
This is our Super Bowl folks. Beat the Broncos tonight and I don't care if we lose every other game the rest of the way. Beating the Broncos tonight is all I want for this season. Have Russell come back home for his first game after everything and eat a slice of humble pie. If we win we can ride atop the division and say we are undefeated for one whole week while the whiners and the rest started 0-1.

Get loud if you can get there folks. I'm not able to make it.

Just some advice to my many fans who will be at the game: I understand how much my opinion means to you guys so I'll let you know. I wouldn't boo Russ if I was there. Go ahead and take the high road. Give him an ovation despite everything. And then cheer like hell for us to sack his ass!

Booing him is what he wants. It makes him look like the good guy and casts a bad light on our fans. He's all about narrative and if we boo it will embolden him. So take the high road and give him an ovation. It won't be what he's expecting.

That's just what I would urge my fans who are there to do. Also, please be nice to John if you happen to see him in the crowd in Broncos gear. He's a nice guy, just misguided.

Now let's win our Super Bowl.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2013
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Kalispell, MT
Best would be if he received the exact same attention as every other opposing player that appears in Lumen... a yawn, swig of beer, a bite of burger, and more chatter with the neighbor. Ignore the little prick. Probably won't happen, though.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
first game of the year is our super bowl? Um, ok
I'll be there as always, won't boo at all. But once that game starts, time to get very loud and he's the enemy.


Advise to your many fans? Lol ok then.

Oh... im booing his ass and his lame wife right out of Seattle.
I'm kind of a big deal on here. Lots of people really rely on my opinions. I'm a humble guy but I understand my words carry a lot of weight. Very nice of me to take some time out of my busy day to post my thoughts here.

first game of the year is our super bowl? Um, ok
I'll be there as always, won't boo at all. But once that game starts, time to get very loud and he's the enemy.
This is what I'm advocating for. Personally, I'd clap when he takes the field and that's it. Regardless of everything he still won a SB here. Even though wed have won more with Flynn.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Yep, people are acting like scorned 10 year olds. It's sports, players move on. Get over it. I'm glad they moved on from him, but I also appreciate what he meant to this team.
Meanwhile, many think the guy is Satan. Ok, cool. Mutual split, and we got plenty back for him. I'll go ahead and concentrate on the HAWKS. Couldn't care less about any other team.
And for the record, I see Russ a LOT differently than I did before this trade. GLAD he's gone.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
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Yep, people are acting like scorned 10 year olds. It's sports, players move on. Get over it. I'm glad they moved on from him, but I also appreciate what he meant to this team.
Meanwhile, many think the guy is Satan. Ok, cool. Mutual split, and we got plenty back for him. I'll go ahead and concentrate on the HAWKS. Couldn't care less about any other team.
And for the record, I see Russ a LOT differently than I did before this trade. GLAD he's

This is our Super Bowl folks. Beat the Broncos tonight and I don't care if we lose every other game the rest of the way. Beating the Broncos tonight is all I want for this season. Have Russell come back home for his first game after everything and eat a slice of humble pie. If we win we can ride atop the division and say we are undefeated for one whole week while the whiners and the rest started 0-1.

Get loud if you can get there folks. I'm not able to make it.

Just some advice to my many fans who will be at the game: I understand how much my opinion means to you guys so I'll let you know. I wouldn't boo Russ if I was there. Go ahead and take the high road. Give him an ovation despite everything. And then cheer like hell for us to sack his ass!

Booing him is what he wants. It makes him look like the good guy and casts a bad light on our fans. He's all about narrative and if we boo it will embolden him. So take the high road and give him an ovation. It won't be what he's expecting.

That's just what I would urge my fans who are there to do. Also, please be nice to John if you happen to see him in the crowd in Broncos gear. He's a nice guy, just misguided.

Now let's win our Super Bowl.

Yep, people are acting like scorned 10 year olds. It's sports, players move on. Get over it. I'm glad they moved on from him, but I also appreciate what he meant to this team.
Meanwhile, many think the guy is Satan. Ok, cool. Mutual split, and we got plenty back for him. I'll go ahead and concentrate on the HAWKS. Couldn't care less about any other team.
And for the record, I see Russ a LOT differently than I did before this trade. GLAD he's gone.
There is nothing wrong with letting Russ know how we feel. Nothing wrong with that at all. Thats football. Cant take it? better sign up some where else...


