Took One On The Chin.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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All yesterday's game did was confirm what most of us already knew, the Hawks are a good team but nowhere near a great team.

Having said this, it was deeply troubling to see us struggle in every phase getting dominated by a team that's exactly modeled in the likeness of what we want to be.

But we're not that. Not even close, and that's the part that worries me. That Pete and John are failing at trying to do just that.


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May 14, 2009
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Right? I got used to 3rd guy in making the eventual 'tackle' -

I didn't track Adams much yesterday - I was too busy watching everything else suck - but my wife mentioned that 33 looked like a retarded attack snake out there - fast as F but missing everything. Not sure how accurate THAT is.
I propose that becomes a popular catch phrase ....... RASsin . As in : Dude, he was rassin out there big time !


Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
Right? I got used to 3rd guy in making the eventual 'tackle' -

I didn't track Adams much yesterday - I was too busy watching everything else suck - but my wife mentioned that 33 looked like a retarded attack snake out there - fast as F but missing everything. Not sure how accurate THAT is.
Retarded attack snake ?

I think I love your wife ❤️


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Sammamish, WA
Right? I got used to 3rd guy in making the eventual 'tackle' -

I didn't track Adams much yesterday - I was too busy watching everything else suck - but my wife mentioned that 33 looked like a retarded attack snake out there - fast as F but missing everything. Not sure how accurate THAT is.
It wasn't just him. Reed missed a few, Brooks, Diggs, Brown, and Wags too. The whole team looked like they need to go back to tackling school.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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All yesterday's game did was confirm what most of us already knew, the Hawks are a good team but nowhere near a great team.

Having said this, it was deeply troubling to see us struggle in every phase getting dominated by a team that's exactly modeled in the likeness of what we want to be.

But we're not that. Not even close, and that's the part that worries me. That Pete and John are failing at trying to do just that.

34-18 against Atlanta in '10. PC said after that game that was the team he wanted to build. Two years later, we had a better team than that Atlanta team in '10.

I think we have a similar situation here. Seattle just went up against a team that in PC's mind, is the team he wants to build. Seattle just isn't there quite yet although I suspect Charbs is one piece to that puzzle. K9? Not so much.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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My point being, give it time. PC knows what he wants to build. What he needs his time and patience while he puts in the pieces.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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34-18 against Atlanta in '10. PC said after that game that was the team he wanted to build. Two years later, we had a better team than that Atlanta team in '10.

I think we have a similar situation here. Seattle just went up against a team that in PC's mind, is the team he wants to build. Seattle just isn't there quite yet although I suspect Charbs is one piece to that puzzle. K9? Not so much.

Other than Witherspoon, what defensive player on our roster fits this mold? I mean a healthy Adams did, but he's nowhere near the physical force he used to be. Wagner's good, but past his prime and not exactly an intimidating force.

And our D-line is mostly smaller finesse players that do play with some edge, but not exactly punishing war daddies or edge rushers that put the fear of god into offenses and QB's.

So are we really building what you're talking about? Cause I see a very young and talented defense on the rise, but I don't see what I saw on Sunday out of the Ravens D, which forced their will on our offense and punched them in the mouth.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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34-18 against Atlanta in '10. PC said after that game that was the team he wanted to build. Two years later, we had a better team than that Atlanta team in '10.

I think we have a similar situation here. Seattle just went up against a team that in PC's mind, is the team he wants to build. Seattle just isn't there quite yet although I suspect Charbs is one piece to that puzzle. K9? Not so much.
The problem is, after the LOB years, he has been unable to build that team. One glaring example of why is the decision to take Eskridge over Humphrey. He wants the kind of team Humphrey would fit in, but he get's distracted by the shiny toys.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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Other than Witherspoon, what defensive player on our roster fits this mold? I mean a healthy Adams did, but he's nowhere near the physical force he used to be. Wagner's good, but past his prime and not exactly an intimidating force.

And our D-line is mostly smaller finesse players that do play with some edge, but not exactly punishing war daddies or edge rushers that put the fear of god into offenses and QB's.

So are we really building what you're talking about? Cause I see a very young and talented defense on the rise, but I don't see what I saw on Sunday out of the Ravens D, which forced their will on our offense and punched them in the mouth.
The Ravens also have a coaching staff that doesn't abandon what they do well and will patiently where you down.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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Other than Witherspoon, what defensive player on our roster fits this mold? I mean a healthy Adams did, but he's nowhere near the physical force he used to be. Wagner's good, but past his prime and not exactly an intimidating force.

And our D-line is mostly smaller finesse players that do play with some edge, but not exactly punishing war daddies or edge rushers that put the fear of god into offenses and QB's.

So are we really building what you're talking about? Cause I see a very young and talented defense on the rise, but I don't see what I saw on Sunday out of the Ravens D, which forced their will on our offense and punched them in the mouth.
Size Matters? LOLOLOL Yep.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Here and there
It happens. What also happens is hyperbole by fans reacting to an embarassing loss.

Show of hands. Who here thinks we are going to go 5-12?

Get real. Every team has bad games. Yes we sucked today. Will we suck next week and the week after? Likely not.

I am putting money on us being 7-3 in two weeks. No that doesn't mean our issues are resolved, nor any guarantee of division champs but what it means to me is that this team is much better than they showed today. As they say, you are never as good as you think you are nor are you as bad as you think you are.

The Seahawks are a very young and very talented team trying to find their way.

Yes Geno needs to get out of his funk. Yes we can always be better. But don't mistake this loss for suddenly being a terrible team. It happens.
Felt like more like we took one to the groin ;-)

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