
We ALL have varying degrees of 'fake'. Unless you are a complete hermit, with no goals, no matter how lofty, then you are not completely genuine 100%of the time. Especially in today's 'Social Media/Big Brother/Cameras always ON' society we live in.
Most of the people on this board wouldn't dare say some of the stuff they say in The Shack or PRW forums around their boss or others who could stomp dead your aspirations. At least I hope not.
The world is a stage.
All I ask is that he keeps breaking records and bringing jewelry and trophies back to this 'one sport' city.


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Oct 14, 2012
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In a lofty place tanglin' with Satan over history.
Smellyman":324y9cwq said:
More delusional than fake.

I will not disagree with this. But even with this, there's a lot of rocks being thrown from glass keyboards.

All of this 'chatter' just means that #3 is doing alot of awesome shit, otherwise no one would even notice. So keep on ballin' Russ! "GO HAWKS!"


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May 13, 2015
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The Netherlands
He's not perfect but he seems like a genuine good guy who everyone tends to like. The only reasons I've heard for people disliking him are either being annoying to play against (incredibly hard to tackle and can easily complete passes from anywhere) or being too much of a good guy with the religious thing and his always work hard mentality.

And even these "negatives" can actually be seen in a good light for our team. Compare that to crybaby Cam, arrogant Rodgers or cheater Brady. I wouldn't trade Wilson for anyone.


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Jan 17, 2016
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He strives to be the best in everything he does. Can't imagine a QB with a better mentality for this team.

Haters gonna hate.


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May 17, 2013
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I'd rather have a franchise guy be like Russell Wilson than many other NFL examples of "cool" people.

Spin Doctor

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Sep 8, 2009
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Behind a mask there is always another mask. We, as human beings rarely show the true depths of our nature to people that we are not close with. The Wilson that we see in the press is not the real Russell Wilson, and the same goes for the 31 other teams starting Quarterbacks.

With that being said I'm not able to relate to the Russell Wilson I see in the media. Maybe if I met him in person that would change, but the current guy that I see plastered all over my television and computer I am just not able to. He reminds me too much of the folks over in Washington DC on the Hill. Everything he does and says in the media comes off as very calculated, and rehearsed. Even his hand gestures look like they have been practiced. I like the fact that he spends every Tuesday at the children's hospital, but I feel as if he goes out of his way to advertise the fact that he is spending time with these kids. By comparison we can look at Richard Sherman, a man who's charity work you do not hear very much about. He was actually listed as one of the most charitable athletes in the sports world, not just the NFL.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is I wish that Wilson would act a little less like he is running for president. I want to see a little more of the guys personality.


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Aug 27, 2012
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Give a single inch on this topic and one shall lose my respect.

To agree with this, just the slightest bit, is reinforcing a negativity that does nothing to help or support the Seahawks as an organization or Wilson as a player. The issue itself is completely subjective and opinionated with no method to quantify or scientifically measure.

In other words....opinionated bull#^%$. The kind of crap you read on a Forty Niner board and the last thing you would expect to hear from a fan.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Mick063":1t6jx458 said:
Give a single inch on this topic and one shall lose my respect.

To agree with this, just the slightest bit, is reinforcing a negativity that does nothing to help or support the Seahawks as an organization or Wilson as a player. The issue itself is completely subjective and opinionated with no method to quantify or scientifically measure.

In other words....opinionated bull#^%$. The kind of crap you read on a Forty Niner board and the last thing you would expect to hear from a fan.

No offense, but what a load of crap.

I can recognize Russell Wilson has a very manicured, managed, manufactured public persona and still love him as a person and player and still not have my fandom questioned. What a blowhard opinion. Its absolutely true, and that is why it means so much when there is a crack in the facade and he lets us truly in, even for a few minutes, like after the overtime win vs. Green Bay.

Its not like its an actual negative. In todays world of ever present media, etc.. Wilson does what is smart. Every once in a while a player can act 100% himself and get away with it, but more often than that, you cant. Especially as a quarterback, you have to be so much more than a regular person.

It doesnt mean every thing he does is insincere. It doesnt mean he isnt a good person. Hes an extraordinary person.

But, yes, he has sculpted an image because today you have to. If you dont, if you refuse to then you get portrayed how Cutler or Rivers do.. both are fine , upstanding people in reality. No crimes committed, plenty of charity done..but they havent taken the time to learn to craft an image, or dont care too.. and so generally are seen as sour pusses, etc.

its weird this is even a question.. even Brock and Salk refer to 'the robot'.. the PR machine. It doesnt mean they dont like him, they also just recognize that for what Russell Wilson wants for himself that is the best way to conduct himself. ANY off message word or action in todays environment can hurt you.. and Wilson probably learned that from the one time he did kind of go off message by admitting he saw Fifty Shades of Gray and immediately had a mini backlash or had people act scandalized..


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
Couldn't agree more with the post above. RW has an agenda and it stretches far beyond football. He conducts himself accordingly, like from a script. Nothing wrong with that. But to say it's negative to agree with the broadcasters views is a bit of a reach.

I have nothing against RW, and couldn't be happier he's our guy under center, but he rubs me the wrong way for whatever reason as well, and I too can barely stand listening to him talk. And I could also see how he could drive teammates crazy , I've seen clips of him doing exactly what the guy was saying.

Bottom line for me is, I'm sure there's some behind the scenes stuff he does, that could be considered fake, or irritating, but he has a good heart and a good moral compass, good enough for me, regardless how I or snyone else feels about him, he's great for this team. Just my 2 cents.


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Sep 21, 2013
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South Seattle
So would people rather Russ conduct himself like Cam, Kap, or Big Ben?

Thought so.


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Feb 20, 2014
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Vetamur":3rkom14p said:
Mick063":3rkom14p said:
Give a single inch on this topic and one shall lose my respect.

To agree with this, just the slightest bit, is reinforcing a negativity that does nothing to help or support the Seahawks as an organization or Wilson as a player. The issue itself is completely subjective and opinionated with no method to quantify or scientifically measure.

In other words....opinionated bull#^%$. The kind of crap you read on a Forty Niner board and the last thing you would expect to hear from a fan.

No offense, but what a load of crap.

I can recognize Russell Wilson has a very manicured, managed, manufactured public persona and still love him as a person and player and still not have my fandom questioned. What a blowhard opinion. Its absolutely true, and that is why it means so much when there is a crack in the facade and he lets us truly in, even for a few minutes, like after the overtime win vs. Green Bay.

Its not like its an actual negative. In todays world of ever present media, etc.. Wilson does what is smart. Every once in a while a player can act 100% himself and get away with it, but more often than that, you cant. Especially as a quarterback, you have to be so much more than a regular person.

It doesnt mean every thing he does is insincere. It doesnt mean he isnt a good person. Hes an extraordinary person.

But, yes, he has sculpted an image because today you have to. If you dont, if you refuse to then you get portrayed how Cutler or Rivers do.. both are fine , upstanding people in reality. No crimes committed, plenty of charity done..but they havent taken the time to learn to craft an image, or dont care too.. and so generally are seen as sour pusses, etc.

its weird this is even a question.. even Brock and Salk refer to 'the robot'.. the PR machine. It doesnt mean they dont like him, they also just recognize that for what Russell Wilson wants for himself that is the best way to conduct himself. ANY off message word or action in todays environment can hurt you.. and Wilson probably learned that from the one time he did kind of go off message by admitting he saw Fifty Shades of Gray and immediately had a mini backlash or had people act scandalized..

Totally agree with this. I don't care for it much because I'm a very outspoken person who says what's on his mind, but just because he is a "managed" personality does not make him loathsome IMO.


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Aug 20, 2013
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The actual content of the discussion isn't really about if Wilson is "fake" or not (although there's a little bit of that with the first baseman reaching thing), but rather, is about if some people find him to be annoying as a teammate or not.

From his time on the Hawks, his time on the N.C. State footbal teaml, and his time on the N.C. State baseball team a few people have said now that some of his teammates find him kind of annoying and think he's a kiss@ss who sucks up to the coaches an annoys people by trying to act like one.

That said, of the "bad" things a teammate could be this is way, way down there on the list (it's an inter-office politics gripe, not one too really take that seriously) and for everyone who feels this way about him there's gotta be at least one person (and probably more) who doesn't and many more who don't really care either way, but it is a story about him that seems to have travelled across multiple teams he has played for.

At the end of the day though, that *some* people he plays with might feel this way isn't even remotely surprising, as fans also comment on his overly eager cornball persona, and they're not spending full work days with him.

The sense I get is that guys like Cam or Rapes aren't great teammates from a PR and front office perspective, but pretty much universally rallied around from a team perspective. Wilson in his own way is kinda the reverse sometimes, it seems.


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Sep 9, 2012
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If acting is his thing, then he really isn't being *fake* now is he?


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Jan 11, 2015
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The SB Trophy and both NFC championship trophies are very real. That is good enough for me to cheer enthusiastically for Russell and continue to wish him the best.

I see it this way: Behind closed doors my boss and I talk frankly. When the door is open, I have my boss' back. It's good for business. And it is a positive trait to be loyal, and normal to expect loyalty in return.


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Jan 17, 2016
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fenderbender123":399vfupy said:
If acting is his thing, then he really isn't being *fake* now is he?



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Aug 20, 2013
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crosfam":1sk56ign said:
I see it this way: Behind closed doors my boss and I talk frankly. When the door is open, I have my boss' back. It's good for business. And it is a positive trait to be loyal, and normal to expect loyalty in return.

Great way to put it.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Here is the thing, Russell Wilson believes that projecting a certain persona is conducive to more opportunities for him. So he does.

At the same time, Russell also believes that doing good things generates other rewards. (Whether because of faith, karma or something else). is clearly working. So whether it is real or manufactured, I am not clear why he should even think about changing anything.