Siliga Released, Pope Signed


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Mar 5, 2007
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I'm wrong on the status of Morgan, the team gets a 2 week exemption to fully activate him to the 53 even though he is considered a 54th man on the roster.


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Grand Rapids, MI
Seahawk_Dan":au4f693r said:
We have a Pope and a Chancellor now we just need a King and we're golden grahams.

Anyone know if Lamar King is in game shape?


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Oct 2, 2009
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Bremerton, WA
Rat":3aptmgvu said:
Seahawk_Dan":3aptmgvu said:
We have a Pope and a Chancellor now we just need a King and we're golden grahams.

Anyone know if Lamar King is in game shape?

I will also accept Duke, Kaiser, Baron, and Prince.

Oh, and we have an Earl (Thomas that is).


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
Rat":1azll4lg said:
Seahawk_Dan":1azll4lg said:
We have a Pope and a Chancellor now we just need a King and we're golden grahams.

Anyone know if Lamar King is in game shape?
According to this board, L King was not in game shape when he was actually on the team. ;)


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Aug 27, 2012
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When Morgan comes up, I don't think Pope is the guy leaving. I think it is Collins.

One carry for one fumble against the Patriots. I think Collins was on thin ice before then.


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Jan 13, 2010
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Houston Suburbs
Mick063":1ygx56u8 said:
When Morgan comes up, I don't think Pope is the guy leaving. I think it is Collins.

One carry for one fumble against the Patriots. I think Collins was on thin ice before then.

I'm actually somewhat surprised they didn't put Collins on waivers and keep C-Mike. Michael hasn't been great lately, but he's at least had some positive yards.

Collins must be showing a lot more in practice than we've seen so far in games.


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Oct 19, 2014
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Covington WA
sc85sis":3ucamkqu said:
Mick063":3ucamkqu said:
When Morgan comes up, I don't think Pope is the guy leaving. I think it is Collins.

One carry for one fumble against the Patriots. I think Collins was on thin ice before then.

I'm actually somewhat surprised they didn't put Collins on waivers and keep C-Mike. Michael hasn't been great lately, but he's at least had some positive yards.

Collins must be showing a lot more in practice than we've seen so far in games.

CMike would have probably been gone after this season to some team that will overpay. Collins is locked up for a few more years so at least there is a chance to see if he can do anything in the league. It still is a risk with 7+ games to go and Rawls and CJ not showing they can stay healthy. Hopefully we will not be down to AC and Pope come the post season.


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Sep 10, 2012
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I guess the important news about the Seahawks Roster Churn is that is seems to benefit other teams. Ware and Turbin both seem to be doing well at their current spots, time will tell if Michael can work his way back. I suspect we (and everyone else) will continue our search for the next Marshawn.


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Feb 16, 2013
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I really hope we activate Pope on game days and use him to return kickoffs. He flashed there in the preseason and it would be nice to take a little off of Lockett to focus him more on being one of our top WR's. Also I think he's the better runner (between Pope and Collins) for this offense if Prosise and Rawls need a rest.


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Oct 19, 2014
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Covington WA
Hoping Pope is active and AC is inactive. Would love to see Pope get a few carries and see how he does against NFL starters. If he flashes and Rawls is back close to what he was, then RB is set for a while when you add in CJ and AC. No need to waste 3 draft picks on RBs in 2017


Feb 7, 2015
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Florence, Oregon
I don't want to write a book, as I almost always do, but want to get my point across and be as clear and concise as possible. so I'll apologize in advance for being long winded.

It seems crystal clear to me that there is a plan that has been set in motion, that will bring The Pope, front and center as one of our leading Running Backs this year. Preferably as soon as our next game against the Eagles.

I don't know all the rules and technicalities, but I can't find anything that suggest that it would be prohibited, if the Seahawks wanted to keep and play all 4 of our Running Backs, and not have to put anyone of them under the bus to bring The Pope in to our offense.

Pete and Darrell have said from day one that they wanted to be known as a dominant running offense, and with this current combination of running backs we have at our disposal, I think they would have exactly what they dreamed of. A running game that will strike fear into the hearts of every defense in the NFL, and for good reason, they are unstoppable.

