Why so quiet?


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Mar 5, 2007
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Aros":3lkjswij said:
I've heard from too many tenured members recently who have called it quits due to the constant attacks.

Yep, that pretty much describes me, I click on an interesting topic and start to read and then around post five the whole thing gets sucked into some bizarre political anti mask anti vax rant.

If I try to respond with facts, I get shouted down by people I've never met -- and they seem to be here primarily to rant about the virus as opposed to talk about the Seahawks.

After about six or eight times through this process, I just gave up. I come here every once in a while to see if there's anything really interesting but I only click on the topics that look super super interesting... and then I'm usually disappointed again.

The suggestion of blocking users is a good one. I hate doing it, and never have had to do it on any other forum, but there really isn't any moderation here, I am sure it would be a herculean task to try to keep the forums clean of rude comments or outright misinformation, so it might be appropriate.

I'm pretty excited about the season but also very very worried. I'm not sure I'm ready to be in a stadium full of people. It's kind of scary.


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Sep 20, 2020
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For me, even though I'm a die-hard, I only care when the season starts. It's just kinda that simple.


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Nov 24, 2009
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Long Island, NY
James in PA":22n7wvcq said:
The organization has been at a standstill since the SB heartbreaker. A good team, but not close to sniffing another SB since. Every year they try to sell us on how they’ve upgraded an area of weakness from the year before, but its always the same result in the end. I think people don’t want to get their hopes up again.

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I agree. I also think if this years team looks like a real SB contender we will see a big uptick in posts and traffic. I guess when the team has basically done the same thing for so many years it’s just not much to talk about.

Really hope this year the team figures it out. Then all the fighting between us over whatever will be throw to the side. Sports used to allow people with all diff opinions to push them aside and enjoy our differences. Now they drew a line in the sand and if you think any diff you’re a bigot or whateverism. We have to be better than that.

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Mar 4, 2007
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North Vancouver
Maelstrom787":1bczobql said:
There are a lot of factors. Much of it is just the natural progression of things. There's no real need for an outlet to talk football, you can do it on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, hell even Instagram.

For a traditional forum, there needs to be a really, really close-knit community for it to truly thrive, especially in terms of maintaining the same membership and activity that was around when forums weren't such an outmoded form of conversing.

Not to be discounted, either, is the fact that this past year has been constant trauma surrounded by millions of deaths over a pandemic that turned over many of our lives.

This pretty much nails it. I'll just add the first point is the primary reason and don't forget podcasts and Youtube.

We like to think that this board had a big following in the past but when compared to traditional or other digital platforms its audience was and continues to be small. It doesn't take much competition to reduce this board's followers and engagement.

I personally like .NET but I'm over 55 so part of an old and shrinking demo. That said, even I spend most of my time listening to podcasts and reading/engaging with blogs and other social media.

The other reasons why the board is less active are the NFL is losing audience to other sports and gaming which is related to the demo challenge above. Then add the comparatively quiet offseason and you're going to get less people engaging on here.

I don't buy it's the new posters fault. This is more a crutch longtime board members like to use on most boards in decline. There have always been contrarians and click bait types on this board. They have come and gone over the years. They are chum for the longtimers who like to argue and build cliques and hierarchies.

You can see it as kind of sad but inevitable in digital communications. The fact is this board has been and continues to be a good channel for info but now it's part of a bigger mix.


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Aug 30, 2014
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A lot of people who used to love football and love Seahawks.net no longer do.

The NFL is going the way of the Dodo.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
I don't post in here very often as I am a frequent participant in another Seahawk forum. We're seeing a decline in participation there as well and I agree that more and more people are turning to Facebook and Twitter to talk sports. There's way too many cheerleaders on those platforms to suit me and I much prefer forums like this one as there are far more intelligent football people to interact with.

One of the reasons why I don't post in here very often is because it's too busy. I'll create a post then come back to check it the next day and it's buried about 6-8 replies deep with no one responding to my comments. It's like I'm talking to myself. At least in the 'other' forum, I always get a reply.

So look at the bright side. Maybe things slowing down some in here is a good thing.


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Oct 1, 2010
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There's also not much happening publicly right now and so there's not much to discuss. The Seahawks are better than most teams at holding information close and journalists this season are more limited than ever regarding what they can report on from team practices. I went to two practices this year and there's little of interest to say about them; we only see a tiny slice of what is actually going on and the scheme stuff has been talked about for months now.

The result is an abundance of rumors but little actual fact and even the most avid followers don't know anything for certain. So you have the same posters rehashing the same opinions endlessly and not much reason for most to check in.

I bet discussions will ramp up significantly over the next month as we get preseason games, then roster cutdowns and then real games.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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Fade":29z1iujp said:
I'll point some others out besides the obvious ones mentioned already.

1) The Carroll Seahawks are a rinse, repeat team. Everything has been discussed ad nauseum for over a decade. Win 10 games, get bounced early in the playoffs, Carroll talks about wanting to run the football more, injuries etc.. The Waldron hire gives opportunity for something new to talk about, but people are waiting to see it in an actual NFL game with him calling plays before giving their takes.

2) The league is currently not a good product. Just sit and watch an entire NFL broadcast start to finish that doesn't involve the Seahawks if you don't believe me. It is a multitude of factors not just one thing. The softening of the game, long commercial breaks, ridiculous rules, bad officiating, + many more. But ultimately interest is dwindling overall and I don't see the trend reversing anytime soon. Ratings will be down again, and its only going to get worse.

If less people are consuming the product, less people will be discussing said product.

I agree with this 100% and it's why I mute the TV.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
AgentDib":3pbys38w said:
There's also not much happening publicly right now and so there's not much to discuss. The Seahawks are better than most teams at holding information close and journalists this season are more limited than ever regarding what they can report on from team practices. I went to two practices this year and there's little of interest to say about them; we only see a tiny slice of what is actually going on and the scheme stuff has been talked about for months now.

The result is an abundance of rumors but little actual fact and even the most avid followers don't know anything for certain. So you have the same posters rehashing the same opinions endlessly and not much reason for most to check in.

I bet discussions will ramp up significantly over the next month as we get preseason games, then roster cutdowns and then real games.

Obviously there's a seasonal aspect to forum participation in this arena as well as other platforms, but the sense I'm getting is that it goes beyond just a routine slow offseason. Besides, we've had our share of controversy this offseason, with the Russell Wilson drama, the Adams and Brown contract negotiations, a former player inducted into the HOF, along with pandemic-related football issues which should help foster discussions.

Your bet is more like a slam dunk. It will pick up in the coming weeks. :D