The "Play To Win" attitude.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2012
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The Seahawks must bring a “play to win” attitude to the playoffs.

During the regular season we saw how the team dominated when they were expected to lose to a supposed superior team, but yet lost against inferior opponents. Part of this could be attributed to a “playing to not lose” attitude, rather than going out to win the game.

This attitude can lead to your reacting to an opponent rather than initiating the action, playing too carefully and can bring your confidence level down. Confidence is so important when competing. It leads to playing with conviction and believing in yourself and team-mates.

In my own sports experience, I had an undefeated season…but the next year was bad, as I was reacting to moves rather than playing with force. I was “playing to not lose”, rather than “playing to win”.

Play to win Seahawks…and you will!