Russ strikes again???? Elway related.


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Aug 16, 2013
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North of the Wall
I think it was a huge part on why he left...that and several other qb mistakes. Wilson though was no doubt the worst...guess we kinda gotta thank Elway for this. I'd never of guessed the careers Wilson ruined in just one season.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2013
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I think it was a huge part on why he left...that and several other qb mistakes. Wilson though was no doubt the worst...guess we kinda gotta thank Elway for this. I'd never of guessed the careers Wilson ruined in just one season.
It is too early to dismiss RW as a top echelon QB. He has lucked into the perfect coach for him. I could always see him tearing up the NFL with New Orleans. He has a lot in common with Drew Brees. He has ALWAYS need lanes to see through. He should have them now.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Eastern Washington
It is too early to dismiss RW as a top echelon QB. He has lucked into the perfect coach for him. I could always see him tearing up the NFL with New Orleans. He has a lot in common with Drew Brees. He has ALWAYS need lanes to see through. He should have them now.
Russ needing "lanes" to see through wasn't the issue -- not seeing wide open receivers in his field of view was an issue. Not looking where he was supposed to look was another issue.

Unfortunately for Russ, he (and/or Team3) created the "Let Russ Cook!" narrative and framed it as a Pete vs. Russ thing. Then he went to Denver and got exposed. Now, the legitimate question in people's minds is, "Did Pete carry Russ?" Going to Denver and face-planting, when he was given everything he asked for, made him look like the problem. Hackett didn't help matters, but Hackett only served to distract from Russ's mistakes until Russ's mistakes were unavoidably obvious.

Now, if Sean Payton comes in and Russ does well again, how much credit does Russ actually get for that? One of the predominant narratives is going to be that Russ can't do squat unless he's got a HOF coach to keep him from shooting himself in the foot.


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Aug 17, 2012
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Riverside, California
It is too early to dismiss RW as a top echelon QB. He has lucked into the perfect coach for him. I could always see him tearing up the NFL with New Orleans. He has a lot in common with Drew Brees. He has ALWAYS need lanes to see through. He should have them now.
I find it interesting that so many in here refer to Geno as old, when older and beaten to hell for 10 years Russell is never old and ready to take the NFL by storm since SP came on board.
Sean is a coach, not a miracle worker, he can't improve Russ's eyesight, he can't improve his old and give out legs, he can't improve his ability to hit his target even on those rare occasions he does spot an open man. He may improve, but never again will he attain even mediocre status. If he isn't really careful, he may be lugging a clipboard around.
I believe that ten years of sacks have taken their toll.. Time will tell I guess...
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Mar 6, 2010
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Did Elway retire or did the team tell him they were not going to resign him. His contract expired


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Mar 3, 2007
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Eastern Washington
Sean is a coach, not a miracle worker, he can't improve Russ's eyesight, he can't improve his old and give out legs, he can't improve his ability to hit his target even on those rare occasions he does spot an open man.
Sean might be able to coach Russ on where to look and how to progress through his reads. He also might be able to get Russ to lose weight. Those aren't quite miracles, but they would count for a lot.

There are some things that age does that can't be undone. But I firmly believe that if Russ loses 15 pounds or so and consistently trains with sprint drills and agility drills, he could regain some of the escapability that drove defenses mad when he was younger.


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2022
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Russ literally has nowhere to go but up…I wouldn’t be shocked to see him play at a high level again….or to fall flat.



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Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
Russ needing "lanes" to see through wasn't the issue -- not seeing wide open receivers in his field of view was an issue. Not looking where he was supposed to look was another issue.

Unfortunately for Russ, he (and/or Team3) created the "Let Russ Cook!" narrative and framed it as a Pete vs. Russ thing. Then he went to Denver and got exposed. Now, the legitimate question in people's minds is, "Did Pete carry Russ?" Going to Denver and face-planting, when he was given everything he asked for, made him look like the problem. Hackett didn't help matters, but Hackett only served to distract from Russ's mistakes until Russ's mistakes were unavoidably obvious.

Now, if Sean Payton comes in and Russ does well again, how much credit does Russ actually get for that? One of the predominant narratives is going to be that Russ can't do squat unless he's got a HOF coach to keep him from shooting himself in the foot.

That's about as good a summary as I've ever read.
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Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
My bet would be #3 comes back to a respectable level . He needs to change
A lot of things


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Sep 18, 2015
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Sean might be able to coach Russ on where to look and how to progress through his reads. He also might be able to get Russ to lose weight. Those aren't quite miracles, but they would count for a lot.

There are some things that age does that can't be undone. But I firmly believe that if Russ loses 15 pounds or so and consistently trains with sprint drills and agility drills, he could regain some of the escapability that drove defenses mad when he was younger.

All Payton really can do is impose the Rosberg plan. I mean, Russ went 1 on 2 under Rosberg after Hackett was fired


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
Russ needing "lanes" to see through wasn't the issue -- not seeing wide open receivers in his field of view was an issue. Not looking where he was supposed to look was another issue.

Unfortunately for Russ, he (and/or Team3) created the "Let Russ Cook!" narrative and framed it as a Pete vs. Russ thing. Then he went to Denver and got exposed. Now, the legitimate question in people's minds is, "Did Pete carry Russ?" Going to Denver and face-planting, when he was given everything he asked for, made him look like the problem. Hackett didn't help matters, but Hackett only served to distract from Russ's mistakes until Russ's mistakes were unavoidably obvious.

Now, if Sean Payton comes in and Russ does well again, how much credit does Russ actually get for that? One of the predominant narratives is going to be that Russ can't do squat unless he's got a HOF coach to keep him from shooting himself in the foot.
Nailed it.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2015
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Payton will install his own plan. He has enough experience & success to know what works, and enough cache to make it stick whether Russ likes it or not.

I wonder how much Russ’ psyche can take.

He was always coddled in Seattle. Sherm was reprimanded for telling him in practice that “you fk suck.” This is news best delivered by teammates in real Time.

Bobby said before the la Denver game that he was never allowed to touch Russ. Well given said results of that game, I wouldn’t be surprised if
t Payton just puts a flag on Russ for practice. Hey, RUSS is the one who suggested pro bowl be a flag game. If he can’t scramble enough to avoid his flag being ripped on a scramble naked bootleg, better to know that before going out against a opponent whose job it is to tackle him.