Think of it for a moment, a Healthy Thomas Rawls, C.J. Prosise, Alex Collins, The Pope, all active on our roster. The threat they pose with their combined talents, with Darrell Bevell, calling in plays that are custom designed to compliment the strengths and styles of each one of these Running Backs, and Russell having the options to go to with anyone of them, or the option to go to an air play, Cheese is Rice Man, there isn't anything in the NFL world, past or present, that I can think of, that would be more effective and devastating to our opponents than trying to cope with the threat of defending against anyone of these running backs, coupled with the deep pass threats of, Baldwin, Graham, Lockett, Kearse, and all the other crazy great receivers we have at our disposal.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, knowing full well that a few of you out there are so committed to the concept that Seattle Seahawks Offense sucks, that you will never be able to humble back down enough to admit, that it is perhaps already one of the greatest Offensive lines ever assembled, much less admit that it is fixen to become something even greater than that, with this running back line up that we are about to deploy.

I keep hearing us all going around in circles talking about if we were to activate The Pope, that we would have to give up one of our other Running Backs, and I understand the rational behind that thought processing, but that is because you are invested in traditional offensive line structuring. I think its time to think outside the box and consider, that, when we gave C-Mike his pink slip and even cleared a little more space with Siliga, although, I don't think the two were related events, that the stage has been set for the creation of the greatest running Offensive ever assembled in the history of the game.

That is what I love about the Seahawks. We are built on a concept of opportunity and competitiveness, long since breaking with traditional thought and doing everything by someone one else's book, we wrote our own.

In fact being just about the complete opposite seems to be our proven key to success. We have some great scouts out there who consistently identify players who they believe are being overlooked for a whole host of different reasons, and many of which, that have prevented them from realizing or demonstrating their full talents, in that critical early on process, that opens those doors of opportunity up for so many, but just as many are denied, that Seattle Seahawks have reopened to those that might not have otherwise had an opportunity to compete at all.

The Seattle Seahawks are the only NFL team, that I'm aware of, that has been developed, primarily, by way of a process that provides everyone, no matter how you got there, a fair and honest opportunity to complete for a place on our roster. I will say here and now that Troymaine came to Seattle, convinced of the fairness of that opportunity, and having hands down, out performed every Running Back on the team at that time, and by far exceeding the expectations of the coaches, was cut and denied the opportunity he proved he was worthy of,

I don't think I've personally ever felt so strongly, that Seattle had made a huge mistake, in their decision to let him go, and I expressed it. I felt like the thing that makes the Seahawks special and different from all the other teams out there, was ignored and violated in this instance, and was convinced instead that principals over personalities took precedence, with management making the decision to opt for another player, in his place, who had not competed for the position opening that Troymaine had, and was granted his place on the team instead. While I understood the rational of pedigree, it's never been what the Seahawks have been about and, I still am convinced that given that choice again, that The Pope was the better one in that circumstance,

As for Troymaine, I believe that it would be the second biggest mistake that the Seattle Seahawks hierarchy has ever made since the formation of the franchise, to let this kid go again. They already made their first greatest mistake doing it the first time.

Should they repeat that choice, I'm as sure as I can be that that decision will come back to haunt the Seahawks someday, when our defense has to step out on to the field and face him as a running back playing for one of our adversaries.

I think that given the way he played for us in preseason, and the way he is playing for us now on our practice squad, since his return to the Seahawks, that our present defense players, are probably all scratching their heads, wondering what in the world management was thinking of when they let him go the first time, and even more perplexed wondering what the hell are they waiting for in making room for him on the 53 man roster.

The Pope is not just another decent Running Back, I'm no expert, my only qualifications are having watched football for 50 plus years, wherein I had some concept of the game, and pretty good judgment of people and talent. With that in mind I truly believe that this kid is the real deal.

I felt that way about Marshawn when he first appeared in Seattle, I felt that way about Thomas Rawls when he appeared in Seattle, and I have felt way even more strongly since The Pope showed up in Seattle. I would bet my proverbial left nut that he is going to be a hall of fame inductee by careers end, given the chance to show the world what he's made of.

It's really rare to find a player with that has the combination of talent, skill, determination and commitment to becoming something special that exudes from his very being, you can't help but get caught up in it all when you listen to him talk or when you watch him play, He gives you 110% percent of himself in everything he does.

If the Seahawks hierarchy is foolish enough to let The Pope slip through their fingers for a second time, I'll promise that I'll be writing "I told you so's", here for the rest of my life, knowing that they had a chance to have one of the greatest running backs in the history of the game, playing for them, and missed it, not once but twice. I sincerely hope that doesn't prove to be the case.

I truly think that what all of you have to say on the forum is important, I have come to believe that a lot of the thoughts and opinions that are shared by all of us here, on, are valued by read by some of the players, and some of the coaches. I say this because I've heard Pete make references to the fact that he discusses, at least in general, what is presented here into his Monday players meetings.

Of course we have no way of knowing how much in specifics, or generalities, is shared, but I think that Pete shows wisdom and good judgement in doing so, because as much as we might differ in our thoughts, and opinions, I believe that collectively we all have the same goals in mind, which is seeing the Seahawks be successful in all their endeavors.

It's my humble opinion, as much as we tell each other how stupid we are, that there is, in all actuality a great deal of insight, combined experience, and, by many a well thought out presentation of ideas and the reasoning behind them, and most importantly a true unified desire to help our team be successful.

I don't pretend to be an authority on Pro Football. I'm not, what I am is a guy who has been a fan of the Seattle Seahawks, from the day they announced the forming of the franchise. I absolutely love this team, she is my mistress I suppose, at least my wife, children and grandchildren, not to mention just about everyone in this little coastal town would tell you, lol.

I enjoy the time I spend reading through threads, and obviously writing these long winded replies, and trying to do what I can to support the Seahawks in so much as I can, by words and by actions.

Go Hawks and long live the career of Troymaine "The Pope" Pope !!!



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Apr 17, 2012
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pacific101":m1ieloyz said:
I don't want to write a book, as I almost always do, but want to get my point across and be as clear and concise as possible. so I'll apologize in advance for being long winded.
The Pope is not just another decent Running Back, I'm no expert, my only qualifications are having watched football for 50 plus years, wherein I had some concept of the game, and pretty good judgment of people and talent. With that in mind I truly believe that this kid is the real deal.
I would bet my proverbial left nut that he is going to be a hall of fame inductee by careers end, given the chance to show the world what he's made of.
Go Hawks and long live the career of Troymaine "The Pope" Pope !!!

Dude, it's awesome that you love the Pope that much, probably not even Catholic, but be careful when betting body parts.
The guy has been released by 2 different NFL teams, and HOF seems a longshot right now. Remember good ol' Jim Mora (Sr.) and "Playoffs?! Playoffs??!! You kidding me, playoffs??!! I'm just hoping we can win a game, another game."

So with regard to Pope, "Hall of Fame??!! You kidding me, Hall of Fame??!! I'm just hoping he can get a key first down, move the chains."

It will be fun seeing what Pope can do against real NFL competition. Rooting for him. I do expect him to be an upgrade to CMike, maybe even hit the hole the play was designed for.


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pcbball12":31yu1wim said:
TwistedHusky":31yu1wim said:
The purpose of Pope should have been to have been a backup returner and as a Rawls-lite runner if Rawls was still hurt.

Rawls was hurt and we needed a backup returner.

I imagine it cost us at least one game if not two because of that omission (hard to tell because even with the better field position, our offense seems to turtle up when we have the lead, so doing better offensively might not have helped us if we took our foot off the gas.

But it would be hard to argue that some of the games, AZ and NO especially, would not have been a bit less trying with better field position. And it certainly could be argued that having Lockett hurt as a returner for several games, probably would have been easier to offset with Pope returning.

Of course, I haven't seen much of Pope as a returner, just the little bit in the preseason - so I don't know if there would have been a turnover risk more than normal?

Either way, it feels like the time we needed Pope is past and now we bring him on? I am perplexed. Pope was really supposed to be insurance against events that ended up happening.

More importantly, Siliga seemed to play well for us at a position we needed him to fill.

I don't understand it but hope Siliga comes back later, unless someone sees something in his tape that gives the reason here?
This is proof that you will always find something to be upset about. You have been one of the main people on here calling bloody murder about Pope being cut. They now bring him back and you don't understand it? Lol Jeez
And Siliga has not been good at all. He has been a big body, that is it. Probably not a complete coincidence that our run D has been worse since he came back and started getting snaps.

Thank you! Siliga was barely serviceable. I had no doubt that the coaches would replace him at the first opportunity. Somebody should make a gif of him gesturing at the Patriots sideline after he allowed a 5yd run.