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May 1, 2009
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Siouxhawk":34orpimk said:
Bitter":34orpimk said:
Year of The Hawk":34orpimk said:
IMHO it is not about not letting people have there opinion it is the excessive opinions that make it less fun. I don't think people are "hurt" by other posts but some people just need to let it go.
The anti Bevell crowd. We get it. You don't like the guy. But almost every post has something interjected about how much he sucks and should be fired. This doesn't even count the posts just dedicated to it. It is like listening to a broken record. It takes the fun and interest out of coming here. No feeling hurt just annoyance.
Nobody is saying he is coach of the year but people also feel the need to defend him with so many attacks (many of my posts). This just adds to the clutter and makes things less fun and interesting.

I like what Jville suggested. Have a particular post dedicated to the "I hate and blame Bevell". Maybe a sticky or even a sub forum for as much traffic as it might get. At least it is an attempt for a solution.

You are only looking at it from one side. I see as many pro bevell thread crapping posts and threads as anti bevell. Quite a few in the argument don't respect the right of other side to have that opinion. From my (probably biased) point of view, the pro bevell people are worse about it than the anti bevell crowd (in general) when it comes to lack of respect. Admittedly, I have allowed myself to become defensive and be drawn into lacking respect for the opposite side myself at times.
Wait a second. So those of us who support the Seahawks are the ones lacking respect? These same Seahawks who have brought us unparreled enjoyment in this era of franchise history? We are the ones showing a lack of respect by sticking up for the coaching staff that has made that happen? I'm afraid you are mistaken.
Also, you do realize that you are besmirching Pete every time with those petulant "fire Bevell" threads. You are basically saying that your wisdom and grasp of the contributions that Bevell makes to this team are superior to his. And don't give me that "loyalty to a fault" rhetoric, because no coach in the competitive NFL would undermine his own status and that of his team by employing any coordinator who he felt was inferior to what the market offers. Pete entrusts Bevell because he's the right fit for the job. Do you really question his ability to make this assessment after being a coach for 40-plus years?

This is the very kind of post Bitter is talking about. Exactly. Precisely. You are perfectly exemplifying one of the reasons this board is declining in quality.

Let's review a few things.

1. This was a thread about Aros and our appreciation of him, and you decided to use the opportunity to complain to the mods about their opinions of Bevell. Seriously?

2. "Be grateful for the team" isn't a reason to suppress anyone's opinion. It just isn't. That's called playing the "true fan card" and it is frowned upon because it isn't discussion; it's suppression of discussion. Sooner you can appreciate that, the sooner you'll understand the purpose of this board.

3. Someone else briefly brought up a counterpoint to your "success = Bevell" belief in an earlier post. You either didn't see it or dismissed it completely. THAT'S the kind of poison this board is struggling with. People like you see only their own opinions and won't discuss others at all.

You can have your opinion of Bevell, and other fans' opinions of him, all you like. That's your opinion and I agree with it to some extent. But when you use it as a club to try and stop other people from discussing, or when you refuse to actually address other people's counterpoints...THAT is when you get off base. Have your opinion, but discuss others' and respect others'.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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That will do everybody.

I'm not sure this discussion, as telling as it may be, is what Todd had intended.
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