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Fan how you want, doesn't make it right or wrong. People can do whatever they want to. Meh.
He's gone, he'll get an ear full all night. That's sports. I have a right to my opinion, and I think many fans are acting like children. This sensitive fanbase is funny to me. A player moved on, oh the horror. As if he did something to you personally. It's sports. MY choice to see it how I want. He will get boos, he will get cheers, fine. As long as he gets a LOSS, that's what truly matters.

And I'll say it yet again, I'M GLAD HE'S GONE


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2013
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North of the Wall
I'm just happy to finally see the team play. I'd love nothing more than to see Russ throw a pick or two and his ass thrown to the ground. I would not cheer for him as he is just another opposing team player who deservedly should receive some boos with how he exited and conducted himself here the last few years. I thought he was a special player the first few years here but unfortunately his ego and fame got the best of him. After tonight he's just another guy on a team I hate. Go Hawks as someone used to day...


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Tijuana/San Diego
Saying that he just moved on is a bit disingenuous. He literally started undermining the team's and fanbases' confidence in the coaching staff and front office all while pandering to the fans about him wanting to be a Seahawk for life while trying to force a trade.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Best would be if he received the exact same attention as every other opposing player that appears in Lumen... a yawn, swig of beer, a bite of burger, and more chatter with the neighbor. Ignore the little prick. Probably won't happen, though.

A bit unrealistic to think fans are going to treat the greatest QB in their franchises's history who forced his way out via a trade, who's btw coming back in the FIRST game since the trade.

Maybe if this was 2-3 years later the resentment wouldn't be this raw, but I fully expect Lumen to be off the hook tonight with energy and boo's every time Russ steps onto the field.

Unless he throws for three straight TD's to open the game or something that shuts the crowd up. But anything short of that it's going to be ugly for Russ. Fans are pissed.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Should be a hell of an entertaining night. Season opener is always huge, let alone being on MNF. Embrace the drama and enjoy the night. Good OR bad.
Fans can feel how they want. The obsession with acting like the guy did something to them personally is funny, to me. Another huge reason I'm glad he's gone. Hopefully after tonight the Russ obsession 24/7 will die down a little bit. Other than hoping he loses, a LOT. If you wanna' be pissed, have it it.


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
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Fan how you want, doesn't make it right or wrong. People can do whatever they want to. Meh.
He's gone, he'll get an ear full all night. That's sports. I have a right to my opinion, and I think many fans are acting like children. This sensitive fanbase is funny to me. A player moved on, oh the horror. As if he did something to you personally. It's sports. MY choice to see it how I want. He will get boos, he will get cheers, fine. As long as he gets a LOSS, that's what truly matters.

And I'll say it yet again, I'M GLAD HE'S GONE
Nobody is trying to take away your opinion at the same time nobody is calling you a 10 year old for having your opinion. Not that i care what you think just sayin...


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
This is our Super Bowl folks. Beat the Broncos tonight and I don't care if we lose every other game the rest of the way. Beating the Broncos tonight is all I want for this season. Have Russell come back home for his first game after everything and eat a slice of humble pie. If we win we can ride atop the division and say we are undefeated for one whole week while the whiners and the rest started 0-1.

Get loud if you can get there folks. I'm not able to make it.

Just some advice to my many fans who will be at the game: I understand how much my opinion means to you guys so I'll let you know. I wouldn't boo Russ if I was there. Go ahead and take the high road. Give him an ovation despite everything. And then cheer like hell for us to sack his ass!

Booing him is what he wants. It makes him look like the good guy and casts a bad light on our fans. He's all about narrative and if we boo it will embolden him. So take the high road and give him an ovation. It won't be what he's expecting.

That's just what I would urge my fans who are there to do. Also, please be nice to John if you happen to see him in the crowd in Broncos gear. He's a nice guy, just misguided.

Now let's win our Super Bowl.
John will be very busy between here and the other board..He has a thankless job.


SoulfishHawk your obsession with me is unhealthy! I didn't even mention my sources here and your still bringing it up! I understand I'm a big deal here but you need to relax!

I'm beginning to think Soulfish is jealous and is one of the Karen's who complained to management about my sources!