Know this has already been—but got my own twist


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Dec 5, 2013
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Sequim WA
Regarding the last game: us vs. da Bonkoze [manning & his crew]

Know why manning squawked about the coin toss being the "unfair decider" of the OT? Not because of any ruling, regulation or whatever . . . .
He lost and was cryin' over spilled milk. We have a mind set that has pervaded this generation that you don't take responsibilities for your actions. Pass the blame to someone else. If something negative happened to you, if YOU did something that YOU were getting blamed for, FIND SOMEONE ELSE TO BLAME. Don't accept the responsibility of being blamed for the action yourself. Ya gotta pass it on.

He just cannot accept the fact that HE LOST. So . . . he has to find, in this case a "regulation" regarding the coin toss determining who gets to go first. And a TD determines the win, not a 2 pointer or FG.

MAN UP MANNING—BE A MAN AND QUIT YER WHINING, YA PUTZ! :sarcasm_on: :stirthepot: :thfight7: :sarcasm_on:

Our guys played fair & square and deserve the win.
And manning made so many mistakes: over throws, interceptions, "sackOwitzes" poor timing on throws, etc.

We may end up seeing them in the next super bowl and then manning, YOU will have to MAN UP!
Take responsibility for your loss, it was fair & square. Don't find ANYTHING else to blame your loss on.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Manning is old enough not to be considered a part of "this" generation.


Sep 4, 2014
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I think Manning's point was just that it was such a good game, both teams battling hard, that it was too bad they didn't each have a chance with the ball. I see his point. However, to imply the result WOULD have been different is silly. There is no forgone conclusion that says Denver would have won had they gotten the ball first. There are too many variables and I still believe momentum is an overblown factor, otherwise there would be no such thing as momentum swings. Reasonable Denver fans have to concede that the end-of-game drive to tie it would have been difficult to repeat against the LOB at home.

The coin toss didn't lose them the game, their defense and our offense lost them the game. Just as it should. Leave the hypotheticals to the sports writers and analysts who get paid for 'ifs and buts'. Players should own their results...

That being said, the rule to end the game on an OT touchdown is superior to the previous rule, but can seem unsatisfying in an offensive shootout situation (which this was not). However, the other options are problematic as well and I don't see an obviously better system.

Put 15 minutes on the clock and let them both play until the end of a 5th quarter, player fatigue and injuries become an issue, plus, what if they are still tied?

Let each team have 1 more possession? They could still end up tied. Then I guess you could trade possessions until one had a different result than the other, but how many would you allow? In this scenario, I think the 2nd team has the advantage because they know if they can get by with a field goal or need a touchdown.

Like it or not, chance will always play a role in overtime.