Playoff OT Rules


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2010
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Since the current OT rules began in 2010, there have been 11 playoff games that have gone to OT.

The team that won the OT coin toss is 10-1 in those games.

In my opinion, the coin toss is far, FAR too large of a factor in determining the winner of these games.

This seems like such an easy problem to resolve. Just play an additional 10 minute period with the same timing rules as the 4th quarter. If it's still tied after that, alternate possessions until there's a winner like they do in college (although not from the 25, I mean full possessions).

The current OT rules are just stupid. Nobody wants to see these games end without 1 of the teams even getting a chance to play offense. A literal coin flip should not be such an enormous factor in deciding the winner of playoff